VN - RPGM - Onhold - Saria Reclaimed [v0.17] [Velminth]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Need for Sneed

    +Sexy MC
    +Good art all around
    -Buggy as it can possibly get
    -Time consuming, even the most basic features waste precious time, specially sex, enemies take to long to cum
    -Combat is very meh, you never fell powerful
    -Grindy as hell, even with cheats encounters will take minutes
    -Getting the PORN in this PORN game is absolutely tedious

    Grab a save, turn on the cheats and fap for a few minutes until you realize it's not worth it
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is well made overall, high quality art, beautiful interface, nice gameplay and interesting mechanics. The game is still not complete and it has a lot of potential. I am sure it will be one of the best games around when it is complete.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    3/5 if you don't mind a little grinding . 2/5 if you despise it.

    I've played KP, so I'm guessing the intro has something to do with status alinement.

    Sit down and pull that sword out because you are going to be grinding for a bit early game. So, this game is very combat focus, but its skill tree cost is asking for a lot. Standard turn base combat that leaves me wanting more from it.

    The map isn't terrible but it takes getting use to. Ramps can be hard to identify sometimes because they blend in with the background. You will find yourself going, "can I climb this" as you run up a cliff's drop off. It's barely worth searching for goodies, since most of the items you get aren't worth a damn. I know that I'm in a desert wasteland but these items make me want to skip exploring.


    Art is very good. Would be nice if there were more poses especially when an enemy disarm you. Don't know about H Scenes but from what I see they are just still images. Some animation would greatly raise this game score.

    It's going to be fun for about 30mins and then it's going to be a snooze fest until you unlock some skills way down the line. The amount of stamina you recover is so bad that you will find yourself wasting so many turns recovering than actually fighting, especially with multiple enemies. Making this cost a turn makes fights drag on more than they need to be. No options to fight unarmed so you just have to tank the next blows until you get your weapon back, though there might be a skill that could solve that but that just lead me to the question of why just have that already unlocked and not hidden behind a skill. Getting knocked on your oatmeal of a dump truck due to an enemy attack or running out of stamina, is the biggest middle finger this game will give to you.

    Good art
    Original looking sprites
    High potential to be a fun game and not just some fap fuel.
    Story has some eldritch horror feeling.
    Leveling up is terrible. You don't even feel strong, you just suck less and that shouldn't be a feeling.
    Heavy grinding
    Lack of animation variety
    Exploring for goodies doesn't seem worth it
    Enemies can scale really high
    Avoid group fights if you aren't over lvled (time to exp rate isn't worth it)
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    good art held back by a terribly slow game. Everything takes ages to do. Every single encounter drags forever and the corruption takes an eternity to kick in. even the most mundane encounter can take a few minutes since there is a lot of downtime between animations
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Being a Karryn's Prison fan I have high hopes for this game. Seeing the artwork and constant updates, I feel like that the dev is talented and hard working. I played this game for the 1st time after waiting many months, as I wanted to try it after decent amount of content was added. The art is amazing, however where the game lacks is the mechanics. Being a new game, the lack of content is understandable and I have no doubt that will be added later, however the corruption mechanics and defeat scenes are far from desirable. When I first played KP, I played non stop for 12 hours as I was hooked. Here I found myself bored after 2 hours or so. But I still rate the talent and hard work of the dev highly and will give it 4 stars purely based on what I've seen so far. Good luck
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly, fantastic game. Think Karyn's prison but as a 2d sidescroller. The only issue I have is that the enemies level up with Saria, which makes for some wonky encounters if you try to grind for xp. Your stamina goes up but your mental and willpower stay the same, and if you have a specific body at high corruption, you can end up instantly losing without triggering any of the good cg's associated with it.

