Yep.. this is the strange bug....
When Julia announce the pregnancy (which everyone has) the code is:
if JuliaEvent[5] == 1:
$ JuliaEvent[5] = 2
How on Earth it stays = 1 is beyond me .... unless is some Ren'py Engine bug....
Hmmm... I will create a small patch like 0.17.4 for Julia ... it will auto fix it during sleep.
if i load save from prevoius January 19 update when was actual announcement it triggers [5] =2 at end of it
before or middle spoiler scene
and after
so yeah this had to come from previous version, those that goes thru fresh from this version are probably good, unless there are other issues, but those of us that did that in previous update we got that issue
also for me announcement was just before sasha monto mission and that one had some game breaking bugs in previous version, possible that broke more than sasha