do you guys think maybe they are always struggling with bugs and etas because of flash/game engine? because at first, it was smooth sailing and monthly releases with some minor bugs but as the time went , game got bigger and bigger with more content, they no longer managed to hit their timings and there were major bugs everytime. considering how every tech company gave up on flash, maybe the flash is also at fault for this failure of a game?
There is nothing wrong with Flash as such, it is a flexible platform which can be used to produce many types of applications. It is being abandoned for use on the web not because there is anything fundamentally wrong with it but just because it has been made obsolete by modern web standards (HTML5), and because it was so powerful it was also always full of security holes and exploited for viruses.
Because it is such a powerful platform and not a single-purpose game engine like renpy it does not hold the developers hand so much so it requires more coding skill to work with. The problem with 'Simbro Team' (who and how many are on the team?) is that they clearly no longer have anyone who has the skill required.
As you point out, this was not always the case, they used to make proper releases. The obvious answer is that they had somone on team who was able to code until about a year ago, and then this person must have left the team and that's why there has not been a proper release since. The person who used to be there was a user called 'Marune' who diappeared in June last year. You can see their blog has not been updated since then, or the build on newgrounds either, or on LOK forums, because 'Marune' owned these accounts and was possibly the only one actually working on the game.
Whoever is left on the 'team' does not have the skill to do anything and that's why there is no proper release and they keep blaming Flash that it will not build or save games and can't handle the game size (bla bla bla...) but this is all just bullshit to disguise the fact that they do not have anyone with the skill to develop the game but they still want the monthly $$$ (and don't want to hire a good flash programmer to fix the game with this money).