Should Reipatcher and other "MTL" games be allowed?


Aug 5, 2020
It's a bit perpendicular to the topic, I know, but I've had pretty good results ditching older MTL poetry caches and using XUnity AutoTranslate with Sugoi running locally.
Mar 18, 2019
I haven't found a single MTL game that was so bad the meaning was completely lost. I am not looking for Shakespearian lore, as long as I can understand the character motivations, plot, and most importantly, what the buttons do, that is everything I need to play a game from beginning to end.

That being said I in no way agree with them being disallowed. What would the point of that be?

You do not like them, so you can avoid them. I do not mind them, so I can go and play them. We both get a choice here.
If we go with your option, then you get your way, and take all the choices away from me. That I simply do not agree with.