    I'll continue watching with great interest to see how the development plays out.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Demon lord MVP

    The game is good, I already played it and I think it's great, I hope I can play it completely, I like the drawing style and the female character is sexy. (It would be great if there were H-scenes with some predetermined monsters.) I'll just wait and see how development progresses.
  8. 4.00 star(s)



    +The art style is amazing
    +Really like the combat, but the skill tree is a little confusing
    +I Like the VA
    +The story seems interesting
    +Has Autosave so you don't have to worry if the game crashes
    +You have to grind a lot to level up the corruption
    +It has some bugs that I hope will be solved

    A really good game overall, if it continues at this rate it will be excellent when its finished

    (Sorry if I made grammatical mistakes, I'm still learning English)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent potential, similar to Karryn's Prison which is an excellent game.

    This game is pretty early in development but has so much potential. Is definitely one on my watchlist and it should be on yours as well.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Stumbling out from the alleys once more, I spot yet another jewel swirling through the gutters, and upon inspection, I find it rather unrefined, unpolished, and waiting for a future to make it's unassorted carbon formulate into something beautiful. Something that can gleam.

    Does this gleam?

    Well, sometimes yes, sometimes...well I wouldn't say no, more so just spotting various sized cracks needing to be polished off. However, before I delve any deeper, the biases on my side is that I mainly played through this on it's built in cheat engine, and even then it was a slog. And with that slog, it reminds me of something very similar that'll be mentioned later on in this review, which is both the bane and beauty of this game.

    And as always, I'll try and be as honest as I can with what comes.

    So what is this game? Mainly, it's a sidescrolling RPG with a busty, ab-olicious beauty leading the helm. You're basically a knight, you've been sent into some accursed wasteland where you meet your usual sand bandits, sand troglodytes, sand dogs, sand trolls and other sandy characters. Through all of this, you blip through your standard battle menu that every RPGM game pretty much sports and slowly succumb to brain death by pressing the attack button ad infinitum while occasionally healing yourself for hours on end. That's basically the core element of this game that'll be the hour long fests it sports.

    Now the above sounds like a chore right? Well it is, but I find that there's something magical brewing within this grindfest. If, very big if that is, it's heading in the direction I think it's going. For one, this game alone reminds me of Earthbounds weirdness in terms of atmosphere and tone, which at times pairs with the scifi mystique of Metroid in some areas, while also sporting a visual style alluding to Dark Souls on grit-ifying scenery and characters. That alone makes me feel as though this game has a unique story and approach to it's own style it wants to sport sans the lewd. Of course that's all in it's early stages of becoming something alone without porn, though, the gameplay is a far cry from carrying that. At the moment.

    I mention the above, as it also reminds me of a similar title on the lewd. It basically is almost emulating Karryn's Prison down to a T in terms of it's access to the lewd. It really feels like two different games slamming into each other at times, but they blend together well once you start to see it. Considering too that the same argument can be made about Karryn's Prison, since at a glance it's a slogfest roguelite that barely features sex in the beginning with Karryn fighting you every step of the way, but grind enough and your Karryn can become the woman of your lewd infested dreams.

    Same feel carries on for this, in which Saria at first is a Knight that doesn't want anything to do with sex, but raise those similar looking stats and bars that KP features and eventually she'll start doing many actions that go against her initial hesitance (lacking in art currently and unfortunately). It very much takes inspiration from that in trying to emulate it's systems in terms of attaining titles and raising sensitivity bars that then start to affect the various lewd stats of Saria herself.

    But, unfortunately, to get to that point I feel is far more of a grindfest than KP. In KP, there's titles out the ass that feel like bread crumbs towards your eventual slooty goals. You feel on track if you're going on that path, as trying to corrupt Karryn led to a whole new dimension of gameplay that switched up your entire approach in playing it. Yet here it mainly feels like a brick wall, where you're always stuck trying to feel for a crumb yet only getting the cold touch of yet another defeat screen. Not a game over, it's like being "defeated" in Karryn but not as modular yet with it's participants, and very sloggy after awhile. And currently there's really nothing pushing you or rewarding you down that route save for horny and cg.

    I feel like once that system gets going with more cut in art, titles and a better grind progression then it'll be damn near as good as it's spiritual predecessor. Alongside it needing to implement a proper lewd system in pushing the player to utilize sex as a viable alternative to combat (which it currently lacks, lose and you get said defeat scene(s) that you can't skip unfortunately). I will say however as a fair warning from me, that said system is already somewhat in place with it's bones showing in raising corruption meters for Saria's various sensitivity's all the way to 100%, but the grind to get there is damn near unfeasible and really lacks the meat and seasoning for it to be entirely enjoyable.

