
Active Member
Jan 30, 2019
Unity games can't be ported to android, only the dev it self can do it

I only have Camping With Mom apk, if you want i can send you the link
I need extended one, cant find them sadly.
I thought you can port them forcefully with sketchy program xD


Active Member
Jan 30, 2019
I will tell you one more time, there is no person who is interested in porting the game unless they are paid to do it, and if such an apk existed I would share it with you.
Yeah i will take it if someone did the majestic job.
My pc is broken, so i only can play with phone.
Even downloading them suck.. My memory is full cant install some apk lol.
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Nov 18, 2019
Reading comprehension may not be your strong suit, "not to white knight" is an expression but regardless, I told you above his older content was worse in almost every way possible in comparison to his new ones how is that a white knight? You also seem to be blind as a bat

1. The art is not the same. It is objectively better on a technical level to say otherwise means you're blind
2. Animations being a waste of time is a YOU thing, it is subjective. Regardless of what you think, Animations being in a game is an objective improvement to not having them.
3. Who cares if YOU turn them off. Your whole claim was past games were better. They didn't have this, so in this regard they are objectively worse.
4. Sound and musics kind of play into the voice in sex scenes, so you don't only hear the same monotonous royalty free music. For other parts of the game you can see he tries to go for more different sounds now that fit the mood, but I guess this is subjective at the end of the day.
5. UX detail is objectively better again.
6. Story/Scene if you mean to your likeness then that's subjective, idiot. If you mean writing prowess and scene length then that is equal if not worse in the past.
- RH1: not that long of a game, scenes were subpar, and the writing was about as good as anything we currently get
- ASV: not finished axed
- AI: Short sex scenes, not all routes were fleshed out. Still writing wise for the female MC is his best game, and his longest too
- ML: Literally released in an unfinished state. short sex scenes, and writing was rushed.
- Queen: Short story, and short scenes.

You can like his older games more, but to come out and claim they are somehow leagues apart from his new ones in quality is just demonstrably wrong.
White knight means you inserted yourself into a situation to defend a stranger, sorry was that not you a few posts up whining for paragraphs about how it's our fault he left because he was criticized?

1. I'm not blind compare Mira's sprite to Azuza or whatever the fuck her name is. It's the same quality, scenes too
2. Animation take time, focus on them you'll burn yourself like he did. Especially if the game's bad
3. Useless additions are useless
4. Never said anything about the music
5. It's literally the same
6. I mean build up to the scenes dipshit, not just having the girl jump into bed with the bull out of nowhere like rh2 or sol

you can add all the bells and whistles you want but a turd is a turd
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Sep 28, 2020
He shouldn't be so tired. I think ntrman should hire some Japanese or Chinese script writers who have a better creative pornscript industry.

Jake Pauls

May 20, 2018
White knight means you inserted yourself into a situation to defend a stranger, sorry was that not you a few posts up whining for paragraphs about how it's our fault he left because he was criticized?

1. I'm not blind compare Mira's sprite to Azuza or whatever the fuck her name is. It's the same quality, scenes too
2. Animation take time, focus on them you'll burn yourself like he did. Especially if the game's bad
3. Useless additions are useless
4. Never said anything about the music
5. It's literally the same
6. I mean build up to the scenes dipshit, not just having the girl jump into bed with the bull out of nowhere like rh2 or sol

you can add all the bells and whistles you want but a turd is a turd
You either have English as a second language, are underage, or an artist yourself and are jealous at the improvements, or a blithering idiot. If you ask me, I think it's all 4. I'm done with this.

Jake Pauls

May 20, 2018
He shouldn't be so tired. I think ntrman should hire some Japanese or Chinese script writers who have a better creative pornscript industry.
I don't think this would be a good thing for him. At least in my opinion, it would take away his uniqueness. For better or worse, NTRMAN's plot's and themes, or I guess script is more accurate, is more varied and nuanced than let's say the typical Japanese writer who just spams tropes in their stories left and right. Take Mira and Satoshi for instance. Both are his strongest written characters bar none, and it shows. They feel more human that what you get out of a Japanese or Chinese porn artist, or writer, and I quite frankly enjoy that.

