Im erasing my previous review since it was dog shit and putting up a new one after replaying the game from start to finish
First of all i have to say.... This game is PEAK! the zenith of all zeniths! A piece of media that was denied its rightfully deserved glory and should be Lauded with the highest applause! sadly due to the stigma that is deeply smeared upon H games this title is buried in obscurity

*Ahem* had to get that out of my system first but heres a breakdown of it
General Gameplay:
First of all this doesnt play out as a standard RPGM, it uses a binding of isaac esque playstyle where you clear rooms and upgrade your arsenal in a rouguelite dungeon crawler style and fortunately the game is more forgiving than that so the casuals can still finish the game without bitching and moaning about the difficulty being too hard and if thats still too hard then its just skill issue at that point.
Honestly the game really took me in for a ride since each weapon has a different gimmick from others and you can choose which weapon suits your playstyle better. It was really fun to mix and match my melee weapons to my range to see which synergizes well with the skills you unlock.
For example theres a knife in the game that hurts more in proportion to the MC's horniness. Stacking damage buff to unleash it all in one single hammer strike to one shot enemies was pretty fun and thats only a few of them.
The visuals are great with its execution since the artist really owns their artstyle instead of recycling a cookie cutter unoriginal slop thats unmemorable and just painful to look at. The artstyle have a solid lining and small animations that gives life to the characters and the world as a whole. I assure that you wont be forgetting this game anytime soon after you play it even if you overdose on generic RPGM since the artstyle is memorable.
Music and sound design:
The music really brings out the scenes with somber soundtrack for when the feels roll or an energizing rush inducing beats that makes you really wanna smack that boss hard or when the tunes starts singing a choir which at that point you better start praying.
The weapon sound effects as you swing or shoot also nails it in the details department and adds a layer to the fun of using different types of weapon.
Some scenes have a fully voiced dialogue for when shit gets serious and for emotional moments that will throw an emotional left hook to your guts.
Story and characters:
Mayhaps the best and strongest point of this game is the characters and the story. The air of mystery as you start out on your journey to uncover the truth of the heavens ladder compels you to dive in again and again and again until you finally reach the top to get the answer that you started this journey for.
The side stories are deep and really emotional and the conclusions for side quests doesn't guarantee a happy ending or some deus ex machina where everyone is happy. Your choices and progression is reflected upon the town you play at and the game have a solid way of always reminding you this.
The most refreshing and strong point about the characters is that our MC isn't some self insert blank slate that acts naive like a typical isekai MC thats needs everything to be explained to them.
The scenes are animated and has variety to pick from with the usual defeat cutscenes for normal mobs and a unique CG for boss defeats. Honestly for an H game, The H department is lacking but by the later end you will be playing it for the story and not the H anymore that i gurantee.
Since this review is getting too long ill end it here. This game can be summarized with "game first, hentai second". Play it if you want to experience an engaging game with a great story thats dashed with a side of hentai. Go for the true end, you wont regret it...