VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Say It Again [v1.0.0] [Gaerax]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm not a fan of female protagonists games. Because almost all female protagonists games was like some creepy old guys or filthy rich dudes blackmailing and banging female MC. Of course in some games player can avoid it, then it was like skipping 80% of the game content. But this game is not like that.

    I tried this game because of the high rating. I'm glad I tried this one absolutely loved this game. Well this was a kinetic novel about lesbian relationship of two girls shizue and clementine. The story is heart warming and I can really feel their tension. Dev did really a good work in writing. There is no sound in this game but I can really hear the sounds while reading it. Artstyle was unique. And visual quality gradually increased from ch3. Seems like it is finished of course liked the ending. That being said I wouldn't mind seeing more of them.

    Overall I absolutely loved this game. Looking forward to your next project too. Even if you don't like playing female protagonist games just play this one this one was absolutely worth playing.

    I'm saying it again just play this game dude
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice story, with good balance of exposition and "utility". Didn't like characters very much, I prefer more functional members of society. But it 's nice that they somewhat resolved their mental issues in the end. Length of the game is reasonable, can be easily completed before one becomes bored.
    3D Models are subpar and even somewhat scary in animations, that why I can't give 5.
    Overall, good job! My recommendation to players and thank you to the author.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    jordan grenier

    One of the best stories i read in a long time, love the relationship between the two and hope to see more in the future. The only suggestions i would have is the brighten up a couple of the scene that take place in dark rooms because it can be hard to see what's going on.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is really good but feels totally incomplete. Since the day Vanessa ahd a fight with her bf we didn't know what happened and that ending? Is something like "This is just part 1 lad, wait some time and the 2nd one is going to come soon". The art is good and thanks to the mods it was even better, just hearing the music makes it better, if it even had sounds (not talking about being dubbed) it would have been even better but generally talking this one is really good especially if something like this is said by someone (me) who doesn't really like yuris and female prot. Nicely done author, make a gallery too next time, keep it up.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    First thought: The design of the characters is weird. But I still gave it a try. Smooth animations and a wonderful, sad but romantic story with a happy end. The story itself needs to be read, 100%. Don't ever think about to just speedclick through it: You'll miss the game by a lot, and you'll regret it, promised.
    If you liked "A Petal Among Thorns": Go for it. It's a shorter and harder version of it, kinda. Really recommended and was baffled, how much heart Gearex did bring into this game. Dunno what to say...

    P.S.: Since the game sadly won't have any background music, just search at YouTube for some calming, relaxing guitar music: It really fits the theme.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is such a beautiful story... Just... play it and fall in love with the characters and the story <3

    The story is the sweetest thing, and chances are you will identify with one of the characters if you have a passing interest in BDSM.

    I loved every moment and just wish there was more... <3
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely excellent game thus far. Story is HOT while still maintaining it's innocence. Can't wait for the next chapter/update! Hopefully there will be some scenes that include Vanessa in the mix in the future!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed version: 0.3.0 (Chapter 3)

    At first the odd looking faces gave me pause, but I'm happy I gave this game a chance. Simply put, the lewds get steamy as fuck, as the MC's behavior vacillates between "I'm straight" and "Beam me into the pussy, Scotty." There's some emotional impact besides horniness as well, because it seems that some of her behavior may be fueled by a dark past. The tentative feeling out of the emotional connection between the two girls feels like there are stormy horizons and sweet makeup sessions ahead.

    So far the number of characters in game is minimal, which is good in my book as it allows the dev to focus on moving the story forward. I'm quite curious to see where this will go. After getting shut down by Valve, the dev could use a little love with funding.

    I was surprised to get into a lesbian VN so much, but the sheer wantonness and emotional connection of the two girls is banging. This VN feels like it's worthy of being finished.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I almost never rate the games here, but this one is so crazy good. I love the characters and surprisingly the graphics and animations are really hot as well! I hope you continue to make these games. Great story, scenes and characters.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Ch3 version
    The characters look kind of ugly and thats the first time and maybe last time that you wont like someting about this game. Why?
    Well, first thing really good storytelling, the dialogue is awesome, the way they kind of connect emotionally, adn one specific scene that sold it for me, which is what i think a realistic scene should be. And i explain:
    Someone in denial of her own desires or her own hearts desires, finds something inside her moving, doesnt know how to act on it, at some point after ingesting some alcohol, gets brave and finally clics. And writer after this doesnt retcon or pulls some stuff to invalidate what happened (i have seen this type of thing way too many times). Instead makes the character kind of conflicted, but since the character is an adult, she faces the issue without false pretexts (to stall the plot) and moves forward wiht the new things learned.

    It can only get better if instead of "some time later" messages we could get the full story of how they keep getting close, but what is being told makes so much sense that doesnt become a problem.
    Its really well written in my opinion.

