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Others - Completed - Seal of Lutellaria [v2024-01-18] [uzuraZanac]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Honest to god I dunno what kind of black magic dev uses to keep that file size that low.

    I don't usually comment or rate but not rating this game would be a sin.

    +great combat with easy to learn hard to master curve
    +ever played dark souls remeber estus flasks...FUCK THAT enemies are your estus flasks
    +great kinks
    +Nice subtle body horror themes

    -honestly can't think of anything that is bad about this game maybe the map could've been better?
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Lot of great fetishes and art here but the gameplay is just exceedingly boring and convoluted. Just feels very sloppy and there's little reason to engage with combat instead of just doing h scenes. Still the art is really really nice and the fetishes displayed are various.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    While some games weight is more then a 1Gb, this one is only ~70 Mb

    I dunno how the Dev put so much into this one, but it's contents are abnormally huge

    One of the best hentai games of all times, can't say less then that

    Only downsides from me are gore, bdsm and other "strange" tags, but it's more like a decoration

    Gameplay and animations are the things what makes it so good
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Brilliant game, easy to play and entertaining right until the end, the sprite work is so beautiful. Plenty of animations to see with a gallery mode. Ending of the story is a little sad but you can come back and play again after beating the game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Good art and scenes. Triggering the scenes is an issue sometimes if you have multiple defeated enemies in an area and you're trying to get a certain one. Translation is a bit iffy but you get the meaning. Game is not voiced, but there are noises like moans and such. Combat is decent. Getting past certain checkpoints is sometimes confusing, search the thread for answers. Story is nice.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    First game i've ever downloaded from F95zone and it was a wonderful experience

    The game itself has a pretty unique art style, interesting mechanics and overall, pretty fun experience

    Now the selling point, the game has A LOT of enemies and the vast majority has two scenes, making the sex scene a part of the gameplay instead of punishment is awesome too

    In conclusion, really good game and would recommend
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a site for porn and ultimately if you're looking for a good fap this game is only kinda it. All the animations and artwork are incredible don't get me wrong but shit gets weird towards the last third of the game and I do mean WEIRD we talking Eldrtich Horror / Lovecraft Body Horror shit up this joint so if you're not a fan of that then you might want to look somewhere else.

    Not that you'll be jerking it during those parts anyway because you'll be too busy playing the goddamn game to give a shit.

    Yes this is a good game. Not some gallery viewer with some half-assed gameplay sprinkled in this is straight up a very competent Action Platformer and a really fun one at that. And if that was all this was this would stand far above majority of the stuff on this site already but this Metroidvania decided to shoot for the stars instead because of its unique combat.

    Combat usually goes one way, the faster it is the more fun. People naturally just like doing more shit, it's inbeded in our monkey brains. This game decides to say 'fuck that' and makes hitting shit as slow as nails. Not the FromSoft-esq: everything is slow to encourage meaningful decision making in fights with difficulty and consequencecs if you make a mistake. None of that shit because in this one your attacks take ten goddamn years to come out but have the weight and impact of a train collision.

    This is deliberate to encourage other fun mechanics like animation canceling with your guns and dodges but the game never takes that feeling of WEIGHT from the gameplay and that's what makes it unique. You learn the mechanics to counter-act the drawback of using your big attacks so you can go back to hitting that dopamine rush with less risk. The more brainpower you use the more you are rewarded with more unga bunga if that makes sense. It's a very fun gameplay loop that emphasis a very different powerfantasy that isn't just 'go fast and blitz the enemy' and it's a powerfantasy very few games even attempt and even fewer get right but somehow a fucking japanese porn game nails the landing.

    The world is weird man.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Seal of Lutellaria is a direct upgrade to Setalia the Demon Realm in every possible way. uzura has managed to create peak, one of the best H-game I've ever played.

