Written at version 0.8.18, October 2023.
A lot of people complain about how the game is grindy, this is mostly correct. While in itself it may not be a problem, the fact that money is ultimately kind of useless is what makes it a big issue for me.
Your basic income comes from tips. A maid sits with a client and takes orders, you deliver the item, the maid gets a tip. I've played about 120 in-game days and I'm still not entirely sure how the money you get is calculated. Sure, some clients tip more, but I can't tell if the value of the item delivered is taken into consideration at check-out. In any case, restocking will take a substantial amount of your daily income, leaving you with pennies at the end of the day unless you were really lucky.
How the maid's abilities work, while technically explained, is also somewhat obscure. I use 'Take-Out', which is supposed to increase the payout, but can't really compare because there is no log or 'receipt' page to corroborate the effects. I use 'Flirt', which is supposed to extend the sitting time... no noticeable change. Use 'Care'... sure I see the pop-up but what does it really do? Does it really bring better tips? Can't be sure.
But, again, money ultimately isn't that important anyway. What do you need money for? At some point I was told my maids would have to be paid, but that event never happened. So I spent my money in upgrading their skills (which, as stated above, have obscure effects) which ultimately should lead to me making more money. What do I do with that extra money I'm getting? Well, upgrade the cafe... which technically only servers the purpose of making more money IF you are okay with whoring out your employees.
And if I don't want to whore out my employees? If I opt out of the NTR stuff? Well... then your cafe upgrades really don't serve much of a purpose. The most expensive upgrades (the ones you will be grinding for) are all related to the NTR stuff, so unless you go down that path there's not much for the girls to do in the backrooms other than take a break or clean.
Still, even if you do go the NTR route and grind for all the money needed to build and upgrade the backrooms... they only serve the purpose of giving you even more money, which is completely useless at that point. Sure, you can check out a few animations when the girls are servicing clients, but it seems like an absurd amount of effort for such a small reward. And you still will have to grind the skill so your girls actually do anything other than handjobs (and the grind is per-maid, not global).
So, as you can see, the game loop is kind of broken right now. Specially if you aren't into the NTR stuff... and if for some reason you are playing safe mode (as if it was just a management game) then it's literally a very basic time sink.
In regards to the story, as said before... it seems heavily eschewed towards NTR content. The game's description said you'd get a choice to do it or not, and that your decisions would matter... I tried to keep it clean for as long as I could, but it comes to a point where it seems you are literally just locking yourself out from 80% of the game.
Now, if the NTR stuff is your cup of tea, that's all fine and good. I ain't here to kink-shame. But it annoys me how little content there is for the other path and how the game literally bores you into accepting it.
I think 3/5 is a fair score in the game's current state. It could get better with more content added, but if it's just going to be more NTR stuff I think I'll pass, as it isn't my cup of tea. Add a star if the kink fits.
A lot of people complain about how the game is grindy, this is mostly correct. While in itself it may not be a problem, the fact that money is ultimately kind of useless is what makes it a big issue for me.
Your basic income comes from tips. A maid sits with a client and takes orders, you deliver the item, the maid gets a tip. I've played about 120 in-game days and I'm still not entirely sure how the money you get is calculated. Sure, some clients tip more, but I can't tell if the value of the item delivered is taken into consideration at check-out. In any case, restocking will take a substantial amount of your daily income, leaving you with pennies at the end of the day unless you were really lucky.
How the maid's abilities work, while technically explained, is also somewhat obscure. I use 'Take-Out', which is supposed to increase the payout, but can't really compare because there is no log or 'receipt' page to corroborate the effects. I use 'Flirt', which is supposed to extend the sitting time... no noticeable change. Use 'Care'... sure I see the pop-up but what does it really do? Does it really bring better tips? Can't be sure.
But, again, money ultimately isn't that important anyway. What do you need money for? At some point I was told my maids would have to be paid, but that event never happened. So I spent my money in upgrading their skills (which, as stated above, have obscure effects) which ultimately should lead to me making more money. What do I do with that extra money I'm getting? Well, upgrade the cafe... which technically only servers the purpose of making more money IF you are okay with whoring out your employees.
And if I don't want to whore out my employees? If I opt out of the NTR stuff? Well... then your cafe upgrades really don't serve much of a purpose. The most expensive upgrades (the ones you will be grinding for) are all related to the NTR stuff, so unless you go down that path there's not much for the girls to do in the backrooms other than take a break or clean.
Still, even if you do go the NTR route and grind for all the money needed to build and upgrade the backrooms... they only serve the purpose of giving you even more money, which is completely useless at that point. Sure, you can check out a few animations when the girls are servicing clients, but it seems like an absurd amount of effort for such a small reward. And you still will have to grind the skill so your girls actually do anything other than handjobs (and the grind is per-maid, not global).
So, as you can see, the game loop is kind of broken right now. Specially if you aren't into the NTR stuff... and if for some reason you are playing safe mode (as if it was just a management game) then it's literally a very basic time sink.
In regards to the story, as said before... it seems heavily eschewed towards NTR content. The game's description said you'd get a choice to do it or not, and that your decisions would matter... I tried to keep it clean for as long as I could, but it comes to a point where it seems you are literally just locking yourself out from 80% of the game.
Now, if the NTR stuff is your cup of tea, that's all fine and good. I ain't here to kink-shame. But it annoys me how little content there is for the other path and how the game literally bores you into accepting it.
I think 3/5 is a fair score in the game's current state. It could get better with more content added, but if it's just going to be more NTR stuff I think I'll pass, as it isn't my cup of tea. Add a star if the kink fits.