taco7! I've finished playing the new Day 1, so here are a few thoughts and questions, with the hope of helping improve the story! (I've also DMed you a few corrections in the text.)
- One technical question: the animations at school are great, but before they start the screen flashes back to RPG mode, and then it slowly (by flashes) goes back to the animation scene. That is different from the other animations in Day 1. Is this how it is supposed to be?
- The new storyline is more interesting than the old one, and also better paced. Good improvement here.
- I still find it difficult to believe the MC's claim that his Landlady "treats him better than most women treat men" -- the first thing we see her do is punish him harshly for something that was obviously not his fault while being lenient on Iris for something that was clearly her fault. Don't get me wrong, I love what she did to him, but how is this logical? Landlady looks like a typical woman from this world (is it maybe just because she calls him "honey"?)
- MC now mentions his father who "disappeared"... Are we going to learn more about him, and why he disappeared? Is it common in this world for men to disappear? Just curious.
- MC follows Iris to school. But doesn't he go to school? Later on he mentions to Iris that maybe Landlady would agree "to homeschool her too" (implying he was homeschooled), but unless I missed something nothing about that had been said before.
- MC says Iris' attitude changed after she started coming to school. But... hasn't she been coming to school since she was a little kid? Wouldn't that have affected her relationship with MC from the very beginning then? Also, doesn't the Landlady also work there? Hasn't the female-superiority system affected her, too?
- It's a bit hard to believe Iris' anger at MC. She blames him for the bullying, but it's obviously not his fault (he didn't even know about it before), rather it's the other girls' fault. How plausible is it for a reasonable girl like Iris not to know that?
- Iris telling MC to help her "have a normal life" by submitting to her is much better than the first version, where her domination came out of nowhere... and her recording him to show at school is a great idea, which I thoroughly enjoyed! The follow-up in which she says her new friends gave her suggestions makes the transition to the following scenes smoother -- that's much better now! (I see the ass-licking scene was moved to later on, in Iris' room. For some weird reason, that does feel better.)
- Iris reacts as if the scene in the bathroom is the first time she sees how small MC's penis is. But a couple of days ago she had seen him be punished naked by Landlady, and from the dialogue it seems this wasn't the first time at all. How come she never noticed how small his penis was before?
- I noticed that, if MC tries to go to the bathroom before knocking on Landlady's room right after Iris takes the jar out of his ass, the game tells us to "go to the punishment chair" without any context. Is this a bug?