I don't know if SHAMANDEV is just terrible at writing dialogue or progression because the plot isn't exactly bad. But man the consistency and delivery of characters is just awful. SHAMANDEV has the issue of making the characters doing 180, go back on their development, one minute does this but another does the opposite, in one path the girls all hates Jason but in another they are they all loves him and regardless of path they go against their character designs. There is like almost no character development or consistency. Just randomness and stuff happens. Only in the cheating path, there is steady pace that grows over time but even that path has its own issues. Cuckold is all over the place and at no point Camilla developed the cucks on Fred. Blackmail is literally 0 to 100 but then back to like 10 acting as if nothing happened. This series has like the best art style and some decent animation in all of NTR games I played but the dialogue, pacing, consistency and progression is god awful.