Unity - Completed - Runaway Ninja: Mischievous Arts of the Kunoichi [Final] [POMIMIKO]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't understand why some evaluate animation, gameplay and other parameters as great and give 2 stars or less. From my point of view the game delivers what it promises: a real challenge, who punishes those who die and if it does it has to go back from the beginning,
    Despair and anxiety is part of the gameplay so as not to be caught and of course there will be frustration because you need some time until you get used to movements and other factors. For me, my grade is 4 for being very interesting and different from other games,
    But I think it was missing a little more like the first game for this second.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    While the art is amazing and I am a huge fan of these pixel-styled themes, the gameplay does not favor it. It's a cool concept don't get me wrong, but the controls feel off and the hitboxes aren't as sharp as they need to be. For me personally this led to a rather frustrating, than enjoyable experience, which is why I have to give it such a low rating.

    Porn game or not, to me the gameplay needs to be atleast satisfying for me to be able to recommend it to others. If this isn't the case, it might aswell just be an animation gallery.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is decently fun. The art is nice. The gameplay is simple but controls are very responive. Over all the game is very well made. There are a few flaws

    The biggest issue I take with this game is thatscenes are obtained when you lose a level. However if you lose you dont get to start that levcel over and there is nolevel selecter so in turn you have to beat all the levels multiple times so you canget to the higher level and get that level's scene.

    There is an error in logic on level 3 or 4 that corrects it self but because each levelis essentially 1 minute long, you can use this to cheese the level. The lewd scenes are well drawn however, there is only one image with an alternate cg covered in jizz at the end of the scene. The scense are short so i can forgive this but would've prefered some variety to go along with the text. additionally, since the vocied the game i found it odd that the scenes weren't voiced. lastly, the viewer only plays the scens and not the in game lewd sprites.

    Alltogether i would dock this down 1.5 stars to a 3.5 but that ones up to a 4 start review.. a cute, decently made game, with errors that are magnified due to the shortness of the games and it's limited content
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This is Pomimiko's 2nd game apparently.

    Running from an over-powered ninja girl is surprisingly pretty fun to play. It has the same "adreneline fueled" gameplay rush as a minigame in a mario party game.

    My only issue is that there is no level loading system, which is where when I die, I can replay the same level without going through the previous levels.

    But for what it's worth, I had a lot of fun and that's the most important thing about a game.

    I also was having fun jeering at the kunoichi when winning and "awwwing" when I get caught. I might try to see if I can get a bunch of my friends to play this and we all see who can last the longest within a limited numbers of tries ngl.

    Personal Suggestion:

    Maybe have a side of the screen be dedicated to show the kunoichi girl's body. (Something like the exhibitiongame like Era Hunter, Naked Adventure, Naked Order, Flash Cycling and Pact of Exhibition, where you walk around naked and the side of the screen will display the *actions,state, clothing,body of the girl)

    *Action is the most important and is what I am referring to. E.g. in naked adventure, the side will show the girl crawling when you crawl to avoid detection

    The girl could wear different/more revealing outfit and it can switch to different positions like for example, when the girl is falling from a great height, her boobs will flap outwards(similar to the sprite in game)

    The point of the suggestion is both to provide erotic fanservice for people to see/fap to

    and gameplay wise, would be a distraction ffor both the player/mc so that you, and in a indirect way: the mc, won't be able to concentrate properly, be focusing on the erotic movements of the girl and am unable to quickkly dodge the girl coming towards you.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Manage to finish the game at 3rd tried.
    Girl is cute, gameplay is pretty good, scene were nice, so why the 2 star ?

    First the gameplay, you have 5 stage and each stage you are trying to dodge the Kunoichi for 50 seconds, she will start fucking you when she caught you and whenever your stamina/hp reach 0% you lose.

    Kunoichi gain new skill and hit harder as the stage goes.
    Gameplay is okay but there is 2 problem, a major one and a minor one.
    The Minor problem is the difficulty, there is no option between easy, normal or hard, the difficulty is fixed, so if you're not good with this game, you will have hard time clearing this.
    The Major problem is that there is no stage selection or check point, if you lose you will need to start all over from stage 1.
    The last stage of this game is pretty hard compare to most game you will play at this site, so it is really frustrating if you have to start all over just because you lose once.

    Next we move on the Hentai part, it's your standard image power point, some text with no voice-acting, no sound-effect, just BGM.

    the girl has voice-acting for a really small portion of the game, like when you're choosing menu and the first text of her dialogue each stage.
    There is no voice-acting during the actual sex scene/ image.
    The Voice-acting is also very bad, feel like someone just reading the script, doesn't fit the character at all, you'll expect more young mischief voice.

    For the image you have to lose to unlock, which is annoying because that take you back to the 1st stage. But luckily we can just unlock it immediately(Check the main post).

    You will not lose anything by unlocking the image, the plot is basically the Kunoichi get more excited as the boy keep escape from her.
    The ending is about the boy saying that he feel the Kunoichi is still chasing him and said this is the fate of a runaway ninja. THE END.