2.30 star(s) 10 Votes


Active Member
Aug 11, 2017
Not sure if this has been brought up but the image AbbyEmoteAngry01.jpg is missing from the folder. Also, when selecting the mother at the beginning as the first option, there is no link to interact or go back. It's a dead end. Same with choosing Abby, which returns a black screen.


Nov 24, 2017
So, I’m in a conundrum… I had hoped that my writing would have garnered enough attention to have some type of significant funding by now but it hasn’t lifted off.
The honest answer is your writing with the original versions probably would have been good enough. The current version seems like a downgraded lab rats 2. I see what you were going for, but it now lacks the personal touch that I think made your original version good, and I really don't know where you were going with the skill checks. I mean, I do, kind of, I just don't see what they actually add to the experience.

The harsh follow up to that is even if you did do your original version (which I'm assuming was scrapped do to being very hard to scale up), pure text based sex games are a niche within a niche. Getting 1000 people watching it is a big ask, let alone 1000 paying people.

Mind you, your current direction CAN still work, but anyone looking at it is going to think its too early to invest, and also be extra cautious given the complete rework that has occurred. I can't even think of any game that actually succeeded after attempting to do a rework.

(I'm neutral on the AI art, I'm strictly talking about the writing/game design)
May 17, 2022
Hi all,

I completed the drugged sex scene. It’s taken from the old game where you can slip Judy drugs and take advantage of her at night. I know it being condensed like this to just jump into the sexual action isn’t exactly riveting story telling or game play but once again, writing the encounters then building the game to point at them. That’s the idea at least. Either way, get it below:

- -

So still trying to find funding. It’s hard because of the nature of what I’m writing. I’m pedaling an incest, rape game and you can’t just open a conversation like that. But a little history for the uninitiated, I used to read adult literary erotica, mostly written by random internet fellows on weird html and other websites. While waiting on a story to progress, I decided to write my own. What ended up as a 16 hour feverish writing session would make it’s way to become the beginnings of Marmota Nights!

Marmota (meaning groundhog for repeating day) Nights focused heavily on Judy but was difficult to develop due to the website’s limitations at the time. And at about 15 threads in, if you gave a lot of choices, you’d have to write hundreds of filler options. Well, I became frustrated and reworked the game to Sex and Sex Again with some other engine. Had a few promising things but the amount of choices and threads I was going for would still be problematic so I gave up.

And caught up to now, Sex and Sex Again Revival - an updated reiteration - is being developed for a 2025 release date. It is a HTML role playing game and nothing quite like it exists. It’s very ambitious for one person to tackle, yet here I am. I have finally found my groove although it’s still going to require more trial and error than anyone would like. Either way, it’s going to happen but funding is an issue. I am using outdated hardware and software and everything else in between. I’ve only gone into full time development recently and am running a $3 campaign. One pledge of $3 on the subscribestar website will get you the fully imaged 2 million word game once it is completed.

To do some book math for you, that’s over 4400 pages or over 6 Game of Thrones books. Images will tally in the hundreds to maybe thousands. My end retail price will probably be much greater than the current $3 ask, so invest now for the savings. There will always be a free version of it floating around but the premium version will be updated consequently for a bit. So if you want to capitalize and support, it would be greatly appreciated. I’ve only surprisingly had 10 people take me up on that offer and they’re much appreciated. Honestly, these early investments mean that much more and you can help by taking a read, maybe spreading the word and definitely pledging that $3. The idea is to ask a little from a lot of people to make this possible as I’m uncomfortable with anything more, knowing it’s only roughly 25-30% complete at the moment. But if I can get more support, I’d be able to add better imagery and probably write faster too.

So if ya’ll haven’t noticed, I’m trying to up my advertisement game. There’s not really a central place for what I’m trying to write/make so it falls kind of hard in between a lot of categories. But I remember editthis and cyoa websites about a decade ago were kind of popular with the emerging medium. Now it’s scattered and it doesn’t help that unethically AI created content is here to compete. Either way, it’s the long game and I can’t let any hiccup, big or small, bring me down too much.

If you’re curious, from my numbers, I have 13 pledgers and about 1-200 watchers. It’s the internet and I’m writing taboo stuff so I don’t expect it to make it to the front page of anything with algorithms. So if you like what you’ve read and can forgo a cup of coffee, $3 on subscribestar, 2025 premium release date. But that’s it from me. Thanks. - Icarus Dragon


Active Member
Oct 25, 2017
Not trying to burst your bubble or anything, but this project is not going to make you rich my friend. As so many others here have said, text-based games are extremely, extremely niche. You'll be lucky to eke out 100-200 bucks a month from this if you're lucky, and I think that's probably at the higher end of the scale.

