Anyone else notice that babies (boys and girls) born, now are both wrapped in pink. I swear version 13-14.1 it was boys were wrapped blue and girls were wrapped in pink after birth in the hospital before naming option. Or am I having a bug?
Currently it just looks off to me and some names (seems to be mostly male names) don't get colorize right. There should be a overhaul to the visual indication between the boys and girls within the mothers more info screen; depending on the child's gender, example
Child #1: and
Child #2:,
The pink could be lighter and the blue more blue than purple (maybe this is background bleed effect in action), halo the names with white (may fix this) instead of solid text colorization while maintaining the inner colour saturation, this would give a neutral colour break that is both visually different between the background and the text colour, this would highlight while individualizing each of them as well, think of any halo lit sign on a store front.
poor visual example of: