Edit:Trigger related Bill Friendship. Must hangout with him to trigger.
But rest like this:
Lunch with Bill. He will ask help for his lost flashdisk.
2 way to find flashdisk.
-1st and
Best way thx to
@DeUglyOne @a1fox3
Key: Directly after the lunch that he tells you about it visit the janitor's office. He's not in but there's a marker star on a file drawer. Click on it and you have the key.
USB: Where does Bill spend his time in the mornings? Usually peeking on his sister in the women's bathroom or in the men's bathroom (probably wanking after peeking on his sister). Directly after the lunch he tells you about it, go to the men's bathroom and there's another marker star on the floor near a stall. Click on it and it's the USB.
-2nd Ask Janitor to find. Janitor finds flashdisk for you for 50 bucks. Next day get it from janitor.
Lunch again with Bill. He will suggest you to online shopping for spycam.