    Overall I do see this game shaping up into something great if the dev keeps on it, but at it's current state I can't recommend people to play it as is. As unless you're prepared to grind for hours only for small cut in scenes reminiscent of KP and a handful of proper CG scenes, then sure jump in, but otherwise wait until it gets much more refined then delve in. Yet as said, I think this game is on the right track and I can't wait for more. 4/5!
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    barb's porn account

    Easily one of the best games of it's kind I've ever played. Even regular gameplay is enough to cum, and the CGs take it to the next level. Voice work is great, dialogue is stellar, and the slow but sure corruption of her chastity even if you try to play perfectly is great. I like making an effort to win the battles and still being corrupted bit by bit - instead of purposely losing battles just to see the scenes.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    [v0.17] (Itch IO ver.)

    Not balanced at all, especially not fun for getting RNG one-shot with no counter-play.

    1. Enemy can start and based on your last turns final action (or at combat start), you are given a stance, with potential 1/2x or 2x incoming damage multiplier.
    2. Get one-shot by their high number starting action without any counter-play.

    If there's some way around it, I haven't found it, if there's some use of replaying combat, haven't been interested enough to find it due to same-y and at times unfair combat. But hey, losing (never fun) makes (some) progress!

    The other complaints are:
    • Weird UI and seemingly unfinished/unexplained camp and progress mechanics
    • Incoming and Outgoing damage multipliers only make sense with VERY low numbers, not enemies' most of my health size.
    • Damage types and Stances not making sense for multipliers, like vulnerable to self, the others cycled (example below).
    • Damage types and Stances not making sense on cards, like dealing one type and taking a different stat.

    I hope the remake becomes incorporates the lost content and is less strict about its [VN ] category. The progress map shows upcoming adjustments, so it's not entirely hopeless.

    (though the game in total had only about 2 'balanced' versions of not being too easy or too difficult)

    Damages multipliers for stances by my understanding

  13. 5.00 star(s)

    The lost saint

    This is a very great game and has amazing potential.
    It is still being built from the basics since every update changes the menus.
    It is okay though
    The game is fun and like Karyyon's prison, can't spell it right but don't care.
    It is making good progress and has good content.
    Anyways very great game, have a lovely time and I wish you well with luck~!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Its missing some art at the moment and is very grindy, but overwhelming potential and is currently in a half-decent demo state despite being so early in development. Bugs are fixed consistently and art is constantly added, and the grindy-ness will be more balanced out by the length of the full release
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is really really boring in its current iteration. Art is pretty good but that is the only merit it has going for it. The only way to get certain scenes is to get a bar up to 100 on its associated area. Want a blowjob scene or titjob scene? Get the bar up to 100 for mouth or tits. Its painfully slow as is to do this and you basically just have to tank hits and pray to unlock scenes. Also if you lose you can just get in this "endless" loop of losing because your willpower doesn't regenerate. Idk art is good but isn't enough to save just how terrible the gameplay feels. Not a fan of "losing to see porn" games in general but gave it a chance based on the art and the off chance the gameplay was fun. Wasn't worth the time or effort.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    really good animations and drawing style, played for a good 30 min exploring everything and i really liked the content even for this state of the game, lots of potential on this one, hope it keeps updating :)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Giving this an early 5 star rating, because it positively gleams with potential in a way few games do.
    While this game still requires a decent amount of polishing, rebalancing and story, the core of the game is there, and it's great.
    Keep an eye on this and return in some months/ a year for what I expect might be the next great thing on the site.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Made with rpgmaker, but you can barely tell.

    The art direction is the strongest point, the art design is like half fantasy, half bleak sci-fi remniscient of Dune.

