Why? Because it's true. If you want your opinion to matter, put your money where your mouth is. Otherwise you're just throwing tantrums in forums and ruining the fun for the rest of us. Also btw, complainers and bitchers on F95 always consider their bitching and complaining to be "constructive criticism". Spoiler alert... It NEVER is. The last people devs care to hear from are F95ers who contribute nothing but insults and complaints without ever supporting any devs.
The tech demo was awesome btw, and the girls looked exactly like they did in the first one.
Everything I said just went completely over your head. Feel free to address the actual points I made, because everything I've already said counters your basic logic of "If you're not paying for the game, your opinion is invalidated." And no, if you're not paying for a game, what you say about it does not automatically make your comments a "tantrum."
That's not to say that this thread isn't filled with tantrums and complaints.
But yeah, of course devs shouldn't listen to people who contribute nothing but pure insults and complaints. That is implied in my comment. And I get your point: "But if a thread is reduced to being filled almost entirely with complaints, why should a developer bother to keep listening?" It's a fair point. To answer that question, I like to think of it from the perspective of a dev.
It really comes down to whether a dev is hoping to recruit more patrons, and F95zone still remains one of the best places to recruit them. If I was a dev starting out, I'd put my game here immediately and encourage people to play it for free. I'd need to know what people like and do not like about the game. And I'd actually welcome even complaints or poorly worded criticisms. And here's why: I've seen enough of F95 threads to know that sometimes the complaints do reflect a critical fault of a game. For example, I've seen people complain about a game being fundamentally ruined by not having a clear guide or hint system, and they were right. The problems can be about anything really, and F95zoners often pick up on them.
BUT, the point is NOT to fix the game for their sake; it would be to fix the game for those special few willing to pay. Why? Because it's likely those willing to pay will get annoyed by the same problems.
HOWEVER, that is not to say that F95ers, when taken as a whole, are entirely right all the time. So it remains up to the dev to decipher whether the general consensus of F95ers is accurate in any way.
On the other hand, if my game eventually thrives and I recruit enough patrons, I have earned the privilege of not needing to bother anymore with F95zone and the complaints, even if their complaints might hint at a problem. I would likely focus more on the patrons themselves, because now I have amassed enough of a population to provide enough criticism going forward. That being said, I would still leave my game on F95zone and encourage people to play it, even for free. The more eyes on my game, the better. Again, in a world boiling over with free porn, devs are competing for the minority willing to tip the devs via places like Patreon.