Flash Completed Simply Mindy [v3.6.0] [Sexums]

4.70 star(s) 9 Votes


Aug 9, 2017
Been a while since I played this game. Does it still force an end after only a few years? I remember months ago I had a frustrating time trying to explore the content because of being forced to go through an ending.


May 19, 2017
Been a while since I played this game. Does it still force an end after only a few years? I remember months ago I had a frustrating time trying to explore the content because of being forced to go through an ending.
Yeah, this game and its predecessor were big on using your time wisely: if you don't know exactly which ending you're going for, it's easy to mess up and get the wrong one or a "default" ending. Just check around if you're having trouble--people have gotten pretty good about sharing their findings.
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Active Member
Aug 24, 2017
I like this one, a nice bit of light hearted fun. I like how the scene's change with the weather.
This seemed relevant.


Have been playing the game for a bit and wanted to write a part guide part advice for people brand new to the game to help unlock some of the endings as well as general advice for getting started when you have none of the bonuses unlocked.

For version 2.4.0

When you have just started the ability to go to the dungeon has been locked you will have to raise your combat stats such as strength, durability, prowess, intelligence and spirt to unlock it but don’t worry about that yet the dungeon and the endings it unlocks can be tackled latter.

At first there are a few useful ending bonuses that require no combat or no raising of stats to get, this are ones such working the farm job 100 times all of them are listed back on the second to top post on page seven. Doing these first give a few nice starting bonuses to your stats when you reply.

Free cash early on

To free cash every day for the rest of your play though you will want to start but not complete the maid job frog lord quest line. Keep working the maid job and raise your stats in accordance to the froglord request, when ask to sleep with him for a share of the hotel profits say yes, you will get between 180-220 every day but don’t sleep with him to much or you will advance his quest line and lose the daily cash then you will go fight him to get this back which is time wasted time you could be better spent. After saying yes you don’t have actually have to sleep with him at all and would recommend this in case you do it to many times and advance the quest line.

You will want to do this at the beginning of every playthrough to maximise your cash flow.

After a few playthrough you will notice more jobs are unlocked as you raise your stats and you can start charter quest to unlock certain endings some these require no combat or combat you must lose to get.

Increase your daily stamina by 1+

Important ones to get Early to maximise your ability to earn cash fast are the cosplay job quest for Chico keep doing the cosplay job when given the option to get a raise say no when asked to fuck Chico say no again, keep doing the job you will eventually get the option to go see Chico on the main screen do this and give him the saint ord. this will unlock an extra stamina bonus, so you can now work 4 times a day.

an extra 200 cash a day every day.

Second is the glory hole job quest line after doing the job enough times and the blond girl will ask to run her business out of your room agree and on a night when you sleep you will get the jizzbiz option keep clicking this over and over until you get the option to let her keep working out of your room say yes, keep sleeping with her until you get the option to be partners or manage the jizzsisters, pick jizzsisters and accept the sinner orb and get the ending this bonus will give an extra 200 cash a day. may seem small but it adds up over time.

After getting these first other endings are just as easy just change one choice in the quest dialog option.

dungeons and endings that require combat

the dungeons are similar to the standard old school rpg maker, fighting monster only gives you cash doesn’t level you up or increase stats so you should really just fight them to for fill quest as you can get more cash from jobs but since you cant run you will have to fight them. Time plays a factor watch the clock on the bottom right when it chimes 12 it’ll kick you out of the dungeon. to stop this when it gets close open your menu and click camp to camp out and start the next day at the same point in the dungeon. The first 2 dungeons will have a large red orb in them going and clicking on this will unlock the next dungeon.

now with all the starting bonus it will be easier to level up your combat stats, generally a good idea to get your strength, durability and prowess to about 70+ before you head to the first dungeon hear there is a potion shop to the north west of the start position with a magic spell salesman outside.

2x movement speed in dungeons

to the north there will be a valley with purple mush rooms follow this until you find a chest will contain speed heels, equip them in the menu to have double the movement speed in the dungeon.

