
The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
Does the cheat mod actually help with the grind?
I liked the dev's first game alright, but everytime I try to play this, the sandbox just makes me shudder and close it again.
Really have no stomach any more for grinding and senselessly clicking around in this type of games, just want to experience the story.

Vicky Sidhu

May 31, 2022
Your second link should be taken with a very critical eye. See how it mentions breaking the first, second and fifth wall as well, which isn't established terms and when you look them up, the few that are speaking of them are saying different things. This discredit the author of the article a good deal.
of course how i didn't i see that coming? and of course everything that goes against your theory is wrong and people who wrote it are also complete morons...

btw there are countless explanations of 'third wall' theory, i only posted two because i was trying to avoid spamming...

third wall hasn't been widely accepted yet,.
just because a term is not "widely" accepted doesn't meant its not true/correct and there are whole lot of differences about many things, people just keep arguing about pointless stuff, take this discussion as an example. also there can't be a forth wall without third wall...

Now you are running into a problem, because Ava isn't addressing the medium,
Dude i am not and Ava is "indirectly" addressing the audience and that's exactly what i said and just fyi it would be breaking forth wall if she was addressing the audience directly.

she doesn't acknowledge she is in a game.
and suddenly she is not in a game? also how can a game character acknowledge they are in a game without breaking a wall or two?

As for it being a plot hole, well a plot hole is then there is inconsistency in the story or something is contradicting.
i am honestly not sure how to respond to that, i would say its still seems like a plot hole to me but your argument also kind of make sense so ill just let that go.

END of Argument, there won't be any further reply from me, honestly i can go on about this whole thing but my brain is going numb from this whole argument and i don't want to continue any further, so i am putting you on ignore, (no hard feeling, i just want to avoid further arguments) and i don't want to spend even one more second on this topic.


Dec 2, 2018
Does the cheat mod actually help with the grind?
I liked the dev's first game alright, but everytime I try to play this, the sandbox just makes me shudder and close it again.
Really have no stomach any more for grinding and senselessly clicking around in this type of games, just want to experience the story.
Frankly the grind is very minimal but if you really don't want to grind then the cheat mod will bring it down to 0.
That is, if it is compatible with current version of the game. I tried it a few updates ago and found it to be too OP so I uninstalled it and didn't try it again since.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2017
anyone else stopped playing and also find this latest eva's story twist a bit more third wall breaker? i mean she basically erased the whole thing from mc's memory so what was the point of that? wouldn't it make more sense if the mc knew about it but couldn't do anything?
what you are talking is a matter of giving the player informations the characters don't have (anymore)

any reference to broken any wall is just pile of nonsense.

the last i checked i had rights to make a judgment on something i spend my time on and not everything can be interesting to everyone and just like i said before i only stopped playing because i don't like the direction this story is taking and also because i don't like plot holes, specifically the ones that break third wall.
even if assuming any "breaking wall" definition outside the fourth as correct this will never be an automatic plot hole.
plot hole is a missing element, or something illogical in the flow of the events. interact directly with the audience don't change per se how the event played, because what need to change is what happen on the screen based on information characters don't have. and if the case arised it's more a question of having character without any reason explaining where their extra knowledge come. and again it isn't related in any way to any "wall breaking"

the last i checked i had rights to make a judgment on something i spend my time on
and other people are allowed to make judgment of what they read and spend their time on. your posts included.

yup she was but did you even read what i said? how is telling us (indirectly of course) everything while erasing mc memory is not a third wall breaker? and how is it not a plot hole? and btw its not forth wall its third wall, i won't bother explaining the difference so if you want to know go do a bit of research.

you maybe right about that i probably shouldn't have indirectly responded to an indirect reply or whatever it was.

Link to third/forth wall break definition for those who might be interested: ,

(Edit: just provided links to the definition of breaking third/forth wall)
<<Because the term “breaking the third wall” is relatively new, its definition hasn’t yet been codified into every cinephile’s vocabulary>>

you should know when a new term/locution is involved you cannot take for granted everyone understand them. it's litteraly the point of a new and not codified expression. thinking everything i know everyone know and everything i don't know everyone don't know is a bit... arrogant, don't you agree?

game is nonetheless completely worthless, because nothing we did was our doing, we aren't even the MC at that point.
lolvut? in any game what you are allowed to do it's set by the game developers. at the most basic level any cut-scene or scripted scene 'rob' player of control over the main character, you will have an hard time try to pass it as violation of player agency.

thats what you want, maybe the stuff MC did off his own volition is on Avas command you just dont know it yet.

Do we even know that MC is MC and that his "own volition" is his own? Memorys make up who we are and how we react to stuff, even if she's only able to let MC forget shit, how do we know any character is what they seem to be? Maybe we just forgot how they really are. Maybe Mc has an abysmal relationship whit them, maybe Kobe is MCs best friend and we just forgot that too. Its Bullshit thats what it is.
the only bullshit it's what you are spewing. i think you aren't familiar with the , but you should don't add any uncesseray element to explain the events. and the game and the story are very early in developement. a story/game without any narrative twist, antagonist and problem are boring story/game. i know your whining come from your little ego hurt because the MC isn't a uber power player without any chance to beign outplayed.

