3.50 star(s) 25 Votes


Active Member
Sep 17, 2019
Ok, so as we in effect grind each level we unlock what looks like armor and weapons, just what does that actually do? I have only just started onto level 3 at present, so if it is something that does things later fair enough.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2019
Ok, so as we in effect grind each level we unlock what looks like armor and weapons, just what does that actually do? I have only just started onto level 3 at present, so if it is something that does things later fair enough.
Cosmetics mostly


Discussion Dynamo
Respected User
Jr. Uploader
Oct 1, 2018
Ok, so as we in effect grind each level we unlock what looks like armor and weapons, just what does that actually do?
The developers just answered the question on Steam, it's meant to unlock the item for the shop and loot.


Active Member
Sep 17, 2019
Cosmetics mostly
The developers just answered the question on Steam, it's meant to unlock the item for the shop and loot.
Ahh, thanks, thought that might be the case

In some game these sort of unlocks are actual stuff you can get for free, I was just wondering if it was one of those things and if so, where did I get the stuff from.
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Discussion Dynamo
Respected User
Jr. Uploader
Oct 1, 2018
I unlock the first slave girl and she upgrade my castle, after the upgrade where is she?
Pretty sure she completely vanishes after the upgrade. Only the trasmog girl will hang around, in the really big bathroom area (when you buy the new bath) that the first girl builds.


Jan 10, 2020
Enjoyed the game, a couple observations if the devs are following this thread:
1/ Auto sort inventory so when you try to pick something up you don't have to drag stuff around so it fits, as much as her "I can't carry any more" line is sexy it gets a bit tedious after a while when she actually can.
2/ The ranged magic enemies (spiders and mage skeletons) are way more powerful than the rest including the bosses. Maybe nerf these a bit and boost the boss damage?
3/ Option to pay the transmog slave girl for sex in the big pool! :p


Discussion Dynamo
Respected User
Jr. Uploader
Oct 1, 2018
The devs are not here. Seems that magic and things like it just ignore your armours defence, it does suck. There's probably going to be more succubi for things like the big bath, just like the oddly similar game they're also making.


Mar 17, 2019
It has been almost a whole month since I last looked at this game. I hope my input from then has been helpful. We'll see if I can suggest anything new.

The game attempted to access the internet from my computer. Fortunately my firewall blocked it. I think we all should know what "features" your game requires online access for, otherwise I may not bother with this game again. If someone else is better informed than I, please relay.

In your character creation, your face shapes is a slider while your skin and makeup are their own box selections. As a general rule, sliders are good for subtle adjustments, like eye distance, skin tone, or breast size. Your facial section of your character creator has none of those features. Unless you plan to implement fine adjustments, I recommend making makeup style, skin color, and face shape each their own separate boxed selections. Additionally, I found that your slider starting positions did not reflect the actual initial settings of the succubus's breasts.

You still have spaces on the front side of your commas in your tutorial popup. Do not space your commas , like this. You should make sure they're like like this, otherwise you're going to look like a second rate dev, even if English not your primary language. And "loots" isn't a word. Loot is both plural and singular.

Your controller button settings are all over the place. Nobody makes the Y/△ the attack button. It is also impossible for me to customize the layout to my preferences because the LT/L2 and RT/R2 buttons are not recognized, and the game doesn't let buttons share a function. That non-doubling feature would be acceptable if there was a "clear" setting that blanks out the controller layout. Additionally, the game does not recognize my game pad's D-pad or thumb-sticks anymore, so I cannot even move my character.

If I do change the keyboard bindings, the game's prompt text does not recognize it. For example, if I switch "Interact" from F to E, the game will still prompt me to use the F key.

Pressing L-ctrl still does nothing. I can only guess Sprinting has not been fully implemented yet.

Combat is a lot better with the more centralized hit-boxes and weaker enemies. Excellent job there.

The weapon's shop in the castle eventually stopped showing items entirely. Dunno why.

I am also finding that the tab button to pick up items does not always work. The game seems to cancel out picking up items if I continue fighting enemies before picking them up.

Some of your battle arenas are absolutely enormous, and they look great, but sometimes only 25% of the map is used. I strongly suggest either making the best possible use of the large maps by spreading out enemy spawns further, or reducing the size of some of them, which would probably actually help reduce the size of the game - it's already almost 3gigs and you're only at v0.12! I found the game lagging sometimes, which is crazy because it runs Doom Eternal on max settings without a hiccup.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2017
How do i get the items i unlock?
"You've unlocked Armor piece"
ok...great... WHERE THE FUCK IS IT?
i ran through the first 3 missions 7 times to get all items.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2017
The developers said they're unlocked for the shops and loot, you don't just get given the items.
i checked the shop. It hasn't had a new item since i started the game.
It juts cycles a few random crappy starter items.
i even memorized most of them.
The only "new" item i saw recently in the shop was a 1 armor cloth piece. Which isn't what i unlocked.
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Discussion Dynamo
Respected User
Jr. Uploader
Oct 1, 2018
i checked the shop. It hasn't had a new item since i started the game.
That's all the developers have said about it. They could be added to a table of possible items for the shop, or as it's a test update it might not be working properly. The weapons shop definitely isn't working right with its disappearing stock.
3.50 star(s) 25 Votes