Been playing on my Steam Deck and after around 12 hours and maxing out almost everything, I can say game is pretty good so far. An option to disable certain controller inputs (or at least make controller inputs not constantly swap the UI symbols between PC/Gamepad) would have been nice for quicker rebinding but not really essential. Once I had the controls set up I didnt run into any real issues with it afterward other than camera zoom in/out not being smooth because I had to bind them to PC controls rather than let them stay on Gamepad. Only real gripes I have are with movement and not being able to influence mons more.
It's mostly just how jank it feels, its small stuff that adds up like how you can't run off ledges even outside of cam mode, jump is very anemic & doesn't face in the direction you're moving so it feels off, and feels like you can only walk up the smallest of inclines so you have to skyrim-horse your way up any sort of hill, fall height threshold for the landing animation feels too low so you trigger it constantly, stuff like that. Combined with not knowing which places have invisible walls it just made getting around the whole island kinda clunky and just stuck around the flatter plains because it was just easier.
As for the mons, they're good but I wish there was a way to influence where they go or what actions they perform that's available rn. Grooming was consistently the last photo I needed from all the mons because there's only 2 spots they consistently go to groom and it's just a massive wait if you aren't lucky. Hunting Acts was also a hard one to get since you can't really lure mons into spore plants and just have to hope they walk into their range and do their thing. Sure I could've just skipped until a Pink Night but that has its own lighting and effects going on which is kind of limiting for a photography game. (It's also just not visible enough for how much is going on but that's more of a me issue).
Speaking of, sex act variety feels lacking somehow. 90% of Sweedees during pink nights just do the facehugger pose so the rest of the moves involving them became a grind. Same with some of the mono poses. It'd be nice if mon sex acts prioritized poses you haven't seen before until you get full monsutra then it goes full random (it'd also incentive going around pink nights more to take photos of everything). Having sex with the mons also just wasn't that interesting. Really wished there was a POV camera and a way to hide the player model during sex rather than just a basic freecam.
{Just as an aside I kinda hate the fact one of them is just Malo with very basic variants and they remain invisible outside of cams even when at full friendliness. I was kind of expecting more but overall just felt like a weird inclusion.}
Really looking forward to new content whenever it drops tho, personally would love more photography options. Stuff like laying prone, camera rolling/tilt, different filters and lenses, real-time photo rating or even just being able to take selfies and pictures during sex would make the process of S-ranking all the photo categories much more fun and dynamic so hopefully those are coming. This has so much potential!
p.s. please for the love of god lower the grass in a small area around the player whenever on-cam, the amount of times i had a perfect shot ruined because 1 blade of grass refuses to stand down is annoying tyty