UPDATE: I've realised, following a second playthrough just now, that the content as it currently stands already provides a 5 star experience. Contrary to my previous justification for giving only 4 stars I no longer see the logic in withholding a star now pending future expectations and possibilities that may or may not ever actually end up influencing the award of that seemingly inevitable 5th star anyway.
So on with the review as it stands...
Although there is currently one searing hottie on display so far, there would appear to be a plethora of full-figured, full-bosomed (absolutely fantastic!), "mature"/semi-mature models to come (hopefully in every sense of the word
The style and appearance of the ladies of the banner also looks well produced, refreshingly different and exceedingly pleasing to the eye (both of mine, in fact). Speaking of which, as many in here have already stated, the leading lady is both voluptuous and gorgeous and has clearly been (and still is for her age) a real beauty in earlier times. She is certainly worth every single stretch mark we have so far been privileged to behold.
XTZ have also introduced, what is to me at least, a very innovative and highly creditable idea that I have a feeling will, if successful, be most enjoyable and exciting. This is to actually have the ability, through focusing on elements of Paula's daily training regime, to watch the lady herself benefit from our efforts in terms of getting her progressively "into shape" as her story and her comeback evolves.
As the story progresses, it'll also be (to an unknown extent at the moment) heartwarming to witness Paula growing happier with and more confident in herself and her worth as a woman. This, to me, is such a great idea and one that I really hope that, in practice, succeeds.
So thus far, "Saving Paula" is so very impressive and delightfully encouraging in terms of both current and potential enjoyment that I have already decided to pitch in and become a (modest) Patreon subscriber. So that tells you at what level of admiration and optimism I am at with XTZ at the moment.
Time, as always, will tell, but the communications and the "vibes" are suitably positive and it's a happy case of so far, so good and so promising. I'm looking forward to enjoying more (much more) in future and adding in at some point the final star.