
Mar 10, 2023
Thank you, Yeda Games, you have created something special! An adult visual novel actually written for adults - that may sound a little pretentious, but I can't imagine my teenage self would have enjoyed it as much as my middle aged self does. For a start it requires patience, it's really, really long and a slow burn. But it has a lot going for it, including the world building. This may count as a slight spoiler since the overview doesn't mention it, but Shattered might be worth reading for its uncomfortably realistic dystopian future setting alone.

If I may bring up one point of constructive criticism: There are so many routes with so many variations and following the huge walkthrough (529 pages as of 0.18!) is tough. What might be easiest and most helpful would be an in-game display of all the various points (dom/sub etc) you've collected. Make it a new page in the Codex. And because of how the walkthrough is written I'd love to know what act and scene I'm currently in, maybe that could be displayed in-game as well. For the walkthrough itself it might be useful to move the last page of each act (points and important decisions) to the beginning. Anything really to make it easier to hit certain routes.
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Active Member
Dec 27, 2019
I've answered the question about points several times in the past, and I'm not gonna change my stance on them: they're not gonna get displayed no matter what.
However, I am open to the idea of rearranging the walkthrough. Perhaps not exactly shuffling the contents, but giving a very short summary of each route in the beginning. Then again, which path is a route and which isn't?


Sep 9, 2021
I did always feel that calling them true routes takes away from player agency in directing the story they want.
Perhaps an alteration to something less likely to be misconstrued by someone new to the game?
Monogamous/Open, Cheating/Non-Cheating etc.
Or a disclaimer that it's a bit of a misnomer (in my opinion).

Agreed on keeping statistics out of the game itself though.
It's much more immersive as a story that way.


Active Member
Dec 27, 2019
They’re “true” in a way that they’re leading you towards the true ending, but it’s mostly a placeholder for subroutes I haven’t been able to come up with names for. I won’t be renaming them though, can you imagine how much time I’ll need to spend to rewrite every passage of the walkthrough that mentions them? Not to mention that “If Blake is on any of the true routes” is a relatively short condition, but “if Blake is on this route or this or this or…” would probably make the walkthrough grow by about 15% in size.


Mar 10, 2023
Agreed on keeping statistics out of the game itself though.
It's much more immersive as a story that way.
Well, I certainly always go in blind first. The first time I played through Shattered I didn't even know a walkthrough existed and made the decisions I felt were right. And I think that's the best way to go. But then I look through the walkthrough and discover everything I missed - "holy shit, I can go back to the slums with Iris and get 10+ hours of new content? I have to see that!" And the rabbit hole goes even deeper, I can become a bimbo, turn the tables on Bree, Dominique can mind control me? I don't want any of that for my "real" playthrough, but I would like to see it at least once.

I've answered the question about points several times in the past, and I'm not gonna change my stance on them: they're not gonna get displayed no matter what.
However, I am open to the idea of rearranging the walkthrough. Perhaps not exactly shuffling the contents, but giving a very short summary of each route in the beginning. Then again, which path is a route and which isn't?
Sorry about bringing up the points, I'm still new around here. The thing about the walkthrough is that as it stands, you have to work your way backwards. For example, I find out in Act XV that I can teach Bree a lesson she surely needs but it has a ton of preconditions: "If Blake is on Bree’s route, isn’t a bimbo, and either is a domme or has at least 8 dom points, isn’t Kushari or Claude, and Troy’s bitch, isn’t Dominique’s slave, and had sex with Bree at the Halloween party, he decides to start fixing her insecurities." It would only make the walkthrough even longer or add a whole appendix, but it would really help a new playthrough to read that at the beginning so I can plan ahead. But maybe that's something I'll just have to do for myself. There still so, so much I haven't seen and since I'm so invested in the story and all the characters I'll have to buckle up and plan a dozen more playthroughs. Maybe I'll even marry Samuel at some point, just to see what that's like. :)
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Active Member
Dec 27, 2019
It feels like you have to go backwards, because a lot of things change along the way. When I just started making the game, I didn't have Bree in my plans. When I introduced her, I wasn't planning on giving her a route. When the route happened, I didn't expect myself to make a submissive subroute for it, et cetera. I do browse through older acts sometimes in order to fix certain irregularities, but simply making the game move forward is a task difficult enough to make everything else, including walkthrough, a side task at best. Any significant structural changes, I'm afraid, are impossible until I'm done with the main story.


Mar 10, 2023
I see, oh wow, I had no idea. I shouldn't even have brought it up. Just continue doing what you're doing, please, cause I love it!


Active Member
Dec 27, 2019
No worries, I don't take offence in fair criticism. It's just important to consider that I'm just one person, whose time, energy, technical skills, and talents are limited. I wish I could do certain things much better, but it is what it is.
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New Member
Nov 24, 2018
i havent finished the game yet but i wish there were more pics of blake. nothing super fancy, just some full body shots instead of the generic waist up picture. for example i'd love to see blake do some maid things around the house. so a picture from feet up of him vacuuming or washing dishes (of course in a provocative pose, maybe more so the further in the game you go?). a more specific example: there is one section early in the game with a monologue he does in his head i think and a full body pic showing him sitting on the sofa in his maid outfit. would be very nice to see 1 or 2 more pics of him doing just that but striking different poses to break up the text and give the player some eye candy.
other than that very cool gaem :3


Active Member
Dec 27, 2019
I assume you’re very early into the game. Back when I was making the first eight acts, I’ve been using a budget GPU without RTX support, so each image was taking me hours to finish. I had to choose each scene very thoroughly. It became less of an issue later on, as I upgraded.


New Member
Aug 3, 2019
Do i have to download v16 then the update to v17 and v18 if i want to start from the start? im just a bit confused by the instructions, last time i played this was v14 lol

RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
Do i have to download v16 then the update to v17 and v18 if i want to start from the start? im just a bit confused by the instructions, last time i played this was v14 lol
If you want the full version yes. Otherwise you can download the compressed one. (y) :)
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Nice game but why is there no development in Blakes body like boobs n all. I really liked Reese's development in body part want same for blake also
Out of game, it's because such thing would be optional and double amount of images to render. The in-game justification for it is, Blake likes his body as it is.


Active Member
Dec 27, 2019
does anyone have saves for Vanessa and suya idk why but i keep messing them up
At what point do you want those save files to be? Right at the start of the route or further down the line?
So what about Ambrosia being the future ?
Ambrosia isn’t from the future. She’s merely a product of Blake’s imagination. Blake created her for himself as, depending on your playthrough, a warning or a goal.


New Member
Dec 5, 2019
At what point do you want those save files to be? Right at the start of the route or further down the line?

Ambrosia isn’t from the future. She’s merely a product of Blake’s imagination. Blake created her for himself as, depending on your playthrough, a warning or a goal.
at the middle-ish if possible, i know I started them on an old save that I no longer have


Active Member
Dec 27, 2019
at the middle-ish if possible, i know I started them on an old save that I no longer have
I’m not exactly sure if I understood correctly. Can you at least tell me the desired act? If no one will share their saves, I’ll make the files for you tomorrow.


New Member
Dec 5, 2019
I’m not exactly sure if I understood correctly. Can you at least tell me the desired act? If no one will share their saves, I’ll make the files for you tomorrow.
Sorry, I don't know what act they start in, so if you can do the starts, that would be awesome and save me so much time.
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