Why did my message get deleted? I simply just complained about how she texts on Patreon. Overly use of exlemation point plus adding of vague symbols. Was 2 hours of get the Term, but the guide also it didnt mentioned 1 date of a month. She took 6 days to reply , and was like 1 short message. Then continues take ages to reply and solve issue. i like her art but unfortunate experience over chat. It was unprofessional. I think she need custommer service especially since she is one of the most successfull artist on Patreron. If people can complain about SakimiChan art aswell tutorial, why cant i complain about interaction lol? Maybe some other experienced the same. Reason might be because she is very busy wich is understandable. Just wish she atleast was professional or fast.
This was just 1 message intereaction
" Yeah says pledge on PC to, but what happens? Possible for term or refund? Term didnt mention 1 of month also time diff. Sorry of this silly issue. Wish patreon was simple as before. "
" ah! you are correct! but it seems you joined too late and are getting charged next month.
Its something little but bad usage of symbols and delivery of message can be felt as rude and inconsiderated. Later felt i got hostility. Issue pledge took like 10 days to be even resolved to make matters worse. Wether my pledged went trough or not. I wish Sakimichan the best aswell the one supporting her its just unfortunate and silly situation. Like this not good custommer service if can even call it that lol.
She addressed the situation a bit, saying she get errors alot from her side. Hopefully less inconvinience happens on Patreon. At the end of the day most just want a good and chill experience.