    [uzura's Artstyle]
    Much like the previous title, this game has a very unique artstyle. The enemy design this time around doesn't have as much lovecraftian body horror as the previous game, instead opting for mostly humanoid designs. With that being said, the designs still look very very good, which each of the enemy being very distinct and noticeable even if it's the usual succubus, lady with a gun, alraune, etc. They are look amazing. The environment also looks fantastic and very atmospheric, it feels less empty and suiting for the story the game is going for. The animations of this game is also pretty impressive, they carry much more strength and looks much more dynamic than their previous works. Even though it's spine animations, which I typically don't like, it's executed well enough for me to like it instead. Overall, an improvement over Setalia.

    The sounds in this game is less explosive and rapid than Setalia. You don't get jumpscared when you get hit or ASMR'ed by the sound of your enemy being constantly hit, but for that game, it certainly is way more extreme than your usual H-game. If you compare to other games, Lutellaria certainly still stands out more on the sound design aspect. It still feels satisfying, every time your melee hit lands, your big laser shoots, your jumps and dashes, etc. The game also plays sounds outside of your screen now, as well as giving enemies more sounds to signify their presence or when they're about to attack, giving less moments where you just get ambushed out of nowhere. About the music, it also is very good. They feel fitting for the locations they're played. The songs also gets muffled sometimes based on where you are on the map, adds in a little bit of immersion. The sounds still rocks as always.

    [A very good Story]
    Unlike Setalia, Lutellaria is much more upfront about the story, if you're willing, that is. The presentation all around is very interesting, with the many environment elements telling you about a world of madness + a very horrifying section of the game, and bits of lore you get is much more informative. The story itself is pretty dark:
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    I recommend you play the game and discover the story yourself, as it is genuinely very good if you're interested something darker.

    This is where uzura improved at the most, as the gameplay is much more intricate and have some great mechanics and designs that distinguish itself from many games of the genre.

    {Big, slow and damaging attacks}
    Unlike most games out there, your offense is very very slow. You have a big sword-gun hybrid and that takes some time to swing and even more time to be actionable again. Even in comparison to heavy weapons seen in other games, yours is much much slower. You also can only attack on the ground, no air melee attack. Yes, this is the weapon you'll have to use for the entire duration of the game, but fret not because the attack is also very very big, deals great damage and it can even be multiplied by 5 times if you Parry, giving additional risk and reward. You can also do something which I will mention in the next section.

    {Bullets: more than just shooting}
    You have a secondary attack, which is shooting. There are 4 types of shot you can collect and they vary in terms of damage, application and cost. They can also be used in the air, unlike melee attacks, so it's actually essential that you use this to counter some enemies.
    But that's not all, your bullets are also used for jumps and dashes. These are essential movement options you'll need to traverse the area and avoid attacks. Jumps and dashes are really powerful with how fast you can move around the area and crazy amount of i-frames you get from dashes.
    But wait, there's still more! This relates to melee attacks as you can cancel melee attacks by shooting or dashing, giving additional mobility, attack speed and a vital way to quickly get out of sticky situations when you're fighting.

    {A game about resource management}
    You may think that the above mechanics are really really strong, but let's remember that they are balanced out by the fact that they costs bullets to perform, and reloading bullets takes a lot of time, leaving you vulnerable if you're not in a safe area. This is where the meat of the game is, you are at your strongest when you have bullets and if you do not plan ahead, like reloading before encounters or pay attention to your bullets to retreat and reload, you are basically dead. It's a really fun game design where the game rewards you for being strategic, slowing down a bit and going really fast when you have the resources.

    {The shop and its pretty important upgrades}
    This game's shop system is pretty interesting. You have your standard upgrades like damage boost for melee and shots, but what is more interesting is definitely the defense stat. It serves as a "difficulty tweak" of sorts, because enemies will deal damage based on their level and your defense stat. You can upgrade this to quickly reduce the damage dealt by enemies or you can just... ignore it for a harder challenge.
    The shop also lets you remove clothes of the shopkeeper and unlock some additional H-scenes for doing so. The shop is a good way to balance the game's pacing, not too fast so you get overpowered cheaply but not too slow so you end up having to grind to even do as much as survive the next area.

