
Jun 12, 2023
It's true that this game requires crazy power. except the graphics are not very pretty especially when using UE5. I saw much better using UE4 and using less power and the graphics were stunning. It was running on directx 10. In my opinion these are amateurs and not professionals. I say that but I can't create a game. He should work on the graphics to make it prettier. Correct any errors, instead of continuing the game and later creating a freedom mod once the game is finished. to choose the outfits in this wardrobe, play your VR games or watch TV, talk to your neighbors to make love or watch your neighbors make love. It will be very, very repetitive but it would still be interesting. Like getting cornered by the rabbit randomly in a room.


Jun 12, 2023
In freedom mod it would be good if there was a time mod. example 8 a.m., 9 a.m. 10 a.m., 11 a.m. 12 p.m., 1 p.m. 2 p.m., 3 p.m. 4 p.m., 5 p.m. 6 p.m., 7 p.m. 8 p.m., 9 p.m. 10 p.m.
8 a.m. forced to have breakfast.
9 a.m. shower required
10 a.m. delivery man
11am freedom
12 p.m. forced to have lunch.
1 p.m. freedom
2 p.m. freedom
3 p.m. freedom
4 p.m. freedom
5 p.m. freedom
6 p.m. forced to eat dinner.
7 p.m. freedom
8 p.m. freedom
9 p.m. required shower
10 p.m. forced to sleep and have a dream.
Every day like that.
A delivery man comes to fill the fridge every day. He would ring the doorbell to open it and he would fill the fridge, before he left she would give him a blowjob and make love. That would be fun. For the rabbit who catches it randomly in a room it would be good if it occurs every 2 or 3 days and only once. Otherwise it could quickly become annoying. You could also order a pizza in the evening or dinner of your choice. and there we see the delivery girl again who has been taken away by the police.
When she rings we open it and give her the pizza and she follows us into the house puts the pizza away and then she grabs it and fucks her with this sex toy belt. if we call him for pizza that's what will happen all the time.
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Sep 18, 2017
I can't seem to Play the Game without getting Playable Fps is this UE5 now that its using i used to get 60+fps in this game with Good Graphics too now its like 90% Decrease Anyone Still have the last update where it was using UE4 or the update where it was Playable , Thanks alot!


New Member
Sep 24, 2020
is it me or the game is now broken i can't do anything in the first game and the save file is corrupted and got fatal error if i load it ?


Dec 30, 2022
I can't seem to Play the Game without getting Playable Fps is this UE5 now that its using i used to get 60+fps in this game with Good Graphics too now its like 90% Decrease Anyone Still have the last update where it was using UE4 or the update where it was Playable , Thanks alot!
look up in this thread:
It's a shame that the recommended file sharing services aren't used here, but some weird, lame gadget.

I've just started playing this game and it's just crazy. Bat shit crazy … or bunny shit crazy; I'm on Thursday now and it's getting better and better.

I've been reading around in this thread and I can't believe that the game didn't have a save game option before. How did you survive that?

Well, what I'm wondering here is why all the developer's games are all called “OST_Game”. And if they are called that, then they also save all the game saves in that folder. If I know developers, they use the same framework from game to game. And if it's the same framework, then the game saves interfere with each other. This means you can only run one game on your computer called “OST_Game” unless you are able to rename the save folder for each of the “OST_Game” games.

I play the game with Wine and it just won't run on the dGPU ... well, at least I save some electric power with the iGPU. Other UE5 games have no problem running on the dGPU. This is kind of a special case with this game. I assume that's why you all want to downgrade. Can I assume that the earlier versions were better/more stable/more performant?

Too bad F95 doesn't maintain a link archive of the earlier versions of the game. All games suffer because the developers get a hiccup from time to time: Some scenes are removed for Steam because of reasons. Or the developers suffer from versionitis and have to use the latest game engine - in the middle of many years of development - which then stops them from developing because new bugs appear, because they assume that everything will stay the same and many things will get better ... and then they port to the new engine and the game is never finished. Or they start milking ...

I digress. The game and the developers don't deserve that. The content of the game is pretty good so far. I'm curious to see what happens next. I hope I still have plenty of time before I reach the end. No spoilers please.


Jun 12, 2023
on the previous page I put the links which work and are free for v0.29b and v0.31b.
I have no problems with v0.29b which has the gallery on Kira's PC, except v0.31b has no gallery. in addition my computer does not make any noise with v0.29b except v0.35b all my fans work making so much noise that it requires power. my pc has no problem with any games. but v0.35b I don't play it for fear of burning the motherboard or others, plus the graphics aren't even improved. v0.29b is very good in every way, I recommend it to players.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2021
I'm going to apologise in advance. I think i am insanely slow when I comes to trying something. Ok some background. I normally install games from here and it either ends up as a compressed zip file or a winrar file. Now some cases, I will look for saved game files for games and just use file explorer to pit the saved file into the right folder etc and it works the saved file does it thing. But for this game. I'm trying to do the same but I can't find/figure it out. I have already seem the directory path countless times. "Users/name/appdata/osthame/save". (Not correct but jus roughly to show what I mean). So I might be (am) stupid and I can't figure it out. I try to follow the directory path but I just hit a roadblock. It just doesnt show up like it's not there. My game file is under my downloads section of file explorer if that helps. Is there some other external thing I could use or.

Anyways I have yapped too much. Kudos to whoever may read this. If whoever out there is willing to help a brother out. Thank you so much in advance.


Mar 28, 2023
But for this game. I'm trying to do the same but I can't find/figure it out. I have already seem the directory path countless times. "Users/name/appdata/osthame/save". (Not correct but jus roughly to show what I mean).
Press "Win" key. Type %appdata%. Figure the rest from there.


Dec 9, 2018
previous version i was able to play now after long time i download this game it crash with fatal error idk why


Oct 25, 2022
What Graphic Card are you using and is your Driver and Chipset on the newest Date ? Looks like a Graphic issue.
I found a problem, the video memory consumption in the game went up to 10gb for me and I don't have that much. The game behaves very strangely. I chose medium graphics settings and everything became fine.
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