So I've been replaying this every half year with a new build and I have the same experience with the game, and it makes me really sad.
I've never seen a VN which such interesting characters, and then it doesn't let you date any of them.
Everybody simping for the dragon boy who we wanna protecc and find out the mystery? Oh no you can't date him.
How about the rich lion guy who helped us and has some weird shit going on nobody talks about? Nope not dateable.
How about the goofy but at the same time creepy border colie who definitely knows something is up? Just no.
How about our old friend the squirrel girl who knows our entire background story so we could learn a lot about the MC? Noppo.
I could go on because nearly everybody is an interesting character, however here are three bland as fuck characters who nobody gives a shit about, they also don't add anything to the story so who the fuck cares anyway, don't even remember their names really. Don't wanna date any of them at all, but that is all we have.
I've never seen a VN butcher it's entire dating simulator aspect this much, while having such interesting characters on the side. No wonder nobody really talks about it anywhere, it's frustrating to skip trough Bryan's uninteresting dialogue just to finally meet one of the interesting characters again.