4.30 star(s) 7 Votes


Apr 28, 2018
Been a week since release, so as promised:

Mega Folder

This has the latest itch versions of all 3 (which includes the Tix route in the base game - so it should probably be uploaded to other hosts and added to the main post, brynhildr or moderators). Since Man and Elf had an individual page, A Dragon's Treasure will need one too, with related links adding - MAE has a link to here, but not the other way around.
Once the relevant places have been updated and mirrors added I'll likely remove the mega link

Keep in mind that the games still have plans to be updated. There'll be potentially another route added to MAE (2020), another route added to the base game (Eris/Raphael) (2021), "second semester"/pseudo-epilogue added to the base game (2022). Then, of course, Sable's Grimoire 2 (2023-2024), Project Homonculus (Sequel to A Dragon's Treasure) (2024), and either an epilogue or a sequel for MAE (2024+) The dev has said that they plan to keep making the games as long as development costs get funded (and no patreon bullcrap getting development dragged out), so if you like the games please make sure to support them, so you'll have access to the newest content when it gets released.
Appreciated, friend.

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Jan 26, 2019
Hello, I was wondering if the name of the main character is accessible in the files of the game (I would like to change it)?
If so, where?
Thank you.


Sep 24, 2017
About the "endings", I personally think that none of them are fulfilling, that's probably because they are being "continued" in the next games, which makes me wonder, there 2 Drakan (best girl btw ;)) games (1 is upcoming) and 1 Lisha game, what about the others LI? There will be games for all of them or...?

ALSO, just for the record, Idk why Jorou "human" ending is classified as bad ending, she basically got everything she ever wants, got inserted in the human society, she's happy (or it seems), pretty and free, she's is basically a "trans human", there's nothing wrong with wanting to change you body...

OBS: I don't even why i'm posting this here, threads of non-sexual VN's are basically deserts :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


Jul 3, 2017
About the "endings", I personally think that none of them are fulfilling, that's probably because they are being "continued" in the next games, which makes me wonder, there 2 Drakan (best girl btw ;)) games (1 is upcoming) and 1 Lisha game, what about the others LI? There will be games for all of them or...?
The others may have continued routes in future content (like second semester, which is the update for the base game - or sable's grimoire 2), but are unlikely to get their own games. I guess if they're popular enough the dev might make extra stuff for them, but I think things are pretty much already all planned out for the next 4ish years.


New Member
Jul 29, 2017
ALSO, just for the record, Idk why Jorou "human" ending is classified as bad ending, she basically got everything she ever wants, got inserted in the human society, she's happy (or it seems), pretty and free, she's is basically a "trans human", there's nothing wrong with wanting to change you body...

OBS: I don't even why i'm posting this here, threads of non-sexual VN's are basically deserts :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
You are right, it's a real desert here...
Nonetheless i would like to reply to the bad end theme. I would classify it as a bad ending myself, because I do not think it is what she really wanted. She is a person traumatized by an extremely difficult situation, and people tend to hide from these things instead of actually dealing with them.
That's not a bad thing altogether but I honestly do not think it is a good thing at all. That is my main reason why I would classify it as a "Bad ending". And for the "Happy" part... I would definetily emphazise the (or so it seems) in your comment.

If you find grammatical or spelling errors: Keep them I can make more every time I write a new Comment, and I already feel sorry for that...


Jul 20, 2020
I have a question what happens if i accept the principal's proposal? Or remain a first year student?


Jul 20, 2020
How to get draken's ending? Need help because i ended up with Tix's ending and the pixies tied up the MC shame on Tix didn't help the MC but in part 2? I want to end up with draken how to do that?


Herald - Super Naked Ginger Cuddle Time
Sep 8, 2020
Considering the different possible endings, is there a walkthrough that goes over how to get to all the endings? Also is there an Rei or Enth ending? Its my first playthrough so obviously going for Drakan, cuz dragon waifu is too cute, but curious what are the other romance-able characters?
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May 10, 2018
Considering the different possible endings, is there a walkthrough that goes over how to get to all the endings? Also is there an Rei or Enth ending? Its my first playthrough so obviously going for Drakan, cuz dragon waifu is too cute, but curious what are the other romance-able characters?
There's 4 endings. The True and Neutral Ending are pretty much decided by the final game choice. Didn't care to try going for the other two endings, but it's logical to me for them to be 2nd neutral and bad end. The game pretty much pushes you in the right direction with the music changes after you made choices in game, pick common sense good choices, ones that are considerate, that lead to good atmosphere scene/music afterwards for the two happy variations, and opposite for the two other variations. I like the way the devs pretty much game an indirect alarm of which are good and bad choices.
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Oct 13, 2020
So I really wanted to like this game, but I just couldn't. I don't know what it is with most Vn developers that they just have to make their Mc's such submissive pussies. Unless the Mc is a masochist then I guess that's the point, but I mean for gods sake. Most people don't just take shit off of people like the Mc does in this. I'm not even saying that the Mc has to be some macho badass but you need to have a good balance when it comes to their personality. Or else your essentially stuck with a door mat for a protagonist, and I just cant get invested in their story.
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Jonathan Y

Dec 1, 2020
So I really wanted to like this game, but I just couldn't. I don't know what it is with most Vn developers that they just have to make their Mc's such submissive pussies. Unless the Mc is masochistic then I guess that's the point, but I mean for gods' sake. Most people don't just take shit off of people like the Mc does in this. I'm not evens saying that the Mc has to be some macho badass but you need have a good balance when it comes to their personality. Or else your essentially stuck with a door mat for a protagonist, and I just cant get invested in their story.
I agree with you wholeheartedly.
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Jul 3, 2017
warbob5000 If you have it, can you please share the new update?
I'm waiting a bit in case there are any more bugfixes. In a few days I'll update the MEGA folder.

Edit: It's been a few days since the last update, so I've put the newest version into the MEGA folder (post #76 this thread)
Edit2: Thread has now been updated by a moderator, links in the OP are up-to-date
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4.30 star(s) 7 Votes