- Dec 15, 2023
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Hi. That was me, I made them. I hope people get to enjoy them as just a bit of extra content in the game.Anyone know what artist made these phone posters/photos?
"His mind is wiped but alexa still remembers and has begun moving to change things, also he recovers some of his memories in this."His mind is wiped but alexa still remembers and has begun moving to change things, also he recovers some of his memories in this. I would say Melvin trying to enslave the women the mc cared about in previous versions or the mysterious women destroying the MC's life and also enslaving the women he cares about as meaningful competition. Also, the plot of the story and it's lead up to the mysterious woman taking control was always built up throughout the first game, there are several scenes showing her and her schemes in the first game.
Hey thanks man! I'm glad at least some people like them for just being a bit of extra flair in the background. It was a fun project talking with Llama about who would be each guys favorite girls to be included and designing new characters.Well, I like them. I prefer the real Sexbot characters of the game, but these posters are cool
"The relationships clearly aren't reset to the beginning of the first game."The relationships clearly aren't reset to the beginning of the first game though and retreading areas is quite literally a core part of the first game as part of the time traveling story and the content. The tech update expands well past "hey, here's a new phone.". llamamann wanted to create phase 2 to avoid too many file sizes and too large of a download and worked on the coding to develop a game that would run even smoother then the first game. Rather than talking shit about it I think they deserves some praise for putting in effort and actually taking time to try to smooth out and improve things while continuing his story instead of what many other developers do and just milk patrons with extremely delayed or slow updates or by remaking the exact same thing with hardly any changes while reusing most assets. it wasn't even that big of a delay to set this one up compared to content releases from before.
I don't know about that, I think there's a difference between "tech updates" and "focusing on building a foundation from the beginning".As one of my favorite games, I'm feeling a bit "meh" about the implied trajectory.
First, I question the importance of all these tech updates. I don't really care about receiving text messages and photos. Instead of wasting time on all that, I'd rather see more focus on quality scene construction. However, if the phone ends up helping the player to navigate the content more easily, then it's good. But as a means to build tension between the MC and other characters . . . *shrugs.*
To me, it's always more about content over the tech stuff (assuming the tech stuff isn't overly broken), and this update makes me question the content to come. First, several of the characters' stories seem to be reset (Ashley's, Bailey's, Jessica's, etc.). If months of updates focus on regrinding the relationships between the MC and these characters, only to get those relationships to where they had been at the end of the first game, then I'd probably stop bothering to play. Why retread old ground? Why not just make a new cast of characters to play around with? At the very least, if this game restarts most of the relationships, then the graphic design for the characters should be updated--that is, the characters should be polished. I would have been delighted to see a lot of the characters redesigned/upgraded; Llamaman's characters are hot--but they're not the best in the industry by far.
But, hey, here's a new phone.
Speaking of characters, I'll give credit for Xel--awesome character. The new Lexx is decent, but the Mai character is the weakest Llamaman's ever produced. Jessica's new outfit is crap when compared with her old one. Of course, these are my opinions.
As for the story of Sexbot, I was somewhat interested in it. In the first game, the game ended up focusing much more on building up relationships and taking girls to the prom, and it only hinted at a larger story at play. I would expect and hope that story be expanded upon from the start and that Recalibrated is not, in essence, a reset.
Of course, I realize this is the first update. I could easily end up being wrong, because I know Llamaman is a smart dude and knows his bizness.
"If you had been reading the dialogue you'd come to understand its a story of growth intrigue and deeper meaning."If you don't think Sexbot is story driven you've been using the skip function and not reading the dialogue. If you had been reading the dialogue you'd come to understand its a story of growth intrigue and deeper meaning.
The stakes are higher in part two. Treat it like all the stats have started out at max from part one.
Part one was the growth of MC from clueless loveable dope to more confident studly nerd.
Or if having gone corruption route girls are more willing to experiment with other characters.
The actual main story is MC turning hero to fight Emperess Amazon with his amazingly resourceful sexbot sidekick Alexa and Emperess Amazon's take over of the corporation and galaxy.
For those confused part two is a stand alone and current tech update, because Llama wanted to streamline and improve the coding to make it more stable and updating more efficient. Hence the statement about now being able to concentrate on future updates and content.
So basically expect part two to be more of what you saw in part one and a continuation of the main story and MC's further development into either hero or zero just with better coding and tech. You might also ser a couple of new characters.
So don't lose your shit in an autistic rage of fear of change. I know how you fuckers are lol
This also part two of a trilogy. Unless Llama feels like expanding on the story in the future. Which I bet he will.
Well said. And I get the distinction you point out, and I certainly don't think Llama falls into the category where the tech updates are more like #fuckarounditis. In another response to another post, I did mention that any time a developer spends building a solid foundation, so that he or she can produce updates faster and cleaner, is time well spent. It's all the other bells and whistles I don't find all that interesting. Like the phone and other menu revamps. Like I said in my post: it's about content over tech updates--assuming the tech stuff isn't broken.I don't know about that, I think there's a difference between "tech updates" and "focusing on building a foundation from the beginning".
The difference being that the former is a dev halting content production almost completely to focus on fixing fuck-ups and the other is a dev first starting on building a good foundation to prevent possible (not all) future fuck-ups.
In the case of SexBot, it gets a little complicated but the concept still applies since the first game was cleanly finished, cliffhanger or not. Whereas most games with "tech updates" are just going to make you feel like any progression on story or characters are just in development limbo, just unceremoniously cut in the middle. No progression at all and more like regression. Like pinching off a turd, mid-dump.
Well, he did use mind control to capture and rape all the girls in his evil plans that lead to the world's destruction, so I don't think he was our friend back in the original timeline.poor steve though, we bang his landlady, study buddy AND now his sexbot? are we really his friend?
uh, he gave MC the enthusiastic go ahead to hook up with his "study buddy" in the 1st game (poor steve though, we bang his landlady, study buddy AND now his sexbot? are we really his friend?
uh.....that was MELVIN....Steve's the other one.....Well, he did use mind control to capture and rape all the girls in his evil plans that lead to the world's destruction, so I don't think he was our friend back in the original timeline.
yeahuh.....that was MELVIN....Steve's the other one.....