Amour upgrade

To the north-eastern part of the map there is narrow valley area and there is chest with leather amour.

Weapon upgrade + unlock next dungeon.

Head to the north west of the map to find the church, go in and when you go down from ground and on the fist basement you will go west see the large red orb click on this to unlock the 2nd dungeon dirttown, go west from the red orb down to basement floor 2. Go north and there is a chest contain the bronze sword.

Amplify spell

The spell merchant will change what spell he sells dependant on the season he will sell amplify during MEGA HOT season. This spell multiplies you attack power and the more time you cast it on yourself the more it stacks you can win most fights by casting this 3 times and attacking once will do about 2000 – 6000 damage.

Warning when amplify wears off after a few turns it will take huge chunk out of your health most time it left me with just 1hp in which the boss killed me just after, this is a good way to let a boss win if you are too over powered but want a boss loss ending.

Dungeon 2 cave dirt town

New sword and armour up grade

From the start go west and head north at the fist cross road and keep going north and talk to the red devil. The go to the house with the wolf at the entrance you can get their back from the start keep going west till until you see a house you can go in then go north on the stone bridges you will see the house with the wolf. In the house go down into the basement but don’t go to into the second big open area until you have killed 5 spider monsters or you will just be kick out of the dungeon. When you have killed the 5 spiders you will be able to fight the boss, win continue west and up the stairs for the chests with the upgrades.

With these you will be well equipped to take on most bosses but stats are your main defining factor weapons are a nice boost

Unlock the amplify spell from the start

Advised to get all your combat stats to 70+

Keep working the zombie farm job until john ask you to raise your stats, do this then he will ask you to find his brain. Go to dungeon 1 go talk to the vampire east of the of the purple mushroom area then go and kill 5 mushroom for him, go back and he ask go kill the mushroom boss, so back to the mushroom area go to the north to large mushroom click on it to start the boss fight win and return to the vamp he will give you johns brain.

Return to john agree to fuck him and keep doing so when you sleep on a night to advance the quest line eventually he will ask you to get a mushroom for him, go to dungeon 2 dirttown and head north and find the BLUE mushroom area and click on the largest blue mushroom and start the boss battle win and go back to john this will unlock amplify and scan spell from the start.

Unlock the disable rent payment bonus

To get this as the above get your equipment and stats 70+ (may want to get spirt and intelligence to 100) sorted before hand as well get the Gimme spell from the spell merchant he sell it during the ghosting season. Miss the rent a few days in a row until the ghost landlady Shirly yells at you and start her quest line. Follow her quest line if you have already max out your Intelligence this should not be to hard just keep making rent payments, when you continue the quest line she will try to get close say no don’t let her. She haunt you for a some time giving you -1 stamina just keep doing jobs that will help you keep up rent payments but wont decrease your combat stats (cam whore is suggested) and follow the requirements of the quest line and eventually a boss battle will happen.

But this boss battle is not like the others normally the strategy of cast amplify 3-4 times and attack that works wonders form most other bosses will not work hear, as the boss will die and resurrect a number of times so does not have one large health you can take out in one go but multiple small ones that have to be taken out with multiple attacks, so my strategy for this fight is to keep casting Gimme to that will heal you and your MP (this is why intelligence and spirt are key stats for this fight ). Keep doing this and you should win the fight no problem.

Take sinner orb and you get land mindy ending you can now disable rent

If you do all this you get about 200 from froglord +200 a day from jizzbizz bonus and no rent and you now know wear the good gear and strategies for combat are this should make getting all the other endings much easier.

Hidden boss beast locations

Intelligence best

Go to dungeon 1 during the darkling season this will unlock the cave at the north part of the dungeon that is normally blocked by some blue slime the other seasons, the boss is at the back of the cave.

Strength beast

Go to dungeon 2 dirttown during the ghosting season when it rain head to the north east part of the map their will then be pontoon bridge over water that is missing In the other seasons to the north bridge is he door to the boss

Charisma beast

Go to dungeon 3 during the Mega hot season, since the dungeon is fairly linyer so about half way through in an out door area floating island temple appears the boss is just straight their when you walk through the door.