The problem I think arises is when for the amount of time it takes for a part to come out is not close to that which the fans imagine the story pace is moving at. That's not to say I can do anything he does, or that it shouldn't take that long. I'm no writer or artist myself, and much respect and love for the time and effort he puts in.

To put my words into an example. Let's say an update takes 4-5 months, right? I can't speak for other people per se, but as a fan, I go in expecting a slower burn in the story, relative to the time I see that has taken for the part to be released. I expected maybe the corruption to be slower through one update. Maybe that's my misconception for expecting longer parts. But then a character's entire chapter/arc, corruption, and all, is almost entirely resolved in that one short part.

Now I can't fully judge as the final part is not released and maybe it is all masterfully going to be tied in. For a lack of a better word. They lose to the dick too fast. It doesn't fit their pre-established character profile. Nothing about them makes it seem like they would lose to the dick that fast or are sluts, both in backstory, and how they carry themselves in convo. You can still have them lose to the dick fast, just maybe not the first dicking, maybe the second dicking.

Azusa loses to her son's bully, a person that beats him up regularly, in one night, and even wants his baby. All after a few sweet words? At the very least, leaving your son just cause he called you a slut is not enough to warrant the abandonment in my opinion. If he wanted this to work, we would had to have seen her get more corrupted. Then you have his girlfriend, Tsugumi, she ditches her boyfriend and wants the P.E. Teacher's kid after only one fuck? Though, I will say, Tsugumi losing to the dick after one fuck makes much more sense than the mom. The mom needed more corrupting I feel like. It's a harder bond to break. Are the scenes hot, though, in which they claim they want to be knocked up during the first fuck? Yes!!!, but a bit slower wouldn't hurt imo.

It's why in my first post I claimed his games would be elevated to a whole different level if they were even 50% longer and had some more setup or longer corrupting times before the FMC write the MC away.

I know he mostly seems to do everything himself which is a huge challenge, and undertaking. If this is not his main source of income, I say fuck it. You have everything that people love. Great art, voice acting, nice animations, varied themes and story, varied character designs, interconnective universe, the base structure of a good script. So for the longer projects, I say, don't give out a release date, just work on it as you see fit to make it longer. Maybe work on some smaller projects on the side or some comics so you don't get burnt out and are always working on new and different things.
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Deleted member 205331

Active Member
Sep 15, 2017
Out of all the adult content creators,
NTRman deserves a well earned time-off.

Just less than a month after completing SOL: Winter,

he took no breaks and started working on SOL: Spring right off the bat.

On top of that, promised 2 new short comics(Yennefer and Yor).

The man is king. He truly is an inspiration to me when it comes to the value of hardwork.

It's understandable why he would be burnt out.

People seem to not realize that, SOL: Spring is bound to look massive.
Second only to Adelaide Inn!

SOL: Spring by the looks of it has 2 fuckable characters to boot(Gal and Older Woman) plus, potentially Saeko, Tsugumi's Sister! Making it 3 characters in one game!!! Not only that, it will wrap up Satoshi's story. The game is bound to be huge guys!!! We all should be excited!!!

Compare that to the final one, SOL: Summer only has 1 fuckable character(Milf).

My point is NTRman can take all the breaks he need, hell! make it two months break. The potentially massive content of SOL: Spring tells you why he might be burnt out at the moment.

By the way, he paused the billing on patreon because, he isn't scummy like the rest. I know because, I am a Proud Patreon supporter of his.

Everyone just chill and be patient. Since, when did NTRman not deliver? He always does and if you're patient, great things about to drop boys!!! Christmas 2022 is gonna be special!!!

A massive Seasons of Loss: Spring game,
3 potential females in ONE game,
Satoshi's grand finale!!!!

Fucking Awesome!!!​

Jake Pauls

May 20, 2018
Fully agree! Well put! Regardless of any fact, he constantly works hard behind the scenes, and one is only human. The fact that he pauses billing as you said, shows integrity of character. At the end of the day it's just porn when you get down to it. Take as much time as you need off. This goes for any creator for me. Be it a short one month break or a long year+ one, it's all well deserved.

Dante moone

Dec 4, 2017
I can't say I am surprised this happened. This was going to be a massive undertaking from the start considering it is basically 4 individual projects crammed into one. Take some time, recharge, and learn from the experience going forward. Wishing you the best.


Active Member
Jun 26, 2020
I don't think this would be a good thing for him. At least in my opinion, it would take away his uniqueness. For better or worse, NTRMAN's plot's and themes, or I guess script is more accurate, is more varied and nuanced than let's say the typical Japanese writer who just spams tropes in their stories left and right. Take Mira and Satoshi for instance. Both are his strongest written characters bar none, and it shows. They feel more human that what you get out of a Japanese or Chinese porn artist, or writer, and I quite frankly enjoy that.

The problem I think arises is when for the amount of time it takes for a part to come out is not close to that which the fans imagine the story pace is moving at. That's not to say I can do anything he does, or that it shouldn't take that long. I'm no writer or artist myself, and much respect and love for the time and effort he puts in.

To put my words into an example. Let's say an update takes 4-5 months, right? I can't speak for other people per se, but as a fan, I go in expecting a slower burn in the story, relative to the time I see that has taken for the part to be released. I expected maybe the corruption to be slower through one update. Maybe that's my misconception for expecting longer parts. But then a character's entire chapter/arc, corruption, and all, is almost entirely resolved in that one short part.

Now I can't fully judge as the final part is not released and maybe it is all masterfully going to be tied in. For a lack of a better word. They lose to the dick too fast. It doesn't fit their pre-established character profile. Nothing about them makes it seem like they would lose to the dick that fast or are sluts, both in backstory, and how they carry themselves in convo. You can still have them lose to the dick fast, just maybe not the first dicking, maybe the second dicking.

Azusa loses to her son's bully, a person that beats him up regularly, in one night, and even wants his baby. All after a few sweet words? At the very least, leaving your son just cause he called you a slut is not enough to warrant the abandonment in my opinion. If he wanted this to work, we would had to have seen her get more corrupted. Then you have his girlfriend, Tsugumi, she ditches her boyfriend and wants the P.E. Teacher's kid after only one fuck? Though, I will say, Tsugumi losing to the dick after one fuck makes much more sense than the mom. The mom needed more corrupting I feel like. It's a harder bond to break. Are the scenes hot, though, in which they claim they want to be knocked up during the first fuck? Yes!!!, but a bit slower wouldn't hurt imo.

It's why in my first post I claimed his games would be elevated to a whole different level if they were even 50% longer and had some more setup or longer corrupting times before the FMC write the MC away.

I know he mostly seems to do everything himself which is a huge challenge, and undertaking. If this is not his main source of income, I say fuck it. You have everything that people love. Great art, voice acting, nice animations, varied themes and story, varied character designs, interconnective universe, the base structure of a good script. So for the longer projects, I say, don't give out a release date, just work on it as you see fit to make it longer. Maybe work on some smaller projects on the side or some comics so you don't get burnt out and are always working on new and different things.
I agree with what you said about both the mom and Tsugumi but I just think is comes down to whats goin on now. He is probably trying to deliver the content in a timeframe which pleases the fans and supporters. His games have never really been all that fleshed out. They kind of create a general outline of whats goin to happen and then they get right to the action without alot of minor substance in between. And that is completely understandable because it causes burn out like he is going thru now and also writers block. But some much is still put into his works. As far as Voice acting and animations and connecting the stories. This guy is obviously a very hard worker and enjoys what he does. That always trumps anything else in my opinion. So respect to him for taking some time off cause we all need it at times. And I appreciate everything he does because he is better then 90% of the half assed creators out there that are only tryna make a quick buck. So props to him and I'll gladly wait for him to finish this project whenever that may be.


