RPGM Partial SHOEGAZER – Dungeons and Prisoners


Aug 31, 2018
Lots of work so far..

1. Menu: Profile, window working and setting abilities, ability modifiers, and combat stats
2. Menu: Status, not available yet. I'd like to include things like combat status's like poison, shock, and even knocked down or grapped. Stuffl ike that.
3. Menu: Equip, This is work but I just need to expand on it to finish it up. Rigth now I have Weapon, Shield, Body but would like to add a bunch of others in there. It even works if you drop items and it will default back to either Unarmed or none for armor slot.
4. Menu: Item, this is working but needs to be fleshed out some more. It lists items and you can drop them, but I haven't really setup actions for the items to use yet. The menu itself is completed though.
5. Menu: Element Resist, not available yet.
6. Menu: State Resist, not available yet.
7. Menu: Records, not available yet. This was going to be the display page for how many encounters Miene has had.
8. Menu: Options, not available yet. Not even sure what to add to this yet.
9. Menu: Save, this is working and done so far.
10. Menu: Load, this is working and done so far.
11. Menu: Quit, this is working and done.
12. Leveling system: This is completed. Levels / HP / MP / Ability points increase per DnD style. I'd like to add in more stuff like magic and all that later on though.
12. Date and Time: This is completed so far but haven't done any integration of this with events yet.
13. Zones! I've found a much better way to handle new rooms. I'm pretty excited that I've found this out because now I can easily manage new zones all from one function and even dynamically change actions for each zone, images, and all of that sort! Very excited about what I've been doing for the past couple of days.
14. Combat! This is still early in the works. I do have a small combat system working where I can get multiple enemies to spawn and set danger levels for each zone. I'm trying to figure out the combat system part where I need to include all of the characters details and even the transitioning from the zone to combat etc.. etc..


Aug 8, 2022
Hello everyone, I found this game from a comment on a game that can be said to have stopped development called "UnholyMaiden", it hasn't been updated for 7 months on cien and doesn't have a demo. . So I decided to come here and want to ask if anyone has game links like mega or google drive, and if there are things like translation or mods, I hope you can share them with me and I would be very grateful for that.


Dec 12, 2018
Hello everyone, I found this game from a comment on a game that can be said to have stopped development called "UnholyMaiden", it hasn't been updated for 7 months on cien and doesn't have a demo. . So I decided to come here and want to ask if anyone has game links like mega or google drive, and if there are things like translation or mods, I hope you can share them with me and I would be very grateful for that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Huh. It's been a long time since I've thought of this game. Back in the old ULMF days.
I knew i recognized the heroine from somewhere.

What was the story... the dev was going blind or something?
I guess it never got an update?


Active Member
Jan 4, 2021
View attachment 4492069

How to make it work ? (My regional & local settings are japanese)
Most likely a problem with the path name.
Either the path name is too long (try to move the game folder to the desktop or the Hard drive root and retry).
Or some caracter in it can't be read by the OS for whatever reason - it's usually the syntax (try removing any "&", "~", "!".... from the folder name and retry).
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