Not really, just a lot of dicks on this site when people ask questions. I get it may be obvious to some or even most, but being new and all to this site and AVN's, I have yet to fully figure things out. Would be nice for people to actually try to help other rather than shit on them and the like.
Act like a dick, get treated like one. Simple as that.
Thanks for the further insight though, but trust me when I say I have tried elaborating more, and people still react like asshats. So
IF you or anyone is still up for answering. To be precise, I would like to avoid incest as entirely if possible and am curious if sexual moments/etc are forced on you throughout the story. I have no personal interest in incest, which I get it can have it in it as it is tagged that way, but I have read some that while having that tag you can entirely avoid those situations if you choose.
It's just not my cup of tea, but I can't get enough of these visual novels and am trying to expand and find even more great stories.