Hard beast

When beat the other three beast boss this will unlock the this boss it is in the dungeon 2 on the basement of the brothel in the open area in the south east you will see a key hole on the north wall click on it and it should lead you to a room with the hard beast not sure if this was season dependent but did try this multiple times before betting the beast bosses and defeating them seemed to be the thing that unlocked it.
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New Member
Jul 6, 2017
Here's a list of all 41 achievements, SOME of the bonuses, Rewarded Job title and hints how to get them. That's for version 2.4.0
1.Hoboin - Trash Girl - Default Ending when you run out of time after 4 years
2.Camwhorin - Internet Sextoy - Work as camwhore 100 times
3.Maidin - Booty Shorts Janiter -
4.Froggin1 - Slime Slave - Drop your HP below 0 in 1st dungeon while sleeping with Froglord or fight him and lose
5.Froggin2 - Frog Bride - Work at hotel 100 times while sleeping with Froglord
6.Froggin3 - Hotel Magnate - Refuse to sleep with Froglord later on assassinate him
7.Blue Beastin -Hydrate spell- Tentacular Fucktoy - Lose to Intbeast 1st dungeon during Darkly
8.Flyin1 - Calendar Heiress - Refuse Shutterbug's first offer than follow the quest
9.Flyin2 - Prized Statue - Agree with all of Shutterbug's offers
10.Modellin - Third Place - Work Modelling 100 times
11.Red Beastin -Enflame spell- Bovine Buttfuckee - Lose to Strbeast 2nd dungeon during Ghostly
12.Skullin1 -Flash and Fondle moves- Demonic Overlord - Reveal Skully's face, follow her quest and kill Lil D
13.Skullin2 - Protectiv Voyeur - Refuse Skully's offer to see her face, than follow Lil D's plan to the end
14.Skullin3 - Monstrous Plaything - Lose fight to Lil D in achievments 12. or 13.
15.Guardin - Splooge Guardian - Work on the Wall 100 times
16.Female Ghostin1 - Fu-Sion-Ha - Follow Shirley's quest, raise Int60+ Spirit30+ and willingly accept possesion
17.Female Ghostin2 -No Rent- LandMindy - Refuse willing possesion or keep sleeping with Shirley and than defeat her
18.Female Ghostin3 - Not Regan - Fail to raise your stats or lose fight with Shirley
19.Not Payin -2000 more starting money- Impish Fucktoy - Don't pay rent 25 times
20.Nerdin1 - Soobstitute - Sleep with Chico a lot of times than find the Red bra in the brothel 2nd dungeon
21.Nerdin2 -Daily Stamina+1- Peninent - Refuse to sleep with Chico and keep working Cosplayer, than give him the saint's orb
22.Nerdin3 - Top-Tier Sinner - Same as Peninent but keep the saint's orb
23.Disguisin - Costumed Cunny - Work Cosplayer 100 times
24.Zombiein1 - Walker - Get John's brain , than sleep with him a lot, give him Purple mushroom and lose fight
25.Zombiein2 - Lady Z - Give John a Purple mushroom and win fight
26.Zombiein3 -Scan and Amplify spells- Chemist - Give John a Blue mushroom from 2nd dungeon far north
27.Zombiein4 - Zombie Sex Toy - Refuse to sleep with John and after some time manage to unplug his Brain
28.Farmin - Rauncher - Work at farm 100 times
29.Emceein1 - Caged Tighter - Follow Seu's quest and lose to Seu
30.Emceein2 - Emcee by Default - Refuse to sleep with Seu, keep working Cabaresque and defeat Seu
31.Emceein3 -Barrier and Chastise spells- BuskFucker - Sleep with Seu a lot and win all following fights
32.Dancin - Hat Wearer - Work at Cabaresque 100 times
33.Beastin1 -Gust spell- Clouded Clit-Kisser - Lose to ChrBeast during Megahot in 3rd dungeon
34.Beastin2 -Quake spell- Crude Lover - Lose to HardBeast
35.Beastin3 -The MOST powerfull Morph spell- Beast of Fucks - Beat all four Beasts and enter secret door in 1st dungeon
36.Dungeonin1 -Max stats set to 200 after finding a chest in church- Star Stuff - Reach the end of 3rd Dungeon and lose to Moe
37.Dungeonin2 - The Eternal Orgasm - Beat Moe
38.Gloryholin1 - One With The Hole - Let JizzBiz stay at your home and don't turn her over to her sisters
39.Gloryholin2 -4000 more starting money- Slurpestar - Throw out JizzBizz than after meeting JizzQuiz find her in 3rd dungeon
40.Gloryholin3 -Get 200 bucks every day- Band Leader - Let JizzBiz stay and convince her to rejoin her sisters
41.Gloryholin4 - Cum Dumpster - Work Gloryholin 100 times


Aug 5, 2017
Thanks buddy question do you have a changelog maybe?
Not really, from what I have gathered there is like 1 ending that is new, and the contest update happened. So contests are new and improved and you get something in each of them. Here is the blog post at the very least:

"This update is, I have discovered, somewhat cosmological in execution, and takes a few pokes at the higher beings of the Sooniverse. It also provides a few more hints towards the ultimate storyline of the game, though they may be too veiled at this point to be discerned as hints. Sounds like some master puppeteer bullshit, but rest assured, I'm making this stuff up as I go.

New Contests

As I've been intimating for a while, now, this build is focused entirely on Lil D's four contests. There's one held every season, for every year of the game (they're disabled past year five), and each demands a unique blend of stats, knowledge, and button-pressing.

- The first contest, the Wet T, is more or less the same as before. I just randomized the characters Mindy can face and added two more potential boob-swingers. (Also, since there are no mechanics besides checking your stats, you can just skip right to the end.) Also spruced it up a bit, since I have implemented a confetti system for most of the contests! I love confetti!

If I'm going to add more contestants to any of them, it's the Wet T. So. Keep your eyes on that.

- The second contest, the Overheating game, is a keyboard-mashing test. The idea is to keep Mindy's temperature low long enough that her opponent faints. The higher your Durability, the longer Mindy can last; the higher your Strength, the more 'power' each button press has, so you need to do less overall mashing. (I tried to keep it less-than-intense for people who don't want to strain their wrists... though if you play porn games a lot your wrists should already be powerful.) There are three potential contestants, and some are more difficult than others. SOMEBODY has sex at the end, regardless of who wins.

Mind that this one starts out easy and gets more difficult as the level of the jizz rises. So. Just because it's easy street at first doesn't mean it stays that way.

- The third contest, the Modelling contest, is another stat-testing competition - though this time you have more of a say. Pick an outfit and a pose for Mindy and she'll strut her stuff against two other opponents. You get scored based on outfit chosen, the pose you chose FOR the outfit, and the stats that contribute most to that particular outfit. (There are hints in Lil D's dialogue that will let you know which works best with which if you're having trouble choosing proper combos.) Simple enough, but fuck, man, THIS one is the reason the damned build is late. Fuckin' fidgety-ass code...

- Aaaaaand the fourth contest, the Quiz, is a simple test of your Simply Mindy / little bit of Soo Cubus knowledge. There are ten potential questions. Get five right and you win; get five wrong and you lose. The vast majority of the questions are perfectly fair, though I'll admit to throwing in one curveball, because I'm mean like that. (The first question is still always the same. Why the hell can't I figure out that bug... so weird...)

Yep. Contests. Fuckin' things are finally done! Might polish more and add more contestants in the future - I'd like to animate the girls in the Modelling contest more, for example - but for now they're pretty solid.

There's a small change to the delivery of the contests, as well. I'd previously intended to have Lil D pop up in Mindy's apartment on contest days as a reminder. That, however, got quite intrusive, since it happened every nine days - and I quickly realized that people might just want to use those days for other things. So now you have the option of entering a contest by clicking a button in the top-right, or just ignoring it entirely and going about your day. This eliminates a tiny bonus for not entering the contest via cut scene, but I think it's a pretty minor sacrifice.