If Ava was never apart of mc the medieval part in mc's mind made no sense and is a massive plot hole.
ava is trapped in MC mind. this is sure. but because she is trapped, this mean she not originally 'come in existance' inside the mc mind. and if you noted in the medieval segment, the MC cannot use his power, but ava can use her.

The reason given when mc was drug and can't use his powers, but Ava can made absolutely no sense. The only way it would make sense is if Ava taking over magically turns mc's body into hers, but it didn't. Others still see mc's body as mc mind controlled or not. And if Ava was that powerful she would never need mc to begin with. Why would she tell mc he is never getting his body back just to give it back instantly.
to have ?

The reasons and explainations given by Ava does not make sense given her actions. If you had the key to you cell the entire time, why would you stay in that cell. Ava could of done everyting that mc did but better with less time and effort. We've know she was very powerful on the first day. It just bad writing.
the switch between the "mind" in control of the body must be voluntary, to keep your metaphor, the key of the cell is alwasy outside the cell, and the "mind" outside need to voluntary open the cell door to allow the switch between them.

the game it's very explicit in why ava cannot hold control over MC body. the body itself cannot sustain her without damaging itself for a prologned time.
it's basically what ava said just before allowing the switch back

of course how i didn't i see that coming? and of course everything that goes against your theory is wrong and people who wrote it are also complete morons...
a kindergarten level of argument, at best. you totally disregard the argument and go for a personal attack instead.
and well, i checked myself... and Bronzescorpion assessment is mostly correct. i found a few reddit thread a few years old where the question about third wall is posted and in no one there is any reply about the third, only people explaining the fourth wall. this validate the neologism aspect.

btw there are countless explanations of 'third wall' theory, i only posted two because i was trying to avoid spamming...
if there are "countless" explanation, mean in fact there are "none". for example breking the fourth wall had only one explanation, when actors interact directly with the audience. you can make "countless" examples. but explanation? only one. {any other is just a rephrasing of it}

just because a term is not "widely" accepted doesn't meant its not true/correct and there are whole lot of differences about many things, people just keep arguing about pointless stuff
if a term isn't "widely accepted" mean you cannot take for granted your interlocutor is in the "group of people accepting and in agreement what that term mean" you belong.

take this discussion as an example. also there can't be a forth wall without third wall...
lol, i hardly can think a more dumb take about the question. a box (like a teather stage volume where actors play) had four wall, a floor and a ceiling. but only three are physical, the fourth is the space separating actors and audience. it's theater 101.

Dude i am not and Ava is "indirectly" addressing the audience and that's exactly what i said and just fyi it would be breaking forth wall if she was addressing the audience directly.
no. ava is directly talking to the MC mind, and you can actually read about what he think. another angle is why ava should reveal her plan to the MC if she need to scrub the memory after? the answer is "power player", the same MC have done to scarlett, a little sadistic exercise.

if you think in that moment ava is talking to the audience mean you don't actually know when a four wall is broken.
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Feb 4, 2024
bla bla bla
everything he knows about his powers came from Ava so why should any of that be true?
Ava can explode heads and mind wipe mc who allegedly has powers

for all we know Ava is in control of everything and lets MC believe that he has powers and lets the others fake that mc controls them because she finds his antics hilarious like a little puppy


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2017
everything he knows about his powers came from Ava so why should any of that be true?
Ava can explode heads and mind wipe mc who allegedly has powers
no. we have some real world confirmation how MC powers work. at the moment suggestion, corruption and enslaving. {i mean, the MC actually use them} and until now there isn't any discrepance about their work and ava explanation of them.

yes there is a possibility ava is hiding some power the MC have, or she is twisting their actual scope and form of MC powers. but this don't mean everything she said was false

the MC can mind wipe people, and his power are developing. we don't know if the MC power kit don't include a "mind pop" sort of power. he is slowly unlocking them.

for all we know Ava is in control of everything and lets MC believe that he has powers and lets the others fake that mc controls them because she finds his antics hilarious like a little puppy
no, we know ava isn't in control of everything. she need to use MC naive to put him in a thigh spot to force him to let her take over is body. if she was full in control, for real, she never needed to use underhanded ways to take control, nor she need to relinquish the body control to MC mind after escaping from the fed and brainwashing the agent.