Aug 21, 2017
Great for him to take a break as I feel like Season of Loss isn't upto his usual standard. The burnt out really seeps into the game itself makig it feel worse. Take a good break, play some games and then start to make comics again for the creative juices to get flowing again. Then work on the game when you feel you are in the zone.
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Jake Pauls

May 20, 2018
I think you hit the nail on the head with these two points

I agree with what you said about both the mom and Tsugumi but I just think is comes down to whats goin on now. He is probably trying to deliver the content in a timeframe which pleases the fans and supporters.
I fully agree. This might be the crux of the issue. It's a hard thing to balance. As you see with him pausing billing. He is honest. You want to make a more fleshed out game, but then don't want to your fans and supporters to wait a long time as you put it. I say his true fans will wait regardless, so he can take as long as he need, but that's me from the outside looking in, what do I know.

I appreciate everything he does because he is better then 90% of the half assed creators out there that are only tryna make a quick buck. So props to him and I'll gladly wait for him to finish this project whenever that may be.
Yes, again I fully agree. People see how much better he is than the half-assed creators as you put it, or at the very least he cares about striving to be better and has integrity. They see the quality of the work, and the potential of his works and what it could be if it stayed in the oven a bit longer.

As you said. Respect to him. He deserves his time off.


Nov 24, 2019

Out of all the adult content creators,
NTRman deserves a well earned time-off.

Just less than a month after completing SOL: Winter,

he took no breaks and started working on SOL: Spring right off the bat.

On top of that, promised 2 new short comics(Yennefer and Yor).

The man is king. He truly is an inspiration to me when it comes to the value of hardwork.

It's understandable why he would be burnt out.

People seem to not realize that, SOL: Spring is bound to look massive.
Second only to Adelaide Inn!

SOL: Spring by the looks of it has 2 fuckable characters to boot(Gal and Older Woman) plus, potentially Saeko, Tsugumi's Sister! Making it 3 characters in one game!!! Not only that, it will wrap up Satoshi's story. The game is bound to be huge guys!!! We all should be excited!!!

Compare that to the final one, SOL: Summer only has 1 fuckable character(Milf).

My point is NTRman can take all the breaks he need, hell! make it two months break. The potentially massive content of SOL: Spring tells you why he might be burnt out at the moment.

By the way, he paused the billing on patreon because, he isn't scummy like the rest. I know because, I am a Proud Patreon supporter of his.

Everyone just chill and be patient. Since, when did NTRman not deliver? He always does and if you're patient, great things about to drop boys!!! Christmas 2022 is gonna be special!!!

A massive Seasons of Loss: Spring game,
3 potential females in ONE game,
Satoshi's grand finale!!!!

Fucking Awesome!!!​
I wish i shared your enthusiasm at least partially. Guy sounded like he was done for good. :(


Jul 26, 2017
I'm sure he'll come back, he just needs a proper break. You look at all these hentai game creators and they're all going in and out of the doctor's getting herniated disks, prostate inflammations, what have you.

Now it could just be Japanese humour I'm missing but imho they just overwork themselves to the point of hurting their health and morale


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2020
i dont agree with everything thats been said but ive said it before that the pacing and writing absolutely feels rushed in his recent works and i feel like its come to a head with his recent work. i hope he gets to take care of whatever problems hes having in life and also gets some rest. again writing should never be whats sacrificed for the sake of the game.

Lawless Law

Aug 28, 2021
i dont agree with everything thats been said but ive said it before that the pacing and writing absolutely feels rushed in his recent works and i feel like its come to a head with his recent work. i hope he gets to take care of whatever problems hes having in life and also gets some rest. again writing should never be whats sacrificed for the sake of the game.
indeed brother SOL kinda rushed...every episode is kinda small from his previous games...Next Episode has some possibility to big but still every episode will the same length
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