Fan Art Shut up and Dance Fan Art


Apr 27, 2018
Hello every and welcome to the Shut up and Dance thread from the game created by Boring Games.

Now first off let me say something really quick Boring Games and I are Internet friends and I asked him what woman's Assets I can give out and He told me I can only Give out two of them and those people are Megan and Faith. So with out anymore talking on the matter here they are.

Megan - Pepper G8 and Louise Hair Genesis 8 Female

Faith - Laverne G8F and Tempest Hair Genesis 8 Female
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Apr 27, 2018
Now on to the next part in honor of the opening of this fan art thread I'm doing a contest from 10/22/21 till 11/5/21 I want to see your best Render and the winner will be able to ask Boring Games for a Render they want made (Who's in it, what clothes, ect) The rules are simple
1. One Render per person
2. When posting the Render please put #First contest
Anyone can enter and I can't wait to see what people make.


Apr 27, 2018
I was not sure how the contest was going to go but to be honest I kinda knew that it was not going to work so maybe sometime down the road I might try again to do one but we will see till than I will just be posting my fan art in here and if anyone would like to add there own please fell free


Apr 27, 2018
Violet and Megan copy.png
Now that the new girl is out I have some pic I would like to share the first one is back when Boring Games Had a pole about who's better Megan or Sarah so she is worshiping the winner. In the second one if you look at the pic in the background I turned Megan into a big titty goth gf. I hope you all enjoy


Apr 27, 2018
I had another idea this time no hypnosis this time just feet and nude lol and wanted to use both Sarah and Jenny this time. the pic in the background is one that Boring Games made for me some time ago it goes with the welcome pic you see when you join his discord.
I hope you all enjoy. foot priase copy.png


Apr 27, 2018
Well everyone this is going to be my last post of the year this time I wanted to do a pic with Megan and Ann. Why Ann because of a post that Boring Games did not to long ago I did not realize how hot she was if we go by Milfs she would be my 3rd favorite with Megan being 1st than Faith. Anyway I think I've been talking too much I hope every one has a Great New Year
Happy New Year copy.png
Ps. On my Slushe account I got over 100 likes so I want to make a special so if you would like to give me an idea you can follow me


Apr 27, 2018
Welcome everyone to the New Year and to my first pic of the new year. This pic is a continuation to my last pic and the story is: Sarah just got home from her party to find Megan and Ann passed out and could not resist bout to start out the new year with a prank. I hope you all enjoy
After new years copy.png