I found the last achievement and got the bonus scene and it is the best. As of what I think of the game it self well I love it as all the game these two produced.
If you don't mind I will rank Elsa-verse games and I will be happy to see your lists as well of course if you wish to write it.
1. Redemption for Jessika: I really like Jessika, the story, the pace of the narrative and Sarah in my opinion hottest girl in all of the games and the bonus scene, I have a kink for when lesbians try something new.
2.Saving Chloe: This game I think will satisfy everybody and I think it is great. Multiple endings is a big plus.
3.Dreaming with Elsa: It is the beginning of a story and a good one and I enjoyed Elsa very much.
4.Finding Miranda: I never grew to like this game because in my opinion Miranda is overpowered the ability to solve anything annoyed me and it seemed that there is no problem she can't resolve, furthermore, I for some reason never like her model but in any case I still enjoyed it.