So someone else had a post on here that helped me figure out the rest of what I needed to do in order to get my game working. So if it helps I want to also create another detailed response and see if that also helps anyone else out.
Game installation: (first off, idk if game installs provided on this forum are any different from the one's I got from my usual forum. But I downloaded the game via Yaoiotaku)
Let's go over the Rar downloads:
•I downloaded a 3 part Rar files that were titled as so:
1) Silver Chaos.part 1 rar
2) Silver Chaos.part 2 rar
3) Silver Chaos.part 3 rar
Those of course showed up in my downloads folder.
Next I downloaded the 1.2 patch and English patch, and a SAVE CG Rar that came with it. They all came in Rar format.
They were titled:
• 1.2 glitch patch rar
• English patch rar
• Silver save rar
Likewise they also showed up in my downloads folder. Now here is where things start to get confusing for some people. But follow along, and I hope this helps you. Also, sorry if I'm reiterating what you already know/have tried.
First: I'm using a current HP 360 windows laptop, which utilizes file explorer.
I leave my Downloads window open, and open a second file explorer window.
I place them side by side. And I go to where I keep my games.
For example game folder titled:
•Yaoi Games
Then within that folder, I have other game folders that exist there. Such as Sweet Pool, or Zombilica.
Next: I move over the downloaded Rars, starting in the order that I saw them in a YouTube video installation guide (just in case).
First is: 1.2 glitch patch rar
Second: English patch rar
Third: Silver Chaos.part 1 rar
4th: Silver Chaos.part 2 rar
5th: Silver Chaos.part 3 rar
6th: silver_save rar
Now notice, I just MOVED them over to my games folder titled: Yaoi Games. I did not extract them (YET), nor did I make another folder for them (YET).
Next I create a folder for them in my Yaoi Games Folder titled:
Then I go to my Rars that I moved over to my Yaoi games folder in one window and I start to extract them all. Then I look for their folders . After they are extracted, you will end up with folders vs a rar file.
My folders were titled as such:
1.2 glitch patch
english patch
Silver Chaos
Just like their Rar file names. But now they look like folders . Now I heard you have to keep all of the FOLDERS (NOT the extract and folders), JUST the FOLDERS in 1 whole folder for them all. Hence me making a folder in my Yaoi Games folder titled:
Silver Chaos All Files
I then move the folders into the SCAF folder.
From here I might be easier to follow the YouTube video example:
•(Also, make sure your local is set to Japanese before you run this process. If it already wasn't, you have to restart your computer after you click on it). Next, I click on the Silver Chaos folder. Then within it I click on the installer application, and I click 'yes' that I want to run it. (Keep in mind this may not work if you don't have administration access). Then the installer will load and a window will pop up that's in Japanese.
Like the video guide shows on Youtube:
Click the top left button (that installs it), then another screen will pop up with a drop down menu. You click the menu and pick the second option that is the 600MB option. Now in the video they click the browse button to pick where they want it downloaded. I DON'T do that, as one time when I did I couldn't find the installer and had to re Un-install it all. I just click the install button and let it install where it will go to.
It will pop up with another menu saying it has never see the folder or it doesn't exist and asks if you want to create it. Say "YES". Then it does it's think, maybe you have to click a couple more buttons (I don't remember) but then it's done. That's it. Game installed. It may even pop up with the game process to show it works. I hit exit and go back to the Silver Chaos AL Files folder.
(Also, Feel free to install Google translate on your phone and activate the camera option while you have it read the computer screen buttons if you really need it too.)
Next is the 1.2 Glitch patch!:
They will tell you to click on it, and then the Patch 1.2 application installer...only for me it kept popping up the window and then force closing. Then I thought maybe it has something to do with a "Main.exe error" I heard people having. So I went and click on the desktop icon for Silver chaos. Then from the menu I clicked Trouble shoot compatability. I ran it, and nothing popped up. But worrier it just wasn't seeing it, I clicked that it used to run on earlier programs and selected the Vista XP Service 3 pack that someone mentioned it working on that for them. So I saved the settings and tried running the 1.2 patch again dice.
Then I found this forum where someone mentioned their window Force closing on it's own and I was like finnnalllly!!.
So I restarted my computer in order to make sure my task manager was clear of any multiple setup.exes incase I couldn't find it or the most recent one. After my computer came back on it, I ran the 1.2 patch again. It closed on it's own. Then I opened up my task manager. Task manager will open up under PROCESSES. There was nothing in apps there that I noticed as Setup.exe. But I noticed a process I hadn't seen, under [Background Processes].
THE PROCESS that was off, underneath for me was titled:
• "32 bit launcher (something, something)". So, I highlighted it and clicked on it. Then I said "view in details". It took me to the details tab where it was highlighted as Setup.exe. I noticed no other setup.exe and decided that was the process I needed to check out.
So I clicked on it and then proceeded to click on the button titled:
• Analyze wait chain
It told me it was waiting for a process titled something like HP12372 (there were numbers behind HP, I just don't remember what). I selected both the Setup.exe, and the box underneath that it was waiting for and like I had heard in a couple other forums (you end the process) so I did, I selected both boxes, and I hit END PROCESS. It said "are you sure" and I said "yes".
Then I closed my task manager. Tried again with the file 1.2 glitch patch , and voila! It works. So, hey! Don't give up. And I hope this long@$$ response wasn't a pain to read, and that it also helps someone too! Good luck. After trying multiple times, and watching videos and trying again and going to multiple'll prob find someone's solution that eventually works for you.