I love the cheat tool you have made and have been using it a lot.
1.2 version didn't give me any problems as long as didn't use the ''Actors'' option and changed the values (hp,mp lvl) which usually resulted in a game crash. Apart from that everything worked just fine for me.
I love the addition of ''Switches'' in 1.6 version.
The problem i have in the ver.1.6 is with ''Refresh data'' button.
Here is what happens;
when i click the ''Refresh data'' button the ''Variables'' values change from what they were (0, 1, 100... or whatever was their value) to ''True'', ''False'' or ''0'' and they stay that way frozen not updating. The variables added to favorites don't change but some of them don't update.
''Weapons'' ''Armors'' ''Items'' don't change and seem to update just fine.
This happens every time with every game i have tried so far. Don't know if it's just me..
I have tried:
Refreshing data again,
Closing and opening the tool,
Reloading config,
Restarting game,
Reinstalling tool and game by deleting it,
Reinstalling 1.2 version of the tool over the same game changes the variables back to normal and kinda fixes the problem, but if i try to install the 1.6 again the problem comes back. (the problem being the values are True,False and 0 insted of what they are supposed to be and are still not updating)
I noticed the Favorites stay even if i completely remove the game and tool, also between versions 1.2 and 1.6 of the tool and the favorites are even kept between 2 versions of the same game not sharing the same ''Directory''.
That being presumably the case, are the Tool setting and/or favorites for a game saved somewhere else like User/AppData...? if so can you tell me directory? Deleting that my be a temp solution.