    It is done much better than Setalia, as you now have a minimap, yay! The layout isn't exactly well made, as it still can confuse you to a degree if you don't use the map. Luckily, the progression is a bit more linear so you don't have to do a lot of backtrack.
    Exploring in this game is also much more vital as your armor upgrade don't give you that many armor health (as well as the fact they aren't replenished until you go back to your save area), so permanent max HP is pretty important if you don't want to lose. There are chests that randomly spawns around you which gives money for upgrades as well as secret areas that can only be found by throwing your glowstick (also a resource, buy them at the shop or get them from chests) which reveal bits of the lore and sometimes max HP upgrades. There are also random hidden chests, also needs glowstick. Both hidden chests and areas aren't stupidly hard to find because there'll be an arrow above your head, much like those you see when you're close to an interactable object, which you can deduce to be a hidden secret (or you can just look at the map to know there's a secret door in this room), so no "throwing glowstick everywhere" shenanigans.

    {Enemies and traps - watch (and hear) out for them}
    Enemies in this game is pretty dang good. There are many of them and they each serve a different purpose in the rooms they're situated in, as well as having different ways to attack and different ways to counter them. In a regular room, it's a really chaotic environment with lots of enemies to chop down and watch out to dodge. Their synergy isn't as threatening because your big ass sword and your sometimes multi-target shot can crowd control really well, but if you left one enemy unattended, they might start messing you up really bad.
    There are also traps, which can be annoying at first if you don't realize that they're there, but is pretty fun to play around dodging them, like dashing through the H-scene trigger traps, be careful not to hit the ghost summon statues and... the bells... they scare me.

    {Peak H-game mechanics and good ass scenes}
    The game's H-scenes is revolved around the more humanoid enemies so if you didn't like the horrors fucking you in Setalia, how about you try this one? The scenes are pretty good with a lot of variety, but the best part is definitely when you fuck the enemies. That's right! This is a two-way H-game where you can fuck the enemy that you just beat up, and they can do the same to you!
    This is a really really good mechanic and it adds up to the resource management when I was talking about bullets. You have your pleasure bar, which fills up from sexual activities, and semen bar, which fills up from that and also just beating up enemies. If you have full semen and clothes off, you can fuck with a fallen enemy, giving you a benefit in that it heals you, which comes in handy whenever you're about to die. The opposite can happen, as if you cum when the enemy or a trap is fucking you, you lose health (although this rarely happens because the mashing in this game isn't very hard).
    Unlike Setalia, this healing is limited because you have to fight enemies to fill up the semen bar without getting close to losing health, so the game rewards you for engaging in combat, running a risk-reward H-game mechanic. This is honestly really really fun to interact with, as it ties the game with the sex part in a way that's really entertaining. More games should do this if given the chance, it's pretty dang good.

    {Difficulty - your choice}
    The game doesn't have a difficulty option, but it is built within the game designs itself. The difficulty is up to you: upgrade that defense stat how many you want, choose to learn the cancel mechanic or not, etc. Ultimately, it is you and your playstyle that'll determine the difficulty of the game. This is a step above Setalia, which also doesn't have a difficulty option and ended up being really easy due to how tanky you are and the simple combat. Lutellaria has much more advanced combat and moments you will lose, but the defense stat more or less remedy that by being relatively cheap, so you don't need to learn all of the hard stuff to unlock the gallery and enjoy the story. Although I still prefer traditional difficulty options, having it baked in the gameplay itself is smart and works perfectly fine in my opinion.

