For me this is really all I need. A 'yeah, we see the issue and we'll get to it.' Personally, I think all it needs is a little clarification that what's going down is something like Stockholm Syndrome and not just Alexia drooling over big demon cock.
Personally, what I'd
like (and not what we'll see, because it would take way too long to get to the main game)...
-Rowan's journey to the keep expanded on; a few scenes establishing the challenges he faced on his way. He'd face a few choices along the way, which would affect his initial skills/attributes, how long it takes him to get to the Keep, and possibly increase his initial corruption and/or guilt to a minor extent.
-Alexia having scenes at the keep after each segment, detailing her interactions at the Keep; being minorly disrespected by the orcs, dealing with Andras, Jezera wheedling what information she can out of her while teasing her a bit, and spending her time in the library. While her choices might give the Twins a bit more influence over her, the general idea is just to establish what she's doing while Rowan is making his way there and being tortured.
-Andras made more consistent with their later interactions, where he enjoys being brash, showing off for her, and pushing her to be more open with her desires. Since Alexia ultimately chooses to sleep with him to protect her husband, I don't think this would undermine the intent of the scene; if anything, it might help reinforce the tone, with Alexia being genuinely concerned that Andras might overpower Rowan, after Andras spent his time bragging about his strength.
-With the prologue lengthened, one might as well move the "NTR Off" switch further in, to just after the abduction. Perhaps add a third, "Ask me again after the prologue" option so that people on the fence have more to go on.
But, well, with people already complaining that the prologue is too long, this would probably be a
terrible idea in practice. It'd make me quite happy, though!
(Bonus ridiculous idea that would never happen; Alexia becoming friends with Nasim, finding out about Bootleg Alexia after a misunderstanding regarding Nasim's interest in her, and being slightly horrified by how easily pleasant demeanors and crimes against nature can go hand in hand in Bloodmeen.)
EDIT: Oh, though I should add that I don't really have any complaints with the prologue as-written; I'd like to know more about the Twins before deciding why Rowan would want to work with them, and I think Andras's deception seems a bit out of character for such an otherwise straightforward character (particularly as part of his introduction), but I think it's perfectly fine as is. No point in letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, after all.