Others - Secret Care Cafe [v0.8.47 Public] [Rare Alex]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game that's a balance of NSFW and cafe management. Decent amount of content, though a bit grind-y for now. Heavy on Netorare/netori content, which can be disabled but would remove a large portion of the games NSFW portions. Frequent updates, can't wait to see what else author adds.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    As title says this game is about a cafe were girls take care of customer, NTR can be turned ON or OFF, so if you don't like it, it's not a problem but you lose some scenes.

    About Grinding.
    I suggest you to read tutorial, for example to improve money income you have to use the skills when customer have already ordered a lot, so you can reduce the grinding; there is a grinding but it not so much.
    I suggest to add more in-game scenes or animation during game play to add some variables.

    The scenes are good and this game is in constant evolution, with weekly updated so it is improving and expanding week after week
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    I'm morbidly impressed at how this game can have such a sexy concept, but such absurdly boring gameplay. I love the game concept of a sexy, slutty maid cafe, but this game completely misses the mark when it comes to what you actually do. You're not the cafe manager, where you might tell the maids who to entertain, manage their mood/exhaustion, or train their skills and lewdness. You're the bartender, dragging and dropping food, drink and maids onto the desirous customers. It's like the game intentionally took the most tedious and uninteresting aspects of a sexy maid cafe and focused almost exclusively on them.

    There are lewd scenes in the game and they're pretty good, but the amount of grind required to unlock them is just ridiculous, especially with such boring gameplay. I'm a big fan of voyeurism and exhibitionism, so this game is right up my alley, but even I can't recommend this game. This game could have been so good if the gameplay wasn't so terribly boring.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Slow, boring, tedious progress for no real reward. Can't possibly see why this game keeps popping up or why it's so highly rated. Tried it after seeing it on top games frequently, but this needs a lot of work before it can be described as engaging on a gameplay level or rewarding in any other way.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Grindy. Without much to see.

    Basic gameplay loop feels like a phone game. Not a good one. You drag a chick to the doorway, wait for dick cheeze and his pals to walk in. Drag chick on dickcheese and pals.
    That's all you can do for a while, because all the upgrades cost too fucking much, of like 5 different resources. The best way to get 90% of these resources is to just buy them. So they just feel like cash with a dozen extra menus and steps. Tedious. And your food items are also very expensive.

    You grind through the days to either talk to an singular girl for mostly the exact same static image of them doing nothing.
    And in the hopes of scenes at the end of days. Scenes you can't repeat, even with the gallery, since the gallery has no dialogue, so you just get the background of the scene. See a hot scene after 5 days of absolute tedium and a boring waiting minigame that manages to be both too slow paced and too fast at the same time? Better hope you saved yesterday. Because its done now, seen. It will never happen again.

    Now let's talk about the 'swinging'. Did you know, in the saves for this game, that statistic is called 'ntr'. Explicitly. And it, for one girl, really feels like NTR more than swinging. Because you can't date her. She just has 1 and done random scenes. But she can date a customer repeatedly. He ntr's you. On top of that, the mc is dating the blonde girl. She lifts her skirt and lets a guy grope her BEFORE you give her the NTR pin. She's already trying to cuck you and will happily continue to do so. Too happily.
    Just a warning for the kind of weirdo who likes swining but not NTR.
    On top of this, you seem unable to both be able to fuck the girls yourself from the menu and do NTR. Like they're seperate routes. If its swinging, those would be the same route. For you to lose access to a chick because of another guy's dick is more slick? That's NTR.

    There really isn't much sex in the game in general. One girl can't date you OR customers. Only the blonde one has a full set of options. And she herself doesn't really fuck much.

    What the game DOES have is quite a lot of singular screenshots taken in koikatsu of a vaguely lewd animation. That only sometimes plays even if your whore has maxed lewd stats and you explicitly use the command to make her go be a whore.
    Like, I can't get the blondey to do any of this shit at all anymore, she just does her purest, level 1 'remove table' move every time, to all clients, despite jumping into dick and muff happily before. No reason. Just stopped working.

    These animations are, however, tied to 'abilities'. Which you can only use x times per day. And getting more uses is insanely expensive and drawn out (ie flirt goes up to like 2 uses a day from 1... at level 7) . So if you use all of them up without any hot scenes, you may as well just skip the day. Except you have to get money to buy more food and shit. Also skipping days costs 2k or so for an item before you can actually do.

    The gameplay loop is functional but its... so fucking boring. The days go so slow, but customers, baseline, will sometimes just rush in like 5-6 at once. You only have 3 girls. You don't even start with the ability to remove them, so if this happens too early, you are just fucked. And even later, its on an X per day ability. A cheat mode to remove the limits of these abilities would probably make it a much hotter game. But there's no such option. Skip day. Hope its less shit the next day.

    There are also 'boss' clients. I don't really get the point of them. Like some chick who has you mash m1 at a brisk pace when you send a chick to her AND locks the girl to her. Why can't I use any of my abilities? Why can't I tell her to fuck off? There's no real reason. And no challenge. She just means I can't use any of the abilities the game's based around grinding for.

    So I wouldn't really rec this for its core gameplay, its characters (the girls barely have any personality), the swinging (its not swinging; its ntr), the ntr (there aren't many scenes outside of rng and limited per day single screenshots - also you have to buy the ability for girls to be slutty enough to fuck others), they lovey dovey mc route (mc is the flattest character in the game and his scenes are largely one and done things you need a save before to properly replay) , the sex (koitatsu sex is flat to begin with, this more so), anything.

    Its a tedious grind for basically no payoff that honestly seems mistagged.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    The Concept is good. But there just isn't much there yet. You just grind all the time, to make very little progress. The amount you make per day is also purposely misleading. Since you have to blow it all away buying coffee and what not. The few H-scenes are decent I guess but there is just so little of them. Its really not very good. I recommend getting a full save every release, looking at the CGs and that's it. Until the Dev puts a decent amount of events and animations in it.
    Its hours in between H events. You don't even see much in terms of "teasing" which I expected a lot of in the early game but its really only like one or two CGs.
    Really not good.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    One word: GRIND. The core game by itself works quite well, but as soon as the shop closes and the focus switches to progression with the girls, the game starts to mess it up very much.
    You are only able to progess with ONE girl a time per evening. Purchasing items that are out of stock is also annoying (yet not unrealistic), because restocking is very expensive (= slow).
    The render quality is quite nice, though, BUT the engine/ controls are bad- no rolling back, no quick access to the menu, the performance isn't that good either.
    I doubt this game is able to improve much, due to the things I've mentioned before, so:
    Thumbs down, no recommendation.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    TL;DR = way too much grind for a little content.

    Story: 3/5
    - You open a cafe. You will get closer to your employees. Each girl has some backstory and some lewd events. Some girls are more interesting than others. At this point thats all. Nothing special, it's average at best.

    Art: 5/5
    + Girls are cute.
    + Lewd scenes are usually hot.
    - Unfortunately there isnt much content at this point. Author decided to mask low amount of content by hiding each event behind a lot of grind. It will get frustrating very fast.

    Gameplay: 0/5
    + On the bright side english is decent.
    - As for negatives: This game is pretty much the mouse click trainer game. 95% of your game time you will spend by fulfilling requests by doing "Drag and Drop" mouse movement or by waiting for new requests to pop-up. It will get boring very fast.
    - Unfortunately each event with girls is hidden behind a lot of grind. For example: during first 3 hours of gameplay I only managed to see 2 blowjob events and one short panty flash event. It's BORING. Bear in mind that one of the girls is already your girlfriend, therefore a lack of content feels unnatural.
    - Another super annoying thing about the game is that you have to do everything manually:
    When customer enters the shop and you have only 1 free waitress: she wont get auto-assigned, you have to assign her manually.
    When a customer wants coffee then you have to Drag&Drop the drink on the customer (these waitresses cant do anything on their own!!).
    When you unlock a skill for waitress: she will be unable to use it on her own, once again you have to Drag&Drop skill icon for her to use it every single time.
    After every single work day you have to restock your supplies manually (you cant set some auto-resupply of certain amount of coffee).
    - There is so much micromanagement that it is no longer fun.
    - Also a lot of game mechanics are doing nothing and they only serve as teaser. For example: you can buy an item in a shop, that promises that the waitress can "have fun" with customers in her free time (NTR warning). Problem? It does almost nothing, because majority of events with customers are not implemented at this point.

    To sum it up:
    This game has too much grind and too low amount of lewd content.
    If author reduces the level of micromanagement and increases the number of (lewd) events, then this game might be interesting in future. But at this point its not worth playing.
    On the other hand, if you are a Simp and you enjoy slaving away for hours for a little reward, then this game might be your thing.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    This game sucks. Dont play it. Srsly. Grind into the heaven. Only a few cgs which most suck. wish i had unlocked the cgs earlier. Would have saved me much time. The girls are hot. Thats about it. Not worth playing until dev does a complete overhaul of the system and story and so on in my opinion. To bad it has 5 stars. It deserves not more than two. Cause then i would not have played it. Probably still a lot of work but sry, not good.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I was hesitating between 4 and 5 stars, but since this game has so much potential and since most of its littles flaws are only due to it being an early release, I give 5 as an encouragement.

    First of all, I really liked the characters, especially Cynthia and Cookie (they are naughty). I have to admit that I love the concept in general: a cafe in which your girls give "special treatment" to some guests, especially if the girls enjoy it. Getting used to the gameplay the first day is a bit rough, but after 5 mins you should get used to it. I actually surprised myself trying to optimize my days.

    The problems of that game in the end, are mostly technical details:
    - I feel that the gameplay should briefly freeze when you have a cg after a special action from one of the girls (and you could make the cg disappear and the game just continue by clicking once for example). Indeed, I'm often too concentrated toward the game to appreciate those nice naugthy cgs, and worse: they block the view and hinder your actions briefly.
    - I'd want to be able to save during dialogues, once you've seen a scene you can only see the cg again, thus I'd like to go back (which would requiere more saveslots) or at least have the full scene in the extras.
    - I think it's a little too grindy, more scenes accessible faster would be nice.

    But the core of the game is perfect. I hope this game will continue.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 466437

    I generally don't review, but this is an absolute standout. Adorable characters, entertaining writing and the gameplay, while grindy as of 4.4, actually exists unlike the 2000 renpy clones running around.

    Content is a little scattered at the moment, in that it's there but the requirements are very disparate, but it's also quite clear that the dev is constantly adding content to fill in these content gaps and what's there is great.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game. The girls are all good, the scenes are very hot if you ask me. The gameplay works for me. Its a bit high on the requirement in terms of play time per new scene. I like the slow burn of not being max depravity day one a lot more than the opposite, but there are pretty large stretches where nothing happened for me and I was unsure if I was doing something wrong or if the game just didn't have any more in it yet. So I guess my biggest problem is that I often feel like I am treading water. For now I am fully willing to chalk that up to ongoing development, which makes fleshing out of the content a matter of fact for the future.

    But again the style, characters and scenarios I enjoy a lot. In terms of the NTR-ness of it all I think this is one of those examples where it's a very playful fun kind, without a lot of the negative emotional baggage that comes with stuff that focusses more on betrayal.

    My biggest hope for this game is that it pads out the content, without requiring me to start from scratch to see it every time, while keeping up the quality of the scenes and character interactions.

    My biggest fear is that it will require me to do many saves and playthroughs because I get locked out of content due to non-obvious factors for a girl's route or because the triggers are set in a way where my save will already have passed the content when it appears (like the new content triggers day 34, but my save is already at 35. Stuff of that nature that would require way too much grinding if you want to keep up with releases, or will trap you if you ever hit save before you notice you just fucked your playthrough of a bunch of hours).

    My experience with the game so far has been great and I am on the hopeful site, so high rating from me, with the caveat that my fears could be real downers for this due to the grind.

    Ps: I did not expect to like Cynthia this much. Her scenes are great.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game with some quality CGs and a theme that's sorely lacking in representation, harem management and prostitution. The gameplay loop itself is fun and sort of well done in the cafe minigame, the writing isn't bad, and it does have more polish than a lot of games in their first several months of release.

    The main problem I have is with the pacing of some of the stats. Most of them level up just fine through gameplay, but favor is staggeringly slow to raise without more opportunities since all we have now is a chance to talk to one of them daily or through occasional random events. Some of the content and minigame CGs are also locked behind the maid stats, which I think is fine as the raunchiness of the CGs do scale with their stats- great move honestly, but it's unclear when some of this content would be unlocked or how it would fit into the narrative pacing of the girls being comfortable doing that work.

    I'd suggest making it more apparent that the maids would have more hesitation at first to the whole idea of a lewd cafe, especially since you can just straight up buy the Swinging Earrings and give it to someone with barely any favor. Otherwise, if there were more opportunities to raise favor through the cafe minigame, like letting a maid serve someone they liked or some other minigame would be neat. Lookin forward to more stuff.

    Also, NTR is entirely avoidable. You have to buy an item in the store to unlock those interactions for a maid, and if you don't then you'll still have plenty of content for romance and harem routes.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Its interesting cause girls look good and has potential. But the grind is way too much for the payoff which is a cpuple of scenes and some pictures.

    Interestin but totally not worth, unless you are really into the little amount of stuff it has.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I want to give 5 stars to this game because the potential and i thing is a different game, a really nice idea of the dev with good animations and really nice girls, Cynthia :love: (i love her scenes, specially those with the clients, very well done and hot)

    With more content, and if the game continues this direction, will become one of my favourites for sure (and yes, i love NTR, but also this game is for people that doesn't like it, everything depends of your choices)

    Very well done (y)
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Rebeca H.C

    The game is very good, it has a lot of content, not to mention the NTR that I am going to differentiate you, it is monotonous since you have to get used to the mechanics of the game, and while you get used to it you can see how the girls progress in their stages.
    Now the content of NTR is good since NTR is my favorite genre, leaving that aside, it has many possibilities to apply it with the different options offered by the game: Call, flirt, etc. If you apply one of those with Cyntia (Who is the blonde woman) you can see some good NTR scenes. But for those who don't like NTR, from what I understand, it can be disabled.
    Anyway, the game is still in development and is updated weekly, which is very good news, that says a lot of good things about the developer;
    The game is good, the animations are good, the story is still good.
    I will give 5 stars to the developer policy which is updated weekly and is open to suggestions, at your discord.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Going to give it five stars to help raise visibility for this dev. They're making weekly updates, and are very open to suggestions and criticism on their discord. This is the kind of work ethics we need in porn development, not devs that vanish for months without any word and milk their patreons.

    In terms of the game itself, it's pretty good. It takes some time to get used to the mechanics and there's a bit of grind, but the girls are cute, there's a good amount of naughty content, and for those people that are allergic to NTR you can easily keep it disabled.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing the game as of patch 0.2.1.

    This game has an incredible amount of potential, while not everyone might be into NTR, this game can easily become on of the best in the genre. But unfortunately the game is lacking in a lot of content. I played to day 40 or so before realizing I had played far past the point where the game had any new scenes to offer.

    That being said, the gameplay is pretty fun. Frantically trying to please all of your customers with some element of strategy with the girl's abilities and trying to keep track of who is doing what can be really satisfying. The images that pop up after using a girl's skill also progressively get lewder which is fantastic, but the downfall is you only really have a second or two to enjoy them before you have to go back to flinging coffee and maids at the remaining customers.

    In fact, the sexual content in this version of the game is lacking in quantity, but definitely not quality. The game currently only has one animated scene, and a few of the stills I mentioned earlier, along with a random encounter between two of the girls.

    This is definitely a game I'll be watching for in the future, but as it stands right now it's very hard to judge a game with so many missing elements, like the entire item system which I assume will be upgrades for the cafe or the girls.

    5/5 purely for the potential, and to encourage the dev to keep updating frequently.