EDIT: the dna test done by the fed agent show the MC had power, his father posses similar powers, and we (players) know that from a dialouge between the agents, so it's totally unrelated to ava. the MC have power, and they were suppressed when the fed take him in custody.
but they don't know about ava, and the fact her power aren't blocked when MC power are.
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Feb 4, 2024
no. we have some real world confirmation how MC powers work. at the moment suggestion, corruption and enslaving. {i mean, the MC actually use them} and until now there isn't any discrepance about their work and ava explanation of them.

yes there is a possibility ava is hiding some power the MC have, or she is twisting their actual scope and form of MC powers. but this don't mean everything she said was false

the MC can mind wipe people, and his power are developing. we don't know if the MC power kit don't include a "mind pop" sort of power. he is slowly unlocking them.

no, we know ava isn't in control of everything. she need to use MC naive to put him in a thigh spot to force him to let her take over is body. if she was full in control, for real, she never needed to use underhanded ways to take control, nor she need to relinquish the body control to MC mind after escaping from the fed and brainwashing the agent.

EDIT: the dna test done by the fed agent show the MC had power, his father posses similar powers, and we (players) know that from a dialouge between the agents, so it's totally unrelated to ava. the MC have power, and they were suppressed when the fed take him in custody.
but they don't know about ava, and the fact her power aren't blocked when MC power are.
you cant rely on any of that because MCs mind is compromised so anything we/he know/s could be and needs to be seen as a lie


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2017
you cant rely on any of that because MCs mind is compromised so anything we/he know/s could be and needs to be seen as a lie
don't add any uncessary element not needed to explain the event.

MC power description fit the story, ava explanation fit the story.
for sure ava is a , but this not mean everything she said is false, but you need at least another source to validate whatever she said.

and we have that for a siezable amount things ava said.
Apr 18, 2022
Wow, your reading comprehension is piss poor. You completely missed what was being said most of the time.

btw there are countless explanations of 'third wall' theory
No, there isn't actually, hence why I stated it wasn't widely spread.

just because a term is not "widely" accepted doesn't meant its not true/correct and there are whole lot of differences about many things, people just keep arguing about pointless stuff, take this discussion as an example. also there can't be a forth wall without third wall...
If a term isn't widely accepted, then it has little to no use, until people agree on the term. Furthermore there already is a third wall, which is either left or right of the stage, it is a literal wall, not an imaginary as the fourth. Some people are trying to change the meaning of the third, which is messing up the definition of the fourth, so one should be careful accepting this change.

Dude i am not and Ava is "indirectly" addressing the audience and that's exactly what i said and just fyi it would be breaking forth wall if she was addressing the audience directly.
Firstly that is not addressing the medium, which your own source claim what a third wall break is. Secondly she isn't addressing the audience indirectly (using quotation marks here doesn't make any sense) and you can't just state that she does. The burden of proof is on you, since I can't prove a negative.

and suddenly she is not in a game? also how can a game character acknowledge they are in a game without breaking a wall or two?
This is literally your own source's definition of a third wall break, to acknowledge the medium. It is the very thing we are discussing and you are confused by it. Furthermore I never said that she isn't in a game, I stated that she doesn't acknowledge it.

I know that you said you put me on ignore and likely won't see this message, but I wrote it anyway to set the record straight and for everybody else to see.


New Member
Mar 23, 2019
Congratz for the release eXtasy Games !! You told will be out in february and you made it!! That's the reliability that you already showed in your first game! I wishe much more success with this one:)(y)

P.S: Told you about some unreasonble players in this site, right?:LOL:
I'm going to give this one a miss for the rest of the year. The updates take a long before getting released and there are far too many (NOT YET INCLUDED). I have nothing against the game persé, I just prefer doing as much of my grinding on one day, at least then I'll make some progress. Art work is very good by the way,


Active Member
Sep 6, 2017
MC's Internal Monologue: No need to break her will. She is already falling for me.
just saying ;)
I get the sentiment, not sure what so many mind control games have against mind control.

Edit: That said I think this game isn't such case, it just takes a different approach to things. Though I AM still bothered by the MC not enslaving everyone he can get away with.
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Feb 25, 2022
Gym's new girls #1: June
Patreon post image.jpg
Patreon post image-1.jpg

As revealed in the last Dev Update, V0.12 will introduce a big new location, the gym, containing six new girls. June is the first new girl I want to introduce to you!

June works at the gym's reception and in the back office. It is she who oversees everything and makes sure the gym runs smoothly.

On your first visit, she will give you a tour of the gym.



New Member
Aug 30, 2022
I want to see more of bill transformation next patch. There are rare mind-control genderbender games and this seems to be the one trend I want to see being in the game now. Keep up the trend!


Jan 18, 2022
I think the twist with Ava should really be removed from the game, because it is revealed that you are not actually building a harem, but literally destroying yourself. Even if there is a later story development at some indeterminate point that may or may not be developed, so far, this is what is happening in the game.

So you can reveal new girls and so forth, but what is really happening is a continuation of your character's unknowing destruction of his own mind.

If you look at similar games with similar story ambitions, they often just end up getting stuck and abandoned. And in this case, it is taking a game which was essentially based on power fantasy and making the player helpless, because the player character doesn't even know he's dooming himself.
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