    1. The level design is spaghetti-liked, reminiscent of Dark Souls, it's even hinted at with the "bonfires" you rest and teleport at. It's ambitious but didn't feel great in this game format.
    2. The level exploration is simplistic, with no way to avoid enemies, unlike Dark Souls. Moving through levels feel slow because of all these forced fights.
    3. The game actively tries to get the player fucked: Stamina resets between fights, but not arousal.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This is easy, but time consuming. battle voiceline making things weird, there is still a lot more that can be added (by this time, I played the latest version). But I don't think I'd be playing it. Good chara anyways, and somehow I just killed all the npc except the one that won't let me (Shy).
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2191732

    My relationship with this game has been severely mixed; on the one hand, it does so many things well I want to like it. On the other hand, the have been so many technical issues that most versions I can't even get to the opening credits sequence.
    On this version, Version: 0.10.3 I could, so let's see how things changed since about 0.6?

    Combat is whack. +5 armour\level means you become invincible by level 3. (-1*)
    No lore progression, extremely minimal plot progression. Okay, we killed the bandit guy, whoop-dee-woo. Beyond that, we've had neither lore nor plot progression whatsoever. (-1*)
    Narrative clash. (-1*)
    Quick updates and attentive developer. (+1*)
    In total: 3/5.

    Before we get into points, one thing I very much dislike is how lowering corruption of one body part reduces the pleasure of enemies who aren't interested in that body part. It doesn't make sense logically (they aren't directing their attention at that body part anyway, their eyes are glued onto another part) and it just hurts people who don't want their Saria to do something in particular.

    • About the art: There's a lot more art, although some cut-ins are still missing. Still, it's high quality images, and in a few updates it'll probably all be filled in. No complaints in this department.
    • Gameplay: Somehow, in this version Saria seems to gain 5 armour per level up, meaning that by level 6 no enemy in the game can hurt her, not even for 1 damage. And this is on normal mode, not easy. I'm not sure what's going on there. I'm tempted to not list this as a negative, since most players who play beyond the modest amount of content (which barely covers two hours if you're new and less than an hour if you're a veteran) will just be grinding lewd stats via the combat and stamina damage is the least of their concerns, but if that was the reasoning I'd have expected the patch notes to say something about it, and I couldn't find anything. So yeah, 5 armour a level up? Serious issue that trivializes combat.
    • Content: As mentioned above, it's a modest amount of content. Few maps, some enemy variety though sadly most of the enemies don't seem particularly interested in Saria (potted hermits? bonepickers? harpies? etc etc) and the cut-ins don't reflect who\what you're currently interacting with, so all the enemies - be they human or not - look like precisely the same one single human man. Still, it's worth remembering that this thing gets updated quickly, so I ain't gonna pillory the game for the amount of content.
    • Bugs: Now hear me out, I've been ranting and railing about the bugs in this game since 0.2, but I think I tracked the majority of my issues to a single cause. The trog pair at the exit of the cave on the second map, but only if you're exiting the cave into fighting them. I've been sent to the bottom of the map outside the playable area numerous times, I've been teleported to an entirely different area and some other issues besides. Why, don't ask me, I'm just a layman. But beyond that one thing, 0.10.3 seems to run surprisingly well.
    • Lore: I think this is my biggest disappointment with the game. So far, nothing's been done with the premise. All these star shards and gemstones and whatnot have been put to no use, go nowhere and are just glints of what might otherwise have been an interesting and engaging plot. And what's up with that celestial construct on the map after the hound? Been half a dozen updates or so and don't look like we're going to find out.
    • Ludo-narrative Dissonance: I've mentioned this before about the imp girl that sells you effigies, and I'll mention it again with the new art for the lewd mark girl, bright pink colours just don't gel with the dark, depressing browns, blacks and greys of the rest of the game. It doesn't fit. The same could have been said for Saria's blue hair, but at least she doesn't have glowing pink eyes. Is this a Lovecraftian celestial horror type game with monsters from beyond the veil of time and space (Celestial Hound, that Sentina the Smuggler, that strange gem we can find and the celestial construct mentioned above)? Is this an anime game? This clash just doesn't work
    If you are considering playing this, I'd recommend to hold off until the +5 armour\level up gets fixed at the very least. Also, if the cut-ins for the actions you're interested in aren't available yet, you should consider holding off for those too.