Stormsinger studios is not best creators. They started by reviving legendary project morenatsu and got hype with large crowd of supporters but later they wanted to make more money and this is how this whole vn Santa Lucia was created. Later they just abadoned their work on morenatsu revisited and make about 2-3 releases for it in year. They just want to sit on two seats at the same time. It was huge mistake to abadon morenatsu in favor of this novel. They should have just finish morenatsu and then start new novel.
Santa lucia as their new product have nice number of good songs and arts except that carlos got zero cgs

. Plot of whole novel have a lot of similiarities with such project as Repeat - a new fresh student finds out that he can see strange dark ghost that haunts him and Echo - some kind of cursed mystery which involves killing.
It just their second product and for them it must be very hard to create something original. I think that they will finish first three mls routes in next 1-2 years as well as whole novel plot and only then you will see your lovely zach, russel, chris\ karina routes.
Hope that they will not became like s-purple or kemocoliseum creators and start to scam and deceive people