
May 5, 2022
Anyone know how to get the other girls to have sex with the daddy clients as well?
So far only Nao can do it and that was because of story reasons.

Edit: I literally got the answer to that 5 minutes after posting.

You need to get Nao pregnant and let her give birth. This unlocks a new quest with the doctor from the school. This unlocks stuff to help you out.
How do you get Nao pregnant?
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Active Member
Nov 5, 2020
How does one start Rui's plotline? I meet him at the playground but then after that I'm lost on how to proceed since it doesn't immediately update the quest log.

Leo D. Marstone

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
How do you get Nao pregnant?
You need to go down and continue the fallen route until you get a quest from the infirmary lady. She gives you some sort of serum which you can use on Nao in the base. You need to buy and unlock the base beforehand.
Then let nao do papa katsu with someone that want to impregnate. Do this 2-3 times and she gets pregnant.

On a sidenote as much as I love Kedama Cube because of its pregnancy fetish but this game feels like a downgrade in everything from the previous game. The animations are kinda overkill as well and reduces the quality of the images. Not to mention the bugs that occur because of these animations.

I dunno there is less content and just less to do here. You have like 2 guys from which you can get pregnant from and they share the same scenes. There is the shota and boyfriend as well but they cut the game short with an early ending.
Also there is no side character with its own storyline. No orphanage with all the babys.

The main girl doesn't undergo any sort of meaningful corruption as well.

Then the papa katsu mechanic has no value as well because no girl has their own CGs. Except Nao. She gets one in the late game. "slow clap"
You are better off to cheat your money because there is no sexy reward in doing papa katsu.

Very dissapointed in this game and the previous one Lisette, Priestess of Spring Pregnancy is by far the better game.


Sep 21, 2018
Anyone know if equipping items works in the English version, the papa thing is pretty broken by the mtl, but maybe it's just locked behind some progress I need to do first. And the jp 1.05 someone linked doesn't even launch for me lol. Tried locale, no locale, just get a black screen and doesn't load. So I can't check it myself.

Kinda sad they removed the animations from the state screen in later versions, cuz it's the little details like these that have a strong appeal, and as someone mentioned just updating the nwjs fixes the engine's memory problem. Kinda wish there was a game with preggo system like this or lisette, but with higher quality images and stuff. Maybe a fusion of kedama and 111 (I like their style) or something.
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New Member
May 9, 2017
The 'Daddy Activities' and the end of day summary pages still don't display anything in the 1.11 english version. This doesn't actually appear to be a fault of the translation but the game code itself. The contents of these screens is presented using a call to 'showWindow' which takes 5 arguments, 4 to give the placement and size and one for the text to display. The problem is that its using spaces to split these into arguments so the string containing the translated english is being largely ignored and only the first word is displayed. This is why those pages are empty.

There is a quick and dirty fix you can try.
  1. Open www/js/plugins/TMSimpleWindow.js in a text editor of your choice
  2. Search for "var _Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;". It should be on or around line 143.
  3. Replace everything from that line up until the '};' 12 lines down with the following:
  var _Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;
  Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function(command, args) {
    _Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand.call(this, command, args);
    let textValue = "";
    if (args.length >= 6)
        let argSize = args.length;
        for (let i = 5; i < argSize; i++)
            textValue += args[i];
            if (i < argSize - 1)
                textValue += " ";
    if (command === 'showWindow') {
      $gameScreen.showSimpleWindow(+args[0], +args[1], +args[2], +args[3], +args[4], textValue, 0);
    } else if (command === 'showNoFrameWindow') {
      $gameScreen.showSimpleWindow(+args[0], +args[1], +args[2], +args[3], +args[4], textValue, 1);
    } else if (command === 'showNoBackWindow') {
      $gameScreen.showSimpleWindow(+args[0], +args[1], +args[2], +args[3], +args[4], textValue, 2);
    } else if (command === 'eraseWindow') {
Save and start the game. It should just take effect and you should start seeing these screen populated properly.

I'm not all that great with JavaScript so I'll leave it to someone better with it to come up with a more elegant solution but this seems to be where to look.


Oct 16, 2017
im lost on something, to get the girls, there has to be a relationship with the childhood friend? can you do all the slut thing without starting a relationship?
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