Thank you for your detailed info. I get it. I initially thought that the game had multiple endings and plots depending on your choices, but it seems that there r only 2 main plots. Help Iris or not help her.
No, there is definitely multiple endings. The game is a dating sim after all. We only just recently got introduced to the girls though, so there isn't an actual "route" per se. The only developed character at the moment is Iris, but in the future, you will spend time and "date" (if you can call it that) someone that aligns with your tastes or more specifically you align with their tastes.
As of now, AFAIK but I can be wrong/things are subject to change based on the dev's ideas/plans:
- Iris is a datable route/ending
-Not mom is a datable route/ending
-Sarah is a datable route/ending
^those are pretty much confirmed routes,
Not so confirmed routes/possibilities:
-Something with getting together with your best friend but probably under the ownership of someone
-All the girls that "interviewed" you at school are potential routes (There is four of them, but since Lily is bae, she's the only one I remember off the top of my head)
So all in all there is probably 7/8 routes, but because the work is split between two games in development, its why it seems slow (its really not through). There is just a huge amount of content already available split between the "nice" and "mean" Iris routes, and the other routes are just getting started. Sarah most notably started to lay claim to you depending on your choices in the last update.