I gave your game a try. I have to admit, even the newest drugged scene was not compelling at all to me. Your use of they/them pronouns when talking about the mother is... weird. I understand you were likely writing it in this way so that you could insert the same text into both the male-MC and female-MC versions of the game, but... that's not great. It's a minor thing, but it takes you out of the moment when you read this kind of stuff:


That entire paragraph just sounds so...disconnected. Like this person you're engaging with is just a random stranger or something? I don't know how to describe it but it doesn't read well. Later in that scene you go back to referring to the mother as "her" so it seems like this was just in the opening part of the scene, but still, not great.


Additionally, word count is what I always see text-based game devs promoting. Almost without fail, the first thing HTML devs like to put in their Changelogs is "new scene - 500k words!!!" but you have to realize that while you, the developer, see this as an easy way to show your work, we the players don't always think of it in those terms.

I like HTML games. I really enjoy good text-based games as I think they often have the ability to put out a wider variety of content since text devs don't have the limitations of specific game engines, 3d or 2d imagery, or other complicated systems. Text devs can more easily dive straight into working on the content because of this, but the problem then arises that the writing must be up to snuff to make up for the other missing elements that you'd get from different engines.

Comparing your quantity of writing to Game of Thrones isn't the boast that you think it is, because the quality of writing in GoT is far, far superior to anything you would find in an HTML porn game. I'm sorry to say that you're lying to yourself if you think otherwise. As a text dev, you need to be striving for quality over quantity. Churning out millions of words is great, but if there isn't enough narrative stimulation and character development then it's all just fluff and the player is going to skim through much of it once they realize this.


I haven't sunk more than maybe 10-15 minutes into your game, because what I read simply didn't hook me, and I believe the AI art imagery provides nothing to your project. Focus on your writing, condense rather than elaborate, being concise yet descriptive is a hard line to balance but that's what makes for good writing. (Clearly I am not a good writer because I cannot be succinct based on my comment here, lol... but I'm not making a lewd text game). For many players, even players who really enjoy text-only games, seeing a writer say they added 50k new words to an update does absolutely nothing for them, and in fact depending on the writer actually might turn them away with a reaction similar to "oh great, they padded their word count with superfluous, flowery language... again." Lots of text devs fall into this trap I think.

I believe the reviews for your game have been trying to tell you this. A common complaint in reviews for your game is that paths end abruptly, and I understand that you're still working on the project and everything is WIP, but having so much unfinished content is a great way to chase off potential players. I think this is possibly the last thing you want to do as an HTML dev creating such a niche game, unless it's very early in the development stage (which this title is not)


I don't have more advice for you, wish I could give you the magic bullet that would fix this project but overall it feels like your vision for this game is far larger than it needs to be. Every single dialogue leads to so many options that you're making your project exponentially harder with every additional diverging path. Perhaps streamlining existing paths might help, or cutting certain content until it's complete, I dunno... but currently this project looks like a mess of different ideas in my opinion.

I don't even really care about the MC one way or another, nor the setting. And there doesn't seem to be any real conflict at all, everything you attempt is just carried out without any challenge or obstructions. "Want to do this option? Cool, you did it," just isn't very compelling writing to me. Maybe I'm the minority though.

Good luck with your project, dev. Hope you can sort it all out!

EDIT: formatting and breaking up comment into separate sections to increase readability
Last edited:


Nov 3, 2017
Why is there "The condom broke!" or "The condom appears fine, holding your milky substance without leaking" when i get succefull to not use one with the girls ? would need a fix.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Might want to clarify this is only if MC is a guy, and there's literally 0 options available for female MC.

edit: heck, for that matter there doesn't seem to be any content for anyone, beyond "test sex scene". Oh well.
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Engaged Member
Feb 2, 2018
View attachment 3417513
Might want to clarify this is only if MC is a guy, and there's literally 0 options available for female MC.

edit: heck, for that matter there doesn't seem to be any content for anyone, beyond "test sex scene". Oh well.
dev changed the script to this general environmnet because they realized they dont want to write super customized scenes and sequences for every possible choice and randomized variation.

the initial versions had a better flow, but lots of dead end choices too.
2.30 star(s) 10 Votes