I find
Yumina the Ethereal to be much too grindy to recommend it in general, in particular with the game sort of forcing players to do all the dungeon-crawling in ONE
HUGE session each week, so you have more timeslots available for the other things, because those being more fun (and necessary to do for true end or sth.).
But the music is good - both background music and character songs, and to my surprise the introduction of singing into the game/ story was somehow not only plausible but even well-done.
And it had enough other good things to have me play it to the end. (art, characters, voice-acting, some dialogues, battle-animations though those can also get annoying because long and ONE HUGE session means you see them a lot)
Listening to the music on youtube may not impress much, but in game it works really well.
oh, but hardly any sex at all. I declined the offer to seduce/rape the library comittee president girl in "virtual world", and then there was no sex until after the end.
so, only recommended if you can like grind, of the dungeon-crawling kind.
(both opposite and seemingly contradicting reviews describe the game well)