    The visuals as i said dont look good at first glance, but there is human contact, there is emotion, and good sex scenes that have both renders and animations. Those animations are very good in the animation quality and the fluidity. I wont say it is a masterpiece cause for some people the first contact with the characters can be a shock, and you need to read at least the first 10 lines of dialogue to understand how good the VN is.

    Im pretty picky specially about lesbian stuff and i got convinced, i guess it will have no problems convincing others.

    It feels totally different even if is telling a story that probably other VNS told, but in my opinon is told 10 times better. For me, i dont get this feeling many times, so that is why with all the above i give it 5 stars.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm so positively surprised and impressed.

    Initially I was a bit put off by the art, particularly the eyes as some others have mentioned. But after the first couple of minutes I got over it completely and it actually felt fresh and original having something other than Honeyselect or Daz3d recycled models. It's the artist vision and I embraced it - and I'm glad that I did.

    The storytelling is excellent. It's (very) kinky, it's surprisingly romantic, but it's also really insightful and deep. Usually you just wait for the good parts, but this one actually made me want to learn more about the emotions and the psychology of all characters. It's unusually well balanced.

    Excellent work Gaerax.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best lesbian KN's on the market by a long shot pretty much anything the game lacks in a little bit of unsettling character design is made up for with great animation and some really heartwarming moments between two of the sweetest characters ever(clems happy squeal is the most adorable thing ever and should be protected by law). is truly wonderful to see so much love in the writing of these two characters and I wish the dev all the best in his work.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Definetely good game. Quality of renders is unique, kinda cute. Animations are OK. Story is interesting and there is so much potential to develop it. Writing is funny, characters are also very well written. Overall, an easy-going funny game, with shorter story but very promising. 8.5/10. [Ch. 3].
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played on F95 so far! And I've played many adult games... too many... but they're fun, so... ^^
    Characters at first need getting used to. The bodys are amazing, just my type. Faces are different of what you normaly see, but just after a few scenes I started to really like them. But the best are their personalities: They have one! Thy do stupid things and sometimes things that aren't typical for them, but it always just feels right and ok. It's not just banging because... banging! They have a reason and complex feelings. And often they even don't know what reasons they had, but it all feels natural. They are always comprehensible - even if they don't make sense. Does this makes sense?

    You've got my appreciation for your storytelling, @Gaerax. It's one of the best I saw in an adult VN. Keep on the good work, really want to see more :)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's been a while since I actually read the story of a NSFW game, since they are usually a window in to the mined of an 14 year old...
    But this is some premium story telling and the Art is freaking awesome.
    keep up the good work
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story. Hope the dev won't stop supporting this game. Like the pace and the story unfolds. The characters are likable. It's not another where the protagonist is so one deminsional. Keep it up!!!!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    NOTE: Do not let the preview images put you off, you will like the game if you like its tags.

    Story : 8/10
    It's simple, but very well executed. And this is rare well enough on F95 so it's very noticeable.
    What I like about it is its original in its execution. Too often I see the same pattern of events leading to the H-scenes.
    Here, as I said is simple but in a good way, it feels authentic, like a real relationship...

    Character Design/Renders : 7/10

    The lighting is fine
    The rooms don't feel too empty and the different 3D objects seems to be of good quality.
    The character design is particular and puts me off at first, however I quickly went over it.
    However design aside, I think the quality of the models is not very good(I'm not talking about its design, but the quality of it)
    But it's not something that bothered me.
    Also, Clementine's cute.

    Characters interactions/personality : 8/10

    They feel humans, with their own personalities, their interactions are amazing and it's one of those you're not even interested in skipping dialogues.
    I have this issue I tend to skip dialogues in games, and here I didn't feel the need to at all.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best stories on this site. I can't emphasize it enough how great this "game" is. I put game in quotation marks because it isn't really a game. There are no choices or gameplay, we are just viewers just as we would be in case of a TV series or movie. But the viewing experience more than makes up for the lack of choices here.
    The only real problem I have with the game is the art style. The renders are awfully plastic and lifeless, but at least the characters are not the typical basketball tit kind of bimbos. In exchange for the render quality, the animations are absolutely top quality. Fluid and lifelike.
    I really can't really praise this game enough. If you love WLW stories it's a must watch to you, even if the render quality or lack of choices sound bothering to you at first.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Review from Ch. 2
    Simple review. This game made me learn how to leave a review after a couple years on this site.

    Honestly the art style had me steer clear during the first release but I am glad I downloaded it. The writing is really good. The characters feel like real people. The new animations added while on the shorter side, like the writing, are really good. I am excited to see where this goes and immediately added it to my watch list after finishing the current content.

    One thing I would like to mention is a hope that the building relationship between Clem and Shi goes down the proper BDSM path. But currently that is my only concern this early on.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    well, that was refreshing. There's great believable and funny dialogue with pretty well crafted characters. And there's hot, kinky scenes (a belt in the first few minutes was amazing; and not even out place, in terms of pace). Looking forward to the next chapter!