Thanks for all the replies! Anyone enjoying this or seeing potential, please do chime in. More visible interest ---> I perceive more opportunity ---> I put in more development effort. And even more importantly, the bug reports so far have been very helpful. If (that's right
IF) there is ever another bug, please do report it
im gladly surprised it worked fine in my linux with wine (i just tried the non-vr version), the content in the demo rigth now its only doing spanks and change clothes
I'm surprised too! Thanks for reporting - I'm glad to hear it.
Do you have any intention of implementing the game from the submissive perspective, and/or for female player character generally?
That is a no, I'm afraid. I won't even say "maybe someday": if I did ever implement it, it would be so far in the future that you would have forgotten anyways! (I would ideally like to have that in there, I just don't see it happening in terms of my time constraints: the interaction would be so different it would be like 40% of the way to writing a whole new game).
I found how to move in the NON-VR version but I don't understand how to "click" on an object to use it ? The dialog box says to use left Shift and click but it doesn't work. I see the light ray and I can point but nothing more ....
Too hard a controlls with non VR version.
Once my light "cursor" is dissappeared. (in the last action, "use my mouth")
Yeah the non-VR controls are not ideal, I will not pretend otherwise. My top priority was minimal difference from VR, both for the work of getting it done and avoiding technical debt going forward. This is a "VR-first" game.
The translucent arm+hand stand-in is kind of finnicky. It doesn't really give you any sense of depth. You need the sphere at the end to be more or less embedded in or enveloping what you want to interact with. If you aren't seeing it and the object doing some clipping, you probably aren't as close to it as you think you are.
Regarding the shift+mousemove: it's possible to move the arm fully offscreen. You can move it back in the same way, but you have to find the right direction... but it would probably be better to just snap back to the default position when you release shift. I'll add that for next release.
All this is of course less than ideal. So now is a good time to mention:
I don't intend to ever ask for money for my current approach to the non-VR version. That is, taking the VR version, directly approximating VR input with a hacky mouse+keyboard, and changing nothing else. A hypothetical paid non-VR version should at least have a smoother dialogue choice system (the current one - hacked to work like a VR controller joystick - is definitely bizarre), and some sort of third person view for the sex stuff. Probably also a cleaner way to use the impact toys. This hypothetical improved non-free version may never exist though; the idea is "VR-first".
Gave it a go last night. Its not pushing any boundaries but it worked fairly well for the short demo.
- Might have been missing something but when it started up the girl was just a bit outside my play space, I couldn't figure out a button to recentre myself or move my self around the play space.
- At the end it would be good to have the option to restart.
I'm honestly surprised it took this long for someone to mention that sort of problem. Guess I have to stop putting off implementing teleporting!
There is a "soft" reset available at the end to repeat the demo: it is a dialogue option along with "see the heavy breathing again".