can't toggle ipatch. when i click it, the mini menu just closes.
Disregard the toggle I mentioned, you are correct. I have it forced.
But, you do indeed have it working properly. The dev's code for that sentence you are referencing is exactly:
With being patched:
A "You are currently living with your friend Selina and her mother Veronica.
W/out being patched:
A "You are currently living with your friend Selina and her housemate Veronica.
So, patched is "her mother" and unpatched is "her housemate".
Blame the dev on this one, that's not on me bud. *
The patch only changes "mom", "dad", and "aunt".... basically.
* Edit: Note that in the story there's elements that more or less explain why this particular setup is the way it is (as spoiler-free as possible there's another "mom" to be considered).