just saying that you should do a game and keep on with it, instead of abandon it and doing another one ( using another patreon)
all of this is confusing as fuck and didnt give the best view on you.
even if game is shit, just keep it and turn it into something good. its a question of trust... honestly, nobody will trust someone who just start something, stop it and start another thing under another name.
just, stay on 1 thing and go to it.
if you dont have the ideas or whatever motivation or else to continu the story or something, then just wait until you get the good shit and start doing something great.
its not a question about your game being shit, i mean, look at me ! my game is shit, probably the most shitty thing around here. still, i continu to do it, i was clear enougth that if nobody like it, i still continu to do it.
that's what peoples look at... they dont give a shit if the game is shit... they look if the dev is motivated and doing work.
like you say, you continu doing games, thats good. But its all wrong if by that you mean "doing another game then stop to do another one and etc.." ..
like i say, just keep 1 project and end it, complete it, whatever the fucking time that will take. that's how you win peoples love. they are always peoples to love your things. but if you just give up after the beginning, all you win is the hate and the non trust of peoples.
yup i say it, i dont trust you. you probably dont care. but if you didnt started and stopped multiples projects and keep 1 and continu it to the end, then i would trust on you.
also changing name and patreon didnt help. even if you change project, you can do it with the exact same patreon account and the same name.
think about all of that. the problem is not because the game is shit. not at all. problem is somewhere else i just explained.