(I also made a point to change some of the in-game language from 'festival' to 'contest' since I've been calling them contests for... a very long time. Why did I call them festivals in the first place, again...?)

Other Stuff

- There's one new ending, tied to the contests. Win all four in a single go-through! The bonus reward will help people who don't like the grind.

I had originally planned one ending for this week, then I jumped to two, then three. Unfortunately I don't really have any more time to work on this build, as I've got stuff to do the next two days and I need sleep something fierce. I will try to include the endings in the next build, as the architecture to plug them into the game is there - I just didn't have time to finish the ending sprites. Sadness. And yes, they're contest-related.

- Included a button that activates every unlocked bonus when starting a new round of Simply Mindy. Saves time on clicking. This activates every bonus, mind, so watch that you don't accidentally turn on something you'd rather leave turned off.

- Typos. Always typos. Don't even remember which ones I fixed anymore, I just know I did.

Next Time

I need to keep wrapping up storylines, so the next build will almost certainly focus on another of the characters. I'll probably do Emm, since she was next in line in the last vote and I like giving excuses to jump into the dungeons. She's monster-centric, so, yeah. Emm. Also have some other things I want to get done, like revamping the hotkeys.

I also, at some point, want to introduce a sort of 'points market' to the game. I've seen a few people complain that the grinding gets a little dull after a while, and while these games take Princess Maker as inspiration - and goddamn are those grindy games - I would like to alleviate that a bit. So I'll probably be creating an area where you can trade stat points in one area for stat points in another, at a 2-for-1 exchange rate. The more options you have to accumulating stats, the better. Keep an eye open for that in the future.

A warning now that I will probably be doing another month-long build in December / very early January. I've decided to finally tackle Soo's dual storylines, and I figured December would be a good choice for it, since I'll have to carve a lot of time out for family shit anyway. (My family celebrates Christmas three, sometimes four times. And I think this year is a four-timer. What the hell is that?) Hopefully most of you will be too busy to notice.

I will keep y'all apprised of what's to come. Excited to jump on both of these storylines, as I've been waiting a while to do 'em."


Feb 2, 2017
Okay thanks!
So i got a new problem sadly i use chrome and when i try to start the game i can't because the browser just re-downlands the flash file.
In chrome settings i have only two options either turn-off the flash or allow sites to run flash(ask first) so i can't start the game.
I don't know if it was a new update or something but i can't find the option to just allow chrome to use flash without asking.


Engaged Member
Jun 5, 2017
Here's a link to get the standalone Flash player.

Just get the "projector" for your OS.

Not really, from what I have gathered there is like 1 ending that is new, and the contest update happened. So contests are new and improved and you get something in each of them. Here is the blog post at the very least:
Are you sure that's a blog post? I do not see a post with that content on , and it does look more like a Patreon post in length.


Aug 5, 2017
Are you sure that's a blog post? I do not see a post with that content on , and it does look more like a Patreon post in length.
Blog, patreon, cant remember where he posted or which I gathered it from. It does seem to be accurate from what I have seen of the gameplay though.
Okay thanks!
So i got a new problem sadly i use chrome and when i try to start the game i can't because the browser just re-downlands the flash file.
In chrome settings i have only two options either turn-off the flash or allow sites to run flash(ask first) so i can't start the game.
I don't know if it was a new update or something but i can't find the option to just allow chrome to use flash without asking.
i also ran into this problem and just downloaded a standalone flash player i would link it but i dont got 3 post. Its on the blogspot tho under frequently asked stuff
Could have sworn I included a flash player in the folder I had put the game into in the download... Huh, i could be mistaken though.


Feb 2, 2017
Could have sworn I included a flash player in the folder I had put the game into in the download... Huh, i could be mistaken though.
Yes you did.
I always used browser for swf. so i ignored it and later realised what it was.
4.70 star(s) 9 Votes