You ever sit down to enjoy a nice relaxing session with a game that you though was going to be just your average run-of-the-mill schlock, only to realize you should’ve been asleep 7 hours ago and you can only barely tear yourself away from the game so you can get some shut-eye? That’s the Ruin Seeker experience in a nutshell: a game that is way, way better than it has any right to be.
Pros to the game:
- The controls and gameplay might honestly be the best I’ve ever experienced in a porn game. Smooth and easy to learn, but also very rewarding to master. Whoever’s idea it was to put a low cooldown dash that you can curve needs a raise, because that central mechanic creates an extremely fast-paced combat system that is an absolute delight to play
- The story. No, I’m serious. I had played the japanese demo of this game a while back, and even back then I was impressed by the above-mentioned controls. Little did I know that I was missing out on one of the best parts of the game. Everything, from the main plot to the side quests to even the dialogue between the two main characters has visible effort on display akin to the likes of Witcher 3. They really put a ton of thought to every last detail, and it serves to both flesh out the world and the characters in it.
- Depth upon depth upon depth upon depth. Just when you think you’ve reached the end of what the game has to offer, it gives you even more stuff to see and do. I’ve played this game for over ten hours, and I’ve only just begun to see the light of 100% completion.
- The aesthetic details are all top-notch, far beyond what I’d come to expect from an h-game. From the gorgeous artstyle, to the ambient music that matches Ariadne in term of quality, you can tell that the developers made sure that every single last piece of art and music was put into its perfect place.
- My only complaint is that, strangely enough, it feels slightly rushed, which is unbelievable considering how much content is already in the game. There is a brothel location in this game, and given that this is a porn game you would expect there to be sexytimes had there, right? Nope, you can buy some potions there and that’s about it. Also, there are mini-bosses that you can encounter, and defeating them earns you the right to claim a gold bounty. How many of them have unique h-scenes? Two. And one of them is a side-quest boss instead of a random encounter. Some of the enemies in the game don’t have h-scenes when you lose to them, instead you might get a few text boxes describing what happened before it dumps you into town. Sometimes you don’t even get that and you just pop right back at spawn. All of these feel like scissor-marks of a game that was cut-down at some point. It might almost be too much to ask, considering that what’s already in the game blows a good ninety-five percent of other porn games out of the water, but if this game ever got any DLC add-ons, I’d buy that in a heartbeat.
But honestly, if my only complaint is “there should be more of it” then you already know it’s good. Games of this caliber come around maybe once every three-to-five years and even when they do they are very, very rarely completed. If you like game-over rape with a female protagonist, you would do yourself a disservice by not playing Ruins Seeker.
(P.S. If you don’t like the censorship of the fun times, kaguragames put out an uncensor patch. Get it