same hereI'm getting a black screen when putting on the "mask" at the pool. why?
when she is in her room study at window 'let's go to the beach'How do you start the sister parts?
Quest log is empty
Remeber save your changesPool black screen-change your clothes and skin MC to the default. It helped me.
English is not my native language.
I would like to know that too it's driving me crazy. Might just be a bug.How to unlock last 2 scenes in diary?
Seen from discord that it is a bugI would like to know that too it's driving me crazy. Might just be a bug.
Before this scene, change something in the mс, save and start with this save, everything will be fine. It helped me.I started the game from the beginning without changing the characters and the phase with the pool at 22:00 does not work
It was the HJ option.What about "Approach Brenda at your room"? I've approached her when she was cleaning up, but there are no new actions there. Anyone know?