RPGM Sadie with Ancient Forest


New Member
Oct 14, 2017
Hi! Not to get anybody's hopes up or anything, but I started a new translation project using the game version provided above and the current public version of TL++ (6.4.11), just to see if I could find what the issue is. And... I kinda got it to work, but haven't really translated anything yet? Not sure if I ever will, because honestly, my Japanese just isn't good enough (yet?), and this game requires careful manual translation.

The scripts are actually easy for the most part, you can machine translate those as long as you pay attention to quotation marks and stuff like that - machine translation left at least two of those out in my attempt, and fixing those got rid of the errors. Or rather... the initial errors.

The bigger problem is actually the YAML section, especially the CommonEvents part. There's lots of stuff in there, and some of it has the same problem I mentioned above - there are characters (quotation marks, backslashes, brackets etc.) that are relevant for code execution, and the MTL likes to just get rid of some of them. If you get one of those wrong, you get an error message referring to the GameInterpreter script, because that's where all that data gets thrown into an eval. Which basically means you have to translate all 7362 entries in that file by hand, or at least check each one manually. Might be true for other files, too.

So... Yes, the game is translatable, but no, it's not easy.

I'm gonna keep playing around with this for a bit, but with my ADHD, I'm not likely to do a full translation, or share whatever I manage to produce. Injecting the translations takes more than five minutes each time on my old PC, so trying to MTL a bunch of lines and then fixing the errors if it doesn't work isn't going to be a usable approach for me. Just wanted to get the word out there in case somebody with more patience is interested in trying.


[Update]: Ok, it's about 1 AM here, so I'm about to stop tinkering for the night and don't know if or when I'll continue. I have "translated" (MTL + fixing the resulting code errors) everything except CommonEvents. The result is "playable" - the game doesn't crash, the menus and some texts are translated, but you definitely need a high tolerance for tofu and bad English. I think I spent about 4-5 hours on this so far.

I still won't be sharing my results (partly because they aren't really worth sharing, partly so I don't run afoul of too many piracy laws), but honestly, with the information I have shared so far, anybody should be able to get to the same point. Just MTL everything except the CommonEvents File and fix the places where quotation marks etc. go missing. There are also one or two places where Japanese quotation marks were replaced by western double quotation marks - you need to escape those (replace " with \") in at least one entry, but I honestly don't remember which one. Just keep it in mind.

Technically, the rest is really just busywork. That one file has a wild mixture of pure text entries, pure code entries, and text entries with code interpolation, and you basically have to go line by line, ignore the pure code, MTL the pure text, and MTL+fix the interpolated text. As I mentioned, though, it has 7362 entries. And that's for a rough first translation, unless you want to spend even longer on educated guesses for a better translation on the first attempt.

Oh, also, search for any Japanese file names you find in the game's directory structure and either rename the files or delete the translations for those file names, otherwise you do get some crashes when files aren't found under their translated names. You probably know that stuff better than I do, though, since this was my first attempt at translating a game.
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