    Seal of Lutellaria is an amazing game which does a lot of things really well, fixed basically every problem uzura's previous game has and offers some very unique elements to the gameplay. Although I have some really extreme nitpicks here and there, it's definitely not enough to wear down the experience I had with this game. Good art, good story, good gameplay, what more can you ask? If you like futanari, go play this masterclass of a game. If you can't handle the horror, maybe reconsider or try your best to ignore it. Recommended, must-play, two thumbs and a boner up, the bells are ringing... the bells are ringing... the bells are ringing... the bells are ringing... MAKE IT STO-
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    So I at length beat both the prequel (this game) and Setaria the Demon Realm, personally I fancied the 1st game more than this one (despite having a better gameplay, save for the camera controls ofc).

    The 1st game actually managed to startle me during the whole manor section, especially with the "found you" text going red on your screen whilst a bloody demon was pursuing your arse throughout dimly lit hallways, that plus the part with the "cyclops" opening her eye and turning everything into a hellish realm with many diabolical corpses around.

    This game on the other hand, although it did have some horror (especially with the "Death" enemy), it didn't impress me as much as had I expected; albeit, I definitely enjoyed the fact that you could abuse enemies and people whilst they were down, along with an actual way of avoiding damage (dashing) which wasn't featured in the 1st game.

    Overall, quite a short but nice game, the animations were decent but worth it (especially due to the gameplay itself, not the actual H-content), although, reiterating, I still prefer Setaria because of its (even more) bizarre, grotesque horror setting (which has actually started growing on me).
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A fantastic futanari game with lots of reverse rape and femdom by succubi and other monsters, simply a really good game just like Setaria, from the same developer. Each pixel art animation perfectly conveys the movement and pleasure of the act.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Top 1 best H-game i ever played.

    Simple combat that doesn't let you just go stupid and punish you enough for doing stupid things. You aren't able to do combos very well but let's be honest, not everyone can just spin around a giant f*cking sword like guts and casually do combos like that.

    The scenes are top tier, nice voice acting, sound desing is amazing, good and fluid animation, just

    Some boss fights might be quite repetitive but it's still fun.

    Good progression that makes you to explore the map, which, does way more than enough.

    Some scenarios are simply ABSOLUTE CINEMA. there were actual moments in the game that i stopped just to look at the amazing art in the background.

    The soundtrack is good and subtle that makes you immersed in the gameplay.

    Very simple but extremely well done. Started playing in the middle of the night like 11pm-12am and kept playing until 4-5am, good 4-5 hours of entertainment, fun, and lots of H-scenes. 100% worth it. 10/10.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Futanari lover's dream.

    I enjoy the MC being able to fuck and get fucked. Lots of unique enemies. Gameplay is pretty fun.

    There's not really a story. Well, there is one but it's kind of meh.

    Play for the gameplay and the sex scenes.
  13. 3.00 star(s)



    less than average H-scenes and more than average combat. if you just want to play a platformer for combat but it's fine. if you are here for porn then it's just meh. don't get me wrong there are a lot of H-scenes, it's just i think bad quality. (first of all it's pixel art, but i've seen some pretty good pixel arts... this was not one of those... it's not terrible but not good either.)

    so having said all that imo it's an average platformer. so 3/5
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The preview pics gave me the impression the game would be the usual low effort bad gameplay type of dlsite junk, turns out it's nothing but low effort, art is insane both character designs and animations are great, didn't expect the second half of the game to go that route but I was positively surprised, now on to play their previous title
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly my favourite nsfw title to exist. Nothing will be beating the quality of this for years, and this was all made by one single dude.

    The animation is top quality, fluid, bouncy where you want to see bounce with dom and sub positions for the PC. Enemy content is extremely varied with some of the best monster girl designs out there. The gameplay is satisfying despite the PC having a lot of slow attacks with backswing, you can shoot or dash to not be stuck in them resulting in a nice "in and out" combat style that has you fighting from all ranges. That's right, both nsfw and gameplay content are solid, no dip in quality to either.

