The only thing there was "huge amount" is garbage dialogs. No content for side girl either, with the exception of one in the main plot. And with Yuria in the extra, my dear discord mod. Truly huge amount.
It's not only sex scenes, my dear F95 anon user. If you only want sex, you have a lot of games on this site that have what you want, sex without a plot. You also have porn sites if you only want to see sex.
More than 3k renders is huge for an update, there's completed games that don't even reach the 1k amount of renders.
No content for side girls, yet Jessica, Sarah, Ada and Yuria (Tier 3) have scenes, interactions with Ari, Miley, Ruth, Melissa, Ella, Nicole, Daphne, Alice, Theena and two new characters. Yeah, "no content for side girls either".