Ren'Py School Adventures [v0.1] [Atomic Bunny]

Atomic Bunny

New Member
Apr 20, 2023
I sure hope the writing is phenomenal, cause that artwork...

EDIT: Nope. Writing is terrible. I suspect a slap-dash MTL translation that they didn't bother to do any editing to, cause it's missing simple easy-to-fix things like regular missing capitalization and punctuation. I can't speak a word of Portuguese myself, but if I slapped something into Google Translate and tried to pawn it off to a Portuguese audience, I'd at least make sure to capitalize that start of my sentences and end them with periods.

I know the arts are not so good. It was the best I could do with the few resources I had. I made the game practically alone for 3 years. but i can improve my skills. I have many ideas for this game. I just need a chance to show


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
I know the arts are not so good. It was the best I could do with the few resources I had. I made the game practically alone for 3 years. but i can improve my skills. I have many ideas for this game. I just need a chance to show
That actually makes it worse, not better. That you claim to have spent three years on this, but seemingly couldn't be bothered to edit the translation for even the simplest grammatical errors (again, missing capitalization and punctuation)? That after spending all that time on the project, you thought it was a good idea to release it as is without giving it an editorial pass before unveiling it to the public? You spelled a character's name as 'kimberlly', and left that in the game as is. I'm assuming you meant 'Kimberly', with an uppercase K and just one L. Others characters have different names than what the other characters refer to them as, such as 'Ms. Jones' being called 'Mrs. Jones'.

What are we, the audience, supposed to make of that? That after three years of effort, another single afternoon worth of simple proofreading was just too much effort? Do you think that speaks well of your work ethic or dedication? This was your 'chance to show'. You don't get a second chance to make a first impression. The most charitable interpretation here is abject incompetence; working under that assumption that you're just ignorant rather than being malicious or a grift (helped by your lack of using AI generated illustrations).

After trying it, I'm not even that upset at the art. Yes, it's unattractive and ugly, but we both seem to be in agreement on that. Now there is a place for 'bad' art, and not all art needs to be well done in the traditional sense. But that being said, when your grasp of the human form is so limited, erotica seems like a real unsuitable outlet for this 'style' of bad art. Again, kudos for avoiding Stable Diffusion at least, but that's about all it has going for it; that it's obviously made by a human.

After struggling through the dialogue (and the bad, unfinished UI), I doubt that we're dealing with a situation where good writing is just being lost in translation. I strongly suspect that the writing, even if read and understood in it's native Portuguese, wouldn't be any better than the art that accompanies it. It's all just back and forth dialogue of the most surface and banal variety. Most of the menu just straight up doesn't work. Interactive objects don't react (e.g. become highlighted) to let you know they are interactive. The sound can bug out and doesn't loop (if you wait too long in a location, it just ends). Everything in the presentation screams 'this is not ready for public viewing'.

If you had told me that a teenager or pre-teen whipped this up over a summer vacation, it would still be bad, but it would have been weirdly impressive and charming in the way that a child's finger paintings can be. But as a serious project being hawked by a serious adult seeking a serious audience willing to finance its continued development? Unless you're planning on going into hardcore unavoidable NTR territory (cause those stans will eat up literally any content no matter the quality), I just don't see much of a future for the game outside of being a self-funded passion project. The internet is filled with these sort of Sisyphean personal projects (See Also: Temple OS). Best of luck to you, but without a drastic uptick in quality across the board (which seems unlikely) or a change in content, I very much doubt this will get beyond being anything but a passion project.


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
Geez, EvolutionKills, give the guy a break. You are waaay too critical of someone's genuine efforts to make something FREE for other people to enjoy.

Things that will make the world better: respectful constructive criticism.
Things that make the world worse: multi-paragraph whining and complaints about the free game you could easily ignore if it doesn't meet your lofty standards.
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