    The metroidvania thing's done right, something a lot of devs fail to do. General stat gain is simple, just kill enemies get gold and return to the shop, no complex bullshit no experience grinding. There's only a few items outside of that to get like keys and such but most of the PC's kit you have access to already. Still, you're promoted to thoroughly explore around the maps because that's how you get HP increases and different ranged weapons.

    Should you play this? If you like futanari or monster girl content absolutely, you will not find a better game for futanari scenes and tolerable gameplay likely for the remnant of this decade.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Thot Patrol

    This game is pretty fun and look forward to playing something similar to this someday. Needless to say, UzuraZanac (the developer) is on my watchlist for future games. This game had some pretty strange enemies, but that's part of the fun. The combat isn't bad. Only problem with using the weapon is the knockback which makes somethings a bit more difficult. The game offers upgrades to your weapon to give you a more "competitive" sense. H scenes are good and plenty. Overall, this game is interesting, fun to play, and something new. Worth a try
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    It is fun, it is hard imo but it is just the right amount because it feels so satisfying to get a hang of things. Im not great at these kinds of games but it is interesting. Artstyle is cool and works so well for this game. Got nothing bad to say really, wouldn't mind more h-scenes of course but that doesnt make the game any less bad. Great game
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Again I don't post often but at the same time I always want to praise this game. As the creator made something great here! it's inspired rps, allured me to come up with more eldritch horror concepts and so forth! Also it's fun which is another bonus. 9.7/10.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Instant 5/5 Stars
    Uzurazanac makes great games, with great art, but beware because his game have lots of fetishes!

    ☑ Very good
    Pretty simple gameplay, easy to understand, and you can either play with keyboard or gamepad. I recommend using steam to map your gamepad tho.
    Somethin I liekd a lot, is that when the enemies grab you, they don't let go until you're done or you break free.

    ☑ (s)Excellent
    High quality animations, but the only detail is that they're censored with a mosaic blur, so that's kinda sad :(

    ☑ Great
    The audio is pretty good, and complements the enemies pretty well!
    Same with our character. You're gonna have a great time!

    ☑ Good
    There seems to be some lore going on behind the scenes, and it seems it connects this game with the other that the same author made. It fits the game's theme pretty well, and it's kinda mysterious, specially with the game's theme.
    You see the MC on some paintings, some swords of presumably other MC's, some enemies that resemble the MC... I recommend you to check the forum.

    ☑ Moderate
    Easy once you've got some upgrades and adapted to the combat system, but until then, the game can be a little challenging at times, specially if you're the type to only play with one hand...

    ☑ A bit grindy
    If you suck at playing, you're probably gonna need to grind a bit of monet to get upgrades, but other than that, all the H scenes and game content can be acceded at any time.

    Game Time:
    ☑ Average
    You can take your time exploring, discovering enemies, solving some puzzles and fighting, but other than that, it has average length

    ☑ Just Buy it or Support the creator
    Uzurazanac makes HIGH QUALITY stuff, so if you can, please buy his games or support him on his DLSite page!

    ☑ Bug free?
    I personally, have not encountered any bug.

    PC Requirements:
    ☑ Decent
    It's a pretty simple game, so the requirements are kinda low, but I haven't tested it on a potato.

    Game's top fetishes:
    ☑ FUTA - The game's main appeal is futa content.
    ☑ Futa on girl - Some H scenes are about that.
    ☑ Monster on Girl/Futa - You encounter some mosnters at some point
    ☑ Submission - Some enemies have that kind of vibe.
    ☑ Mind Control - Some enemies mess with the MC
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent platformer, with a decent difficulty (till you figure out how to stagger enemies or time parries). The final boss is however crazy difficult (unless I missed something important that made it easier).

    The H content is entirely futa. If that's not your thing, then this might be a pass, otherwise the sprites are well made.

    The gallery fully unlocks (at least i believe it does) after a game finish, so missing any sprites is fine.

    Would recommend this, takes 3-5h to finish. Can use Cheat Engine (the currency is a double value) to get money to reduce time spend.