I was now able to finish Sicae. I did remember some things from a former playthrough of LCC, but that was quite a time ago. Because of this and knowing there were some changes to the first 4 chapters, I played through everything from the beginning. And I do liked it again! Man, what to say, it was quite eventful until the end of chapter 5. Not many devs here are capable to write a decent story and pair it with decent renders. Most of the time one side lacks or both, and in some cases there is drama added for the sake of drama without making any sense. But NiiChan, well, NiiChan is on top of that. Not only are the renders top, the animations, too. You can argue it's just HS, but take a look at other games, not every HS game has such clear renders and animations. They're often grainy and feel empty. Models often look unnatural, girls with overly big proportions and MCs and other males look dumb and ugly and would be better left out of the picture. Here we have a decend looking MC and the girls vary in looks, too. Some with a slightly bigger some with more petite proportions. And then the story, man, we have everything: drama, violence, love, sex and a fuckload of beautiful girls. And the most important part for me is, that it feels organic, not forced. And no forced love rival or atagonist "to spice things up" as many other mediocre (and below) writers try. As we can see, there is no need for such thing. For everyone, that played the latest installment of MBML, we have quite a few characters, that are already known, but in their younger selfs. I found myself quite a few times looking at the "Who's Who" guide, that Bacienvu88 provided, to refresh my memories. Thank you for that guide, very good work and very helpful!! It shows how dedicated the fans of the NiiChan games are and how good the games are. Nothing we see all to often. Last but not least, the story is the main focus, and that's very good in my opinion. I would even go as far and say, this isn't a porn game/VN, it's a story driven VN with some lewd elements. Something that keeps people including me to come back and enjoy the journey. After all that is possible because of the big updates everytime and the good writing. I look forward to the next updates of MBML and Sicae! Keep up the fantastic work everyone involved and thank you for sharing these captivating stories!