Hello everybody, i could use your help. i have a strange save bug. so i played the game an made use of saveslot 1,2,3.
Later as i continued playing the game i overitten the slot 1,2,3(only used 123) but today as i wanted to continue there are only the old saves on 123 not the new overritten ones. Did also look into the games save folder, there where saves withe the ending _0 to _6, so six in total. So i made a copie of them outside the savefolder and then deleted them but when i start the game there are still the 3 old save there(how is that possible?) also downloaded a save someone here provided, but still only the three old saves appear in loading. so can somebody explain to me whats going on?
As a folow up, even after deleting the whole save folder from my dokuments, the 3 old save are still appearing in the loading section oft the game.
and there is no second savefolder in one drive.
another follow up: so i solfed my problem, the error whas that the game save the first 3 old saves in a seperad folder on my second ssd and than later saved the overitten saves in the correct folder in my documents but the game still did load the old saves from the second ssd( i dont know why) so if someone has a simmilar problem maybe this will help.