
Active Member
May 10, 2017
Lina model have horizontal line on her face (dialogs, windowed mode). Dunno is it related to a bug or my hardware.
Also that is only dlc (festival one), so should be on main page since you need dl original to play original game. hmm i guess there is a full build exist.
ps this game is rekt for hardware, 60% load on rtx3060, its not like 3060 top-kek card, but the game is not doom eternal or smth.
pss what mean 'touch' category in game (its greyed actually)?
something is wrong with your card maybe don't overclock like idiots do. I have a 7 year old PC and this isn't causing any notable load on resources and runs fun, i don't think the game is even using my GTX 1060 at all


Oct 26, 2017
Kidmo has been theorized to be arrested due to having high school girls in his past works (absolute zero update on all social medias and patreon), so it's likely that the collab was made way beforehand like what TheBlueKnight has said and kidmo is not going to be able to say much.
Back in 2020, Kidmo discovered that a website was pirating his work (specifically the patreon rewards), so he asked them to remove it. Because his art was not authorized by the government as official works, the site rejected the request. He got angry, so he went to the government to apply for the copyright of his art under his real name. He was arrested and charged because of the content, stating it was against the [아동·청소년의 성보호에 관한 법률], or Youth Sexual Protection Act, saying he violated it by the specific charge of, [아동-청소년의성보호에관한법률위반(성착취물제작배포등)], or "Violation of the Act on the Protection of Sexuality of Children and Youth (production and distribution of sexually exploitative materials, etc.)" because his artwork features high school uniforms ([ 김영주 서담법률사무소 변호사에 따르면 이 그림들은 '아동·청소년이용음란물'에 해당돼 법적 처벌을 받을 수 있습니다.] from Yonhap News's video on the topic, which can be found at the article here: ( ) which translates to, "According to Kim Young-joo, a lawyer at Seodam Law Office, these paintings fall under 'child pornography' and can be subject to legal punishment.", though the body of the article has a few other quotes from him that make it seem not so heavy a thing), and was not allowed to update his SNS (social networking services) or upload pictures. Original Korean that is apparently his words that give the explanation above of what happened: [웹하드에 자기 패트론 유료 그림이 올라오는게 빡쳐서 신고하려고 저작권등록을 하게됐고. 같이 애니메이션을 만들고 계정 관리하는 사람도 예전에 수익을 몇대몇으로 나눠가졌다고 실토하고 직접적으로 제작에 참여했다고 증거를 카톡방에 스스로 올렸기때문에 같이 입건됐다고함. 그래서 몇개월째 sns나 그림 갱신안되는중] To this day investigation/court proceedings are still going on, as far as I know, though.

He has released a few pieces of work on his Pixiv in 2022, though, and on the one titled "Setsuna" from May 31st, he had as part of the description, [아마 곧 소식 전할수 있을듯함미당 ㅎㅎ] "Maybe I'll be able to deliver news soon." and repeated it on his latest piece Draconica's description, [아마 곧 소식 전할수 있을듯함미당 ㅎㅎ. 그럼 나머지 비축분들은....!] "Maybe I'll be able to deliver news soon. Then the rest of the stockpile...!" and has been silent since.


Active Member
Feb 16, 2018


Active Member
Apr 24, 2020
Here is the full save file for 1.3.0 DLC.
For future updates, since this game uses registry for saves, you could use Procmon (Process Monitor) by Microsoft to see which registry this game is "looking". Then just make .reg script to add those files and it's done.
Could you pls save games for v1.